What do you smell right now?

I smell dung... and it aint horses either... *retch*

Sorry but I haven't had a shower in about two weeks and the nylon pair of boxer shorts I'm wearing is soon classified biohazard :peace:

Fresh coffee (the only thing I smell these days...)
Alright SunB... step away from the keyboard, no sudden movements, keep your hands where we can see them... this is an intervention... you have obviously lost your mind.

I smell my gym shorts... *gasping for air*
ha ha I love chocolate but it's by no means better than sex....I can't believe a MAN agreed with that....

I smell breakfast...mmmm
Alright SunB... step away from the keyboard, no sudden movements, keep your hands where we can see them... this is an intervention... you have obviously lost your mind.

I like it in here, the walls are white and the clinical smell calms me... Hey even the walls are soft...

A Straight-in-the-cup-meal and chicken nuggets.
I smell Snus, first one to find out what that is wins a grand price.

Lets see who´s got the strongest googlefuu..