Women in the pre-Y2K Bundeswehr

As many of you may know, women are allowed into all parts of the military, as long as they meet the same requirements that men are required to meet since the year 2000. Before that, women were only allowed to be in Medical or the Musical Corps.

Until the year 2000, an article about women in the German Constitution said: They must not under any circumstance serve "with the weapon". The way I'd interpret this article would mean that female Medics were not allowed to use weapons.

However, I vaguely remember an interview of a female Medic who said that she'd use lethal force (with her sidearm) if her safety and that of her patients required it. I'm pretty sure this was before the year 2000.

Can anybody clear this up for me and tell me whether female medics were allowed to use guns before 2000?