sven hassell said:
Was it the Kola peninsular?

It was a place there (West of Myrmansk, by river Zapadnaya Litsa) where the Soviets have been able to keep the Germans on the border!
Even the border posts have been still in place.

Obviously, the terrain was not very easy for blitkrieg either

Sven, your turn now!
I PMed Sven with the following message.
Hello Sven. You have correctly answered the skill-testing question in the WW 2 quiz, and you have won the dubious honour of asking the next one. If you don't, look out because someone will think of you and call you nasty names from behind their keyboard, and I will ask the next question in your place. As we in Military Quotes are sure that you would definitely want to avoid this nightmarish scenario, it would be to your great advantage to ask the next question. We're waaaating.......


It's a dirty job, but someone has to keep all youse guys in line!!!!
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Sorry guys and girls!:bang: Haven't checked the quiz.
Here we go.Another Eastern front question:
Complete the second of the OKW special orders for dealing with partisans.
1.Untill further notice the military courts and the courts-martial will not be competent for crimes commited by enemy civillians.
2.Guerrillas will be....(complete as close as possible)

I'll be dissapointed if Doppleganger doesn't know this.
Answer is Exhibit USA 554 of War crimes trial, which was an order by Hitler, dated 13th May, 1941 signed by Keitel.

1. Until further notice the military courts and the courts martial will not be competent for crimes committed by enemy civilians.
2. Guerrillas should be disposed of ruthlessly by the military, whether they are fighting or in flight.
3. Likewise all other attacks by enemy civilians on the Armed Forces its members and employees, are to be suppressed at once by the military, using the most extreme methods, until the assailants are destroyed.
4. Where such measures have been neglected or were not at first possible, persons suspected of criminal action will be brought at once before an officer. This officer will decide whether they are to be shot.
On the orders of an officer with the powers of, at least, a Battalion Commander, collective drastic measures will be taken without delay against localities from which cunning or malicious attacks are made on the Armed Forces, if circumstances do not permit of a quick identification of individual offenders.
5. It is expressly forbidden to keep suspects in custody in order to hand them over to the courts after the reinstatement of civil courts.
6. The Commanders-in-Chief of the Army Groups may, by agreement with the competent Naval and Air Force Commanders, reintroduce military jurisdiction for civilians, in areas which are sufficiently pacified. For the area of the Political Administration this order will be given by the Chief of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces.

II. Treatment of offence committed against inhabitants by members of the Wehrmacht and its employees.
1. With regard to offences committed against enemy civilians by members of the Wehrmacht and its employees, prosecution is not obligatory, even where the act is at the same time a military crime or offence.
2. When judging such offences, it must be borne in mind, whatever the circumstances, that the collapse of Germany in 1918, the subsequent sufferings of the German people and the fight against National Socialism which cost the blood of innumerable supporters of the movement, were caused primarily by Bolshevik influence and that no German has forgotten this fact.
3. Therefore, the judicial authority will decide in such cases whether disciplinary action is indicated, or whether legal proceedings are necessary. In the case of offences against inhabitants it will order a court martial only if maintenance of discipline or security of the forces call for such a measure. This applies, for instance, to serious offences originating in lack of self-control in sexual matters, or in a criminal disposition, and to those offences which indicate that the troops are threatening to get out of hand. Offences which have resulted in senseless destruction of billets or supplies or other captured material, to the disadvantage of our forces, should as a rule be judged no less severely.
The order to institute proceedings requires in every single case the signature of the judicial authority. 4. Extreme caution is indicated in assessing the credibility of statements made by enemy civilians.

III. Responsibility of Military Commanders within their sphere of competence: Military Commanders are personally responsible for seeing that:
1. Every commissioned officer of the units under their command is instructed promptly and in the most emphatic manner on principles set out under (1) above.
2. Their legal advisers are notified promptly of these instructions and of verbal information in which the political intentions of the High Command were explained to Commanders-in-Chief. 3. Only those court sentences are confirmed which are in accordance with the political intentions of the High Command.
IV. Security.

Once the camouflage is lifted, this decree will be treated as 'Most Secret.

"By order "Chief of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces
" (signed) Keitel" (C-50)
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Which russian agent reported to the USSR on 29 December 1940 about Germany?
What did the agent report?
The spy was Richard Sorge and he reported Operation Barborossa to Stalin. Stalin did not believe him, and the following disaster was all his fault.


Dean said:
The spy was Richard Sorge and he reported Operation Barborossa to Stalin. Stalin did not believe him, and the following disaster was all his fault.



1, Wrong spy.
2, Wrong, the spy was more specific.


phew, had me worried when I noticed someone had posted a answer so quickly. Thought I set a tough question.
Reiben said:
Which russian agent reported to the USSR on 29 December 1940 about Germany?
What did the agent report?

Ilze Shtege has reported to Moscow the content of the Hitler's Directive #21(plan Barbarossa)
boris116 said:
Ilze Shtege has reported to Moscow the content of the Hitler's Directive #21(plan Barbarossa)

No to both answers. Clue to second part is that it was some very specific information regarding the attack, not the plan to attack
Are you referring to Arne Beurling, who gave Stalin the exact date of that Barbarossa began? He was Swedish, though...


Edit: The more I ead about this, the more fantastic it becomes. Winston Churchhill also sent a message to Stalin telling him that the Germans were moving 4 more divisions east. He sent it via Vyacheslav M. Molotov, who never told Stalin who his source was. But the best one was this, and I think this is what you're looking for:

Rudolf Roessler, a German émigré and Russian spy who operated a book store in Lucerne, Switzerland. Roessler and his associates not only transmitted to Stalin the entire German battle plan but also spelled out the number of panzer groups that would be involved and the names of the officers from the most senior ones down to corps commanders.

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Dean said:
Are you referring to Arne Beurling, who gave Stalin the exact date of that Barbarossa began? He was Swedish, though...


Close. Not that right spy. The spy gave a date but what was it?
Reiben said:
Close. Not that right spy. The spy gave a date but what was it?

I believe, there were more than one person reported on this to Moscow...

Looking into the Russian sources, I have found that the Soviet military attache in Berlin Major General V. I. Tupikov has reported on December 29 1940 the date of the German invasion - March 1941
boris116 said:
I believe, there were more than one person reported on this to Moscow...

Looking into the Russian sources, I have found that the Soviet military attache in Berlin Major General V. I. Tupikov has reported on December 29 1940 the date of the German invasion - March 1941

Correct on the date!

But the name of the agent?