What did the 5-day Russia/Georgia war teach us about warfare?


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That maybe air dominance and armor superiority is still decisive? Just for starters. :confused:

What are your thoughts?
That maybe air dominance and armor superiority is still decisive? Just for starters. :confused:

What are your thoughts?

Umm air superiority has been a must since 1916 I seriously hope nations are not seeing this as something new.

How about this for a lesson:
If you are a tiny country don't piss a giant one off enough to attack you and then expect everyone else to come to your aid.
I have been saying this for over 15 years, North Korea is a puppet state of Communist Red China, North Keorea does all China's dirty work selling weapons to countrys that stand up against the USA things like that, China loves that MFN and would not dare screw that up still they want to make things difficult for us so they do things through the little puppet state NK
Might as well hand over North Korea to the Chinese and South Korea to the Japanese then.

Handing over North Korea to the Chinese may actually make the world a better place or at least it would remove one crazy SOB from power and what on earth makes you think that Japan is "Rottweiler" at best they may rate as Shar pei these days.

In terms of agression the world only has three Rottweilers and they are Russia, China and the USA and I would suggest that in 15-20 years two of those will be downgraded to Terriers when the two genuine Superpowers take over (China and India as they will have both massive population and the economy).
North Korea doesn't quite belong to the Chinese. They have more differences than most people are aware of. As for enforcement of their waters etc., North Korea doesn't have much power but as for being a total puppet of the Chinese, it's not exactly at that level yet.
Japan isn't quite the rotweiller when it comes to their approach but they are a hostile force nonetheless. No one realizes it because they're capable of sticking a knife if your gut served with a smile and a well choreographed apology.
Their current ass-kissing of the West is their current strategy to become friendlier with the West so they can get away with whatever the heck they want in this side of the world.
Their current ass-kissing of the West is their current strategy to become friendlier with the West so they can get away with whatever the heck they want in this side of the world.
I've always wondered. Why isn't there a Korean-Japanese alliance against Russia? I believe they've got a lot of [unused] land in eastern Siberia. Or are the Chinese already first in the line? :)
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a Korea-Japanese alliance will probably materialize against an active aggression by the Chinese and nothing less.
The Russians like to stay out of peoples affairs on this side of the world. Their only port that doesn't ice up at all times of the year is over here (Vladivostok) and they like to keep the area low profile.
This was the first war in which cyber attacks were the first wave. The Soviets attacked the entire Georgian defense computer network and disabled the radar system. In every other war in which strikes were made, Aircraft went in first.

Cyber Warfare is here to stay. What sucks is that the Pentagon is thinking of shutting downs the USAF's Cyber Warfare Group because they don't see a need for it.... Gee. If you can hack into a nation's systems you can cause havok. Radar, power, traffic, communications, etc.... That's what the Soviets did to Georgia.
Maybe it's because other folks are doing it for them would be my assumption 5.56, the need for military personnel to do it must have been squared away. I highly doubt the threat is not known or being dealt with sufficiently.

Lessons learned, we kissed the Soviets butts too much the past 15 or so yrs.
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