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A Can of Man

Je suis aware
In the heat of all the anti-Americanism, I found this picture.


That man is a RoK (Republic of Korea) Marine, and Marines remember whose side their on.
good pict

Since you are Korean, you can give us a first hand account of the anti american view in South Korea. How bad is the anti american sediment there?
Doody said:
good pict

Since you are Korean, you can give us a first hand account of the anti american view in South Korea. How bad is the anti american sediment there?

It's critical.
There was a compound just a few blocks from here that had Americans living in them. It's completely empty now because they moved. They moved because it was no longer deemed safe to live there because of all the rocks that came flying in.
The vast majority of the Anti-Americanism is coming from the young folks, people of my age bracket. And you know how my age group can be! The funny thing is, their anti-Americanism holds no real realistic objective for the country as a whole. Nor does it explain their fondness of North Korea. They try to explain that they're in support of North Korean people but are against Kim Jong-il, but I've seen them go against that explanation a few times.
I said in another post that an ideology starts to become dangerous when it becomes a "fad." Ideologies are also like clothes. They come in fashion and if you get it right, it'll get you laid faster than a speeding bullet. After a while they go out of fashion, then it comes back as being "retro." The reason it becomes dangerous is that it can cause irreversable damages while in fashion and people will back it unthinkingly... which is dangerous when you are dealing with radically new ideas or... even more critically, ideas that have consistently failed in the past.
In South Korea there is too much pride. Having pride is important but having too much of it will kill you.
Koreans in general also have a very narrow view of the world. Speaking not only just one language, but a very limiting language (just where on earth is Korean going to get you anywhere except Korea?) so in terms of worldliness, they're usually really crap. I've heard many times from foreigners who have used hand gestures to get by in several countries, that hang gestures, pointing etc. just doesn't get through here. And these idiots are making conclusions about America?
Sure, I had a pretty crappy time in the US, but that was my own personal thing. In fact, my time in America led to a lot of personal loss, but you know what? That has NOTHING to do with the issue at hand! GRRR. Idiots! Disloyal bastards too. Friendship between countries is something hard to maintain and are incredibly valuable because it gives you the advantage in deals simply because of the trust factor.
I can go all day. Basically there is nothing to gain and everything to lose in this senseless anti-Americanism that's swept the country.

But anyways as that picture shows, it's not everyone.