I must say after a couple hours with it I've pretty much lost all hope for the single player. If it were fun I could see myself putting in the effort to overcome the insane difficulty but I'm just not enjoying trudging through the woods for 10 minutes between engagements at all. I could hike in real life if I wanted that. I also find the fact that you can be shot from any direction at any moment a lot more stressful than thrilling, considering everything you'll have to do over if you die. I'm also not interested in command in the least, I just want to get out there and shoot some fools.
Killing my fellow players online is the whole reason I wanted ArmA anyways, hopefully that is a bit faster paced (and less focused on planning).
Kind of disappointed in myself though, I always thought realistic shooters were the best, but now I realize there is such a thing as too much. Raven Shield, Red Orchestra, and Hostile Intent are in the sweet spot for me - nothing but combat, you don't have to worry about getting to the fight.