World's shortest psychiatric joke


Active member
A man walks into a psychiatrist's office......wearing only underwear made of Saran Wrap.

The psychiatrist says, ‘Well, I can clearly see your nuts.”
A man walks into a psychiatrist's office......wearing only underwear made of Saran Wrap.

The psychiatrist says, ‘Well, I can clearly see your nuts.”

The man snaps back - "I was in the waiting room two hours! You have too many balls in the air!"

The shrink - "You were uncomfortable?"

The man - "I didn't mind the young ladies staring, but your receptionist is out of my league!"

The shrink - "Too old for you?"

The man - "Her floppy boobs, one painted green and the other yellow, were revolting!"

The shrink - "You dislike mixed colors?"

The man - "No, for example, your bozo wig, purple wizard's gown, and blue fingernails do not clash. But I find older women unattractive."

The shrink - Writes down and underscores "Misogynistic tendencies, suspected ageism". Says "See me in four weeks."

End Extended Session

Lonnie Courtney Clay