When Someone Just Doesn't Get It...


Forum Health Inspector
THE MARINE gunnery sergeant at Naval officers basic training, Newport, R.I., told us to remember three cardinal rules: First, never use the word I. Second, refrain from using the word you. Finally, we were never to thank him, because he was just doing his job. Violations would merit 50, 75 or 100 push-ups, respectively. We followed these rules until one flustered candidate goofed and called Gunny "you."

"Oops," he immediately cried out. "I owe you 75 push-ups." Realizing he'd just compounded his error, he exclaimed, "Now I owe you 200 push-ups!" This routine continued until the man had racked up 450 push-ups - when the disgusted Marine sergeant dismissed him. "Thank you, Gunny," replied the relieved candidate, as he left the room.

--Contributed to "Humor In Uniform" by Lt. Michael Berkin

Provided Courtesy of Reader's Digest.
Yeah, sometimes the rules are their on purpose because they know it's hard not to error at least once, no matter how hard you try.