Why didn't Hitler declare war on Japan after Pearl Harbour to strenght"te war of the wite race against the yellow danger"?Something you could expeckt from an archeracist:|. Advantages:the USA:reinforcement of the "Japan first"(maybe "Japan only") lobby in their battle against the Rooseveltadministration,with his policy(already before Pearl Harbour) of "Germany first". The UK:no or less aid from the USA ,reinforcement of the Chamberlainites and of the imperialist (whose aim was:first the defense of the empire) Btw:why not declare the Mediterranean hostilityfree,so that the UK could reinforce her troops "east of Suez"? the USSR:no Lend-Lease(I know:it wasn't decisive but all helps),Stalin feeling betrayed by his allies and the Grand Alliance exploding . It was worth while .