Would this annoy you??


New Member
Hey folks. I don't know about you but I took my federal service pretty seriously. I had a guy at my church ask me what branch I was in. I told him Navy. He replied "Oh, that's not the military." To top it off, the guy is a local cop which I have the uttmost respect for police officers. His reply annoyed me a bit. Would that bother you?
Sounds like a smart-ass comment. Certainly would annoy me - just as a matter of interest, here we have always respected our navy as the senior service . Mytman, respect to your military service!

It would annoy the hell out of me. I've got a whole load of respect for the navy..... Senior service and all that.
If the Navy isn't military then WTF is it ?? Oh sorry ,yes it would annoy me.. :box: :box:

The official Taxi Service of the U.S. Marine Corps :drill:.

I wouldn't get my skivvies in a bunch over it. He was probably in a different service and was cuttin the dozens or at least trying to. However you becoming annoyed and not responding kinda put a damper on that.

Not everyone you meet will be supportive of your service. It's for you to be proud of even if you were a sailor (joking don't become annoyed.):angel: maybe

who knows