Beach artillery - Invisible cannons


Active member
Does anyone have any information on these? I saw them on a history channel program ( modern marvels ? ) it intrigued me, does anyone have any pictures of these?
Never heard of that....

Could you please specify some more what guns you are talking about??
He is talking about the early shore batteries that would retract behind a parapit after firing. Don't know much about them, but mainly used to defend ports from my understanding.
Yeah, lil hulk was right on the ball. They used their power the recoil themselves back into their little bunker, it was cool footage... I was just wondering if anyone knew anything about them or had pics :P
yes i believe he is talking about the 10 to 14 inch disappearing rifles that were placed at the entrances to harbours (really intriguging: guess they didn't think the enemy would land anywhere else).

here is one site that deals with pre-dreadnought coastal fortss and weapons, world wide, with links to everything coastal.

Hey, I just happen to have a picture of one tight here:
