Del Boy

Active member
The savage bomb attack on the supporters of Benazir Bhutto when she returned to Pakistan surely proves, if further proof were needed, that there is a kind of 'war' on. Perhaps it is better to call it a struggle.

But once again it is clear there is not, nor need be, any war between Muslim, Christian and Jew. Nor Hindu, Buddhist and Sikh.

The struggle is between the sane and reasonable who want to live in peace and harmony and the criminally insane who want to commit daily mass murder in pursuit of a deranged dream.

So let me say again, we should treat as paranoid schizophrenics those who think they are personally instructed by God, Jehovah or Allah to slaughter thousands in HIS name.

This is not mere terrorism: this is stark raving insanity.

Frederick Forsyth 26 oct 07.
Then I guess all those Crusaders were paranoid schizophrenics.

Seriously, they're fighting for what they believe in, and people will NEVER stop doing that. Of course what they believe in is completely evil to us.
I simply don't understand members of the far right sometimes...

For all their huffing and puffing about the dangers of Islamic facism in places like Iraq and Iran they play willfully blind to places like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan which is the absolute heart of Islamic Terrorism. A recent poll I saw, 46% of the population in Pakistan supports Osama bin Laden.

Bhutto is openly pro west, believes in tolerance and has always opposed Radicalism. She would be the ideal leader. But instead we suck up to a unelected military dictator who is playing both sides (the US and the Terrorists) against each other.

Its a mad mad world.
I simply don't understand members of the far right sometimes...

For all their huffing and puffing about the dangers of Islamic facism in places like Iraq and Iran they play willfully blind to places like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan which is the absolute heart of Islamic Terrorism. A recent poll I saw, 46% of the population in Pakistan supports Osama bin Laden.

Bhutto is openly pro west, believes in tolerance and has always opposed Radicalism. She would be the ideal leader. But instead we suck up to a unelected military dictator who is playing both sides (the US and the Terrorists) against each other.

Its a mad mad world.

I believe that here it is recognised that Saudi and Pakistan are at the core. But how to deal with it? Will all the problems fade with the oil production?
I understand that in the middle east the eventual crisis will be over water supply.
And I have to say that a very high proportion of our own muslim population have similiar views to the Saudis and Pakistanis, to a lesser or larger degree, in that there is wide support for their aims, if not necessarily for their methods.

I agree re. Bhutto, but I see the president as a man stuck between a rock and a hard place, using the military to curb the Islamist threat as far as possible, and hoping to find a solution with the re-introduction of Bhutto. I cannot see him as the villain of the piece.