WW1 balkan front


Active member
How come not alaot people (civilan) in west doesent knows about balkan front in WW1. Despite that thats where the war started? Where first victories for Alies where achived ? Where french pilot achived first dogfight air
viktories? And where Greeks evacueted Dardanele efter Austrelians and British
got litle bog down. Is it beacause its not populiyzed in movies, or is it
beacause schools dont teach that much history. O i almost forgot where first modern counter
atack was achive at brink of defet by serbian forces at Kolubara?
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As a member of an ANZAC country I can assure you that we are well versed in the Dardanelles campaigns.

As far as the rest of the Balkans campaign goes I think it is not well known in the West because the West took little part in it, for example most New Zealand and Australian troops served in France, Middle East and Galipoli and these are the areas and battles we learn at school and form the main part of our military history.
the war on the western front was too immediate and shocking to the British and French psyche for there ever to be much balance to the retelling of the war- but in truth it is just such a large war that it simply can't be covered in that sort of detail in a history class. there have been a few good books on the various fronts outside the western front written in French and English; but popular history is going to focus on where most of the men were and where most of them died. the British Army at Salonika was smaller than the British forces in Italy.

I just akcpected that to be comon knowledge, like in american revolution batle at Valey Forge, Denwer crosing or capture of Philadelphia.Or british civil war who are the sides involved. Or btles at giblatar or whaterloo. Thing is those are not small events they are turning points, exepct dogfight thing. But I didnt know how big your kolikirum or time constrents are on your program so i asked why?. Anywhey its kombination of psyhological and fizikal impacts.
time konstrents in school and not lernig leter in life. So thank you for answers. I undersend neow.
public schools just teach the highlights of Wars. Even many who are knowledgable on WWII are unaware of the amazing victorys of Gen. George Kenny & the 5th Air Force in New Guinea. Kids learn of the assasination of Franz Ferdinand & then get a dose of the terror of Trench Warfare on the western Front & its strong anti-war messge.
Public schools suck, i know 99% of everything i do from personal research about wars. I remember we had a quarter chapter dedicated to the period, all but one page of this was about the league of nations.

Government cant run a school to save their lives.

I know a bit about the events in the Balkans ( no no means as much as id like to know) but i think the main reason for this is the war in the West affected the West much more. I'm sure anyone from the Balkans would know as much about the events on the Western front as a Frenchman, or Englishman- but in turn a Frenchman or Englishmen wouldn't know as much about the events in the Balkans as a native to the area would.
Public schools suck, i know 99% of everything i do from personal research about wars. I remember we had a quarter chapter dedicated to the period, all but one page of this was about the league of nations.

I'll agree to that!

As to what your saying about people not knowing about, it's one of those cases in Britain where if you were to mention it we would recognise it but know little on it.
Public schools suck, i know 99% of everything i do from personal research about wars. I remember we had a quarter chapter dedicated to the period, all but one page of this was about the league of nations.

Same here, I have learnt absolutely nothing of 20th century warfare, except that "Germans bad, Aussies good".