^ Confession time

Yes I am. LOL And paraskevidekatriaphobia is fear of Friday the 13th. LOL Now you know. ;)

What are you afraid of?
That I do.

Can you believe the stores already have Christmas displays up? Its not even Halloween yet!!!!!
Hey! I'm not going bag-snatching!!! I have my own! It has Scooby on it and its bigger than all of my nieces and nephews bags. BWAHAHAHAHA...I mean...I wouldn't take candy from the kiddies. Because that's not a very nice thing to do...And I'm a very nice person. Sometimes. When you pay me to be...:firedevi:

Oh and no I'm not wearing a costume if I ever go to basic which I won't because I can't. But I'm not bitter or anything...Nope. Not me.

Did you know that the Mayflower was also a slave ship? Bizarre the things you learn when you eavesdrop on, er talk to, the people at the desk next to yours...