Who will be the next supremacy?


New Member
As every empire has its falling day,I do have no doubt that the supermacy of USA will end one day.But who will take its position?

EU? I doubt whether they have the volition to be a super power.Also the conflicts between EU will be a great obstacle.

Russia?Maybe,highly educated people,abundant resouce,experience as a super power,plus a leader with iron will, they may be the one.

India & China? They have to resolve so many domestic problems.Their road to the future is full of challenge and uncertainness.

America+Canada+Mexico: Yes.they are the one with most possiblity.

Maybe their will be no super power in the future.
I think the end will come within the United States itself. Usually when major powers fall, it is a fall from the inside. It has to do with social factors. Eventually when the inside rots away, that's when it falls.

But yeah who knows there may be no true super power... it could end up like the 1984 (book by George Orwell) situation where you have multiple powers fighting here and there... never engaging in conflict that can actually bring the fall of one another.
i dont think a "single country" will have supremacy in the future. basically anyone with eneugh nukes will share supremacy, thats if we talking militarily.

china is a economic superpower, but i think it will be a greater economic superpower in the future. At this point china creates other peoples intellectual property for many items, maybe in the future they will pass that on to another country, and build their own new technology.

I think irish and scottish should rule usa.............................every one woul dbe happy.............relaxed and they'd make public scottish bank holidays when eveer.................just to have time off n get drunk :roll:
I think the EU, Canada, Mexico, Japan, and Russia should unite with the US to rule the world with an Irish president and Scottish defense minister. Once that happened, China would immediately invade India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Taiwan, and Korea. China would revert to isolationism because they'd all be able to sleep at night with that nice security balnket/buffer zone. :roll:
I think irish and scottish should rule usa.............................every one woul dbe happy.............relaxed and they'd make public scottish bank holidays when eveer.................just to have time off n get drunk

When a countries falls it's because the gap between the rich and the poor becomes too great. Which is why it is so important to keep the middle class happy. The more middle class there is the bigger the buffer between rich and poor and there is a smaller chance of an uprising by the poor. If you were to look at the social structure of the US at the moment, you will see that the middle class is actually becoming richer and the poor is becoming poorer. So it's safe to say it won't be long before the US collapses, unless something is done to keep those lower income brackets happy.
the_13th_redneck said:
I think the end will come within the United States itself. Usually when major powers fall, it is a fall from the inside. It has to do with social factors. Eventually when the inside rots away, that's when it falls.

But yeah who knows there may be no true super power... it could end up like the 1984 (book by George Orwell) situation where you have multiple powers fighting here and there... never engaging in conflict that can actually bring the fall of one another.

Actually the "social factors" of America are disentegrating and degrading since the 1980's where America's industrial might is becoming weak, infanstructure is collapsing in several areas, incredibly slow economic growth, and terrorism. I know there is several more domestic problems in America, but it seems that the Administration lacks interest of assisting greatly to solve these issues.

Actually the "social factors" of America are disentegrating and degrading since the 1980's where America's industrial might is becoming weak, infanstructure is collapsing in several areas, incredibly slow economic growth, and terrorism. I know there is several more domestic problems in America, but it seems that the Administration lacks interest of assisting greatly to solve these issues.

All that and not to forget the Debt 7,569,240,578,619.04 $ ......And the interest on that Debt is ticking every second :D..........Most of this money USA Ows to China , Japan, Saudi Arabia and Europe.............And this year's budget includes a $520 Billion deficit..............If not handeled properly............that could be a Become Serious Economic problem

rocco said:
i dont think a "single country" will have supremacy in the future. basically anyone with eneugh nukes will share supremacy, thats if we talking militarily..

I agree with sharing of supremacy.

More I would say: in 2050, world is divided by a couple of big power centers:

USA dominated N/S.America's.
Russia dominates Russia.
EU dominates Europe
China dominates E/S.Asia

All the above "share" M.East and Africa.

By note: sorry no offence to M.East, if Arabs cannot get united, then they will stay weak in world power games.
FlyingFrog said:
rocco said:
i dont think a "single country" will have supremacy in the future. basically anyone with eneugh nukes will share supremacy, thats if we talking militarily..

I agree with sharing of supremacy.

More I would say: in 2050, world is divided by a couple of big power centers:

USA dominated N/S.America's.
Russia dominates Russia.
EU dominates Europe
China dominates E/S.Asia

All the above "share" M.East and Africa.

By note: sorry no offence to M.East, if Arabs cannot get united, then they will stay weak in world power games.
Hey I like this make up the future game. Let me try.
In the year 2510 I think Mongolia will rise up and overthrow the Chinese invaders and unite with Nepal, Burkina Faso, Tibet, and Taiwan. A Bill Gates' descendant will have all the money on earth and he'll hire the Sultan of Brunei as a chauffeur. The Inuit people will unite with the Norse and will have the greatest naval power. The US will be divided among the native people. Israel will invent a way to melt glaciers to transform the desert into the bigest food producing region on the planet. Africa will be transformed into a giant game preserve and the Gates family will pay billions to have the old Sultan drive them around to see the wildlife.
In Europe the Celts will once again rule Scotland. The Greeks will find ancient source of power of Atlantis and Europe will rise to the level of the great Atlantean culture. Australia will rule the entire Southern hemisphere and it will produce most of the beer for the earth's people. The U.N. will be replaced by the Irish. They will keep the peace on the planet with mandatory music and parties.
India will discover a new source of energy conversion will use a trash to energy conversion system which will supply Asia with endless energy. Russia will control the weather on earth supplying water and sunshine where needed or wanted.
The one fly in the ointment will be that Disney will control all the non peacekeeping entertainment for the planet. Well, no world is perfect.
Whew that was fun, thanks for letting me play :)
Dread Mogus said:
FlyingFrog said:
rocco said:
i dont think a "single country" will have supremacy in the future. basically anyone with eneugh nukes will share supremacy, thats if we talking militarily..

