Who will be the next supremacy?

Charge_7 said:
I'd call the "fall of the US" wishful thinking on the part of the Asian posters here. You wanna talk about "cracks"? Just look at Tiennamon Square if your county's thought police haven't already erased it from existence.
Probably, they have. PRC figures say Tianamen Square killed 200-300. The Chinese Red Cross gave a figure of 2,600. That discrepancy alone demonstrates to me that the PRC is being less than forthcoming with the facts. I've no idea how accurate the Chinese Red Cross is either. BTW, they say that the protesters struck first, which is certainly possible. We have too many contradictory accounts of Tianemen Square. What can be believed?

Freedom may lapse but it will never die. The only time that the US will cease to be is when liberty has come to all peoples throughout the world and there is a world government precluding the need for national governments. In otherwords, not anytime soon.
Thats a somewhat dogmatic statement and there's a good bit of wishful thinking in there. A World Government may one day happen, but there's no guarantee that it's going to be a democratic one.

The USA is not exactly declining, nor will it truly decline anytime soon. The reality is, the rest of the world is catching up, and its only a matter of time before the USA is second best in many, many categories.

The interesting fact is that the USA is unlikely to decline to being less than second or third. Third highest population, abundant natural resources and one very sweet geographical location. We're not really open to outside invasion. Every one of the Nations that are rising -- China, India, Japan, Germany ... they all have potentially dangerous neighbors. The USA does not.