Warm but sparse welcome for the Pope in Poland

The Polish response to the Pope demonstrates the following:

(1) Nationalism is more important than religion. The designation of "German Pope" in a world of universal Catholicism is a joke.

(2) The Poles think spoken German is Nazism. The connection of the two is childish and inherently racist in a world that equates Hitler with Satan. This modern conflation of spoken German with Hitler is so beyond the pale of acceptable behaviour that I cannot find words to express my contempt. If I were Benedict, I would refuse to speak anything but German. Hey, but I ain't no Christian Pope.

(3) Poland is unfit for the EU. Why is Poland even in the EU? German is one of the three official languages of the EU. Germans also represent the largest ethnic group in the EU. Considering Poland's obvious distaste for things Germans, why are they members of the British-French-German club? Why don't the Poles move their country and change religion?

The Poles should wake up and smell the incense.