

Forum Barbecuer
I saw a great movie last night - Villmark (the wilderness), the Norwegian answer for The Blair Witch project. Some people travel to a remote cabin in the woods where they intend to stay for the weekend. They find this old tape recorder in a closet where a single message is repeatet "I saw the forrest, do not go to the water".

These people begin to explore the surroundings and end up at the water mentioned on the tape, where they find a desertet camp site and a tent, with some accessories scattered. By accident they come across a rope going into the water - and soon after they pull up a dead body.

From here the darkness and the unexplained fear of the woods at night comes to a real intermezzo. This movie is perhaps for the Scandinavian audience only but if you come across it consider watching it - people with NBC masks in the woods at night is really scary (and scared the :cen: out of me) :hide: