Yes! Battlefield 2 Demo, ready for download.. :)

so very much better than the other Battlefields....

also many multiplayer server onnline ...even just for the time limited demo!

be on the look out for GhostOfGallipoli!~
Playing on the USA team is most acceptable however playing on the MEC team is rather more interesting in the demo because it brings the player to experience a whole new team in the FPS genre. I'm looking forward for the Chinese Team as well.
Sadly my geforce 4 card cant support the damn game. I tried it on my bros comp and damn its beautiful. Its a must have game, but i need a new PC.

I like being the arabs, using T-90's and all them russian weapons. The Chinese will also be interesting as well. I wonder though, will their winning theme be communist music or traditional? The US get their anthem when they win and them some southern music when they lose. As for the Arab coalition, have a guess. :)
my flatmate and i have been practicing in two seat aircraft (flanker bomber & heli gunships) and it rocks! esp over voice chat so you can co ordinate your actions.