What Tank Has the Best Fire Control System?

its not a real peace... egypt is still a haven for terrorism, still building up arms and its even been kind eneugh to air the new version of the protocols of the elders of zion... but i guess this isnt hardware related and i dont wanna be responsible for the closure of this thread :)...
I'm not douting that you guys know you stuff but have any of you seen a M1A2 SEP in action.

The on board FCS is State-of-the-art.

I'm the son of a M1A1 Tank Commander.

It not a matter of who gets the first round off it who has first round surviablity. The M1A2 Abrams SEP (System Enhancment Package)

The Abrams tank closes with and destroys enemy forces on the integrated battlefield using mobility, firepower, and shock effect. There are three variants in service: M1, M1A1 and M1A2. The 120mm main gun on the M1A1 and M1A2, combined with the powerful 1,500 hp turbine engine and special armor, make the Abrams tank particularly suitable for attacking or defending against large concentrations of heavy armor forces on a highly lethal battlefield.

Features of the M1A1 modernization program include increased armor protection; suspension improvements; and a nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) protection system that increases survivability in a contaminated environment. The M1A1D modification consists of an M1A1 with integrated appliqué computer and a far-target-designation capability.

The M1A2 modernization program includes a commander's independent thermal viewer, an improved commander's weapon station, position navigation equipment, a distributed data and power architecture, an embedded diagnostic system and improved fire control systems.

The M1A2 System Enhancement Program (SEP) adds second-generation thermal sensors and a thermal management system. The SEP includes upgrades to processors/memory that enable the M1A2 to use The Army's common command and control software, enabling the rapid transfer of digital situational data and overlays
The M1A2SEP's FCS is state of the art, as is the Challenger's, Leopard's, Leclerc's, Merkava's, and Ariete's. Russian, Chinese, and other tanks don't have as good a FCS as the latest western tanks.
This is a good site to look at fire control sytems take your time to look, Russian T-80's and T-90's both have somthing similar to the Merkavas new thingy... ya, um they can hit targets on the move and low-flying targets (helicopters) there are plenty of others to look at, i just said those because no one was mentioning eastern tanks...
The fact that the T-80 and T-90 can hit low flying helicopters with guided missiles is not that impressive. It is said the Abrams can hit helos with conventional shells while the Merkava has done it.
I think it would be wise to consider the development of a more specialized anit-"helicopter and everything else in the air" system into MBT's. The better that a MBT can respond all potential threats to it is a better recipe for success. Hitting a helicopter with your main gun is impressive, but a Bradley Linbacker can kill air units much efficiently.