I agree with sharing of supremacy.

More I would say: in 2050, world is divided by a couple of big power centers:

USA dominated N/S.America's.
Russia dominates Russia.
EU dominates Europe
China dominates E/S.Asia

All the above "share" M.East and Africa.

By note: sorry no offence to M.East, if Arabs cannot get united, then they will stay weak in world power games.
Hey I like this make up the future game. Let me try.
In the year 2510 I think Mongolia will rise up and overthrow the Chinese invaders and unite with Nepal, Burkina Faso, Tibet, and Taiwan. A Bill Gates' descendant will have all the money on earth and he'll hire the Sultan of Brunei as a chauffeur. The Inuit people will unite with the Norse and will have the greatest naval power. The US will be divided among the native people. Israel will invent a way to melt glaciers to transform the desert into the bigest food producing region on the planet. Africa will be transformed into a giant game preserve and the Gates family will pay billions to have the old Sultan drive them around to see the wildlife.
In Europe the Celts will once again rule Scotland. The Greeks will find ancient source of power of Atlantis and Europe will rise to the level of the great Atlantean culture. Australia will rule the entire Southern hemisphere and it will produce most of the beer for the earth's people. The U.N. will be replaced by the Irish. They will keep the peace on the planet with mandatory music and parties.
India will discover a new source of energy conversion will use a trash to energy conversion system which will supply Asia with endless energy. Russia will control the weather on earth supplying water and sunshine where needed or wanted.
The one fly in the ointment will be that Disney will control all the non peacekeeping entertainment for the planet. Well, no world is perfect.
Whew that was fun, thanks for letting me play :)

I mostly agree but I think the Spartans are going to be the world police. :)
Dread Mogus said:
I think the EU, Canada, Mexico, Japan, and Russia should unite with the US to rule the world with an Irish president and Scottish defense minister. Once that happened, China would immediately invade India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Taiwan, and Korea. China would revert to isolationism because they'd all be able to sleep at night with that nice security balnket/buffer zone. :roll:

Nice buffer, they would destroy their army trying to do that.

India and Pakistan? They could fight China to a stand still and they have nukes too and I doubt either one would mind nuking China if they are on the defensive.
In reality I really do not see the US falling anytime soon. I see other countries standing by us and leading, India and China for instance. The reason I do not see this is that civilazations usually spend a good 500 to 1000 years rotating in and out of the top spot. Russia is gonna come back soon, probably in a few decades IMO. Besides, if you look at our history, you see that when it looks like we are at our worst we pull up. We already had our HUGE crash (1929 to 1936 or 37), in those years we turned from an industrial super power to a third world country. I do not see us cashing in the chips just yet. I also think it could be possible that Germany and Japan could be making a serious comeback (Not to do wrong though). The US economy is changing, in a few years (I give it 8 to 12) everything will be alright and things will be just peachy again. One day we will rotate to a lower spot, but we will come back again. That is just the way the cycle goes. I say the big candidates for coming world power are China and India with Germany, Russia, and Japan a little farther down the line.
Actually there are some signs of cracks forming in terms of the US's power. These are usually social, and though more subtle, it is in the end, failing in this area that leads to a downfall.
However we'll just see if it's just a thing of the moment or if it really is a sign of what's to come.
As far as China's dominance of SE Asia -- they need to break some very self-destructive trend. The greatest of these is their tendency to threaten certain other countries (Japan) and non-countries (Taiwan). There is a certain degree of the same behavior directed at ALL of their neighbors. So long as China continues to behave that way, they will only alienate themselves with other nations in the region. Insofar as they can and have curbed such tendencies, it has and will always pay off for them.

China can make itself central to SE Asia, or it can make itself into the terrifying juggernaut that everybody else forges alliances to defend against. Being the more friendly, more central nation -- that's truly the more powerful choice.

I think China is figuring this out, but not at all with regards to Taiwan or Japan. We'll see how it goes of course.

Yes the USA is going to decline, but not in any big hurry.
lol 2510? israel has already turned the desert into a blooming food producer... they grow all kinds of stuff in the desert.
I'd call the "fall of the US" wishful thinking on the part of the Asian posters here. You wanna talk about "cracks"? Just look at Tiennamon Square if your county's thought police haven't already erased it from existence. Freedom may lapse but it will never die. The only time that the US will cease to be is when liberty has come to all peoples throughout the world and there is a world government precluding the need for national governments. In otherwords, not anytime soon.