Where is the Military


Active member
I was wondering if anyone had the Location of the military divisions and how many tanks/aircraft and alll of that is in each division, the reason is me and some friends are working on an rpg where each american state, and canadian providence is thier own nation, now we have to find the tanks and aircraft because we found the location of the personell and ships, the problem is the closes we can get to the army and aircraft are the divisions, I know thier has to be somewhere where the numbers are listed. After all I know a ton of sites that have the american army listed .....anyway any help would be appreciated
I have been thier, They give the numbers of how many units thier are total, and divisions and divisions locations, but they do not give out how many units are in each division.
Also I forgot, I no longer need this I found it on a couple of websites. I got the info i need for my rpg. Thanks though
And I suspect that you believe those numbers, right? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nope, I just realy got tired of looking and so did the other 3 people who were doing it with me, so we did it the American way...we flipped a coin.