War on Drugs

The difference between prohibition and necessary laws are, the average drug user causes no harm to anyone except perhaps themselves. And if you get rid of this ban you will get rid of the violence associated with the industry, which is not going away and will probably get worse considering the state of the economy.
The difference between prohibition and necessary laws are, the average drug user causes no harm to anyone except perhaps themselves. And if you get rid of this ban you will get rid of the violence associated with the industry, which is not going away and will probably get worse considering the state of the economy.
Necessary laws??? If I do not wear my seatbelt in a vehicle, I risk no one but myself, but try telling that to the judge.

I dunno what planet you're living on, but here on earth drug use costs the economy millions in lost time, accidents using vehicles and machinery and other medical expenditure alone. Not counting the effects on society from the mental health effects, which leaves us with an ever growing number of "damaged goods" that need to be supported for the rest of their lives at what expense to the taxpayers.

Then of course there is the "risk taking" factor that leads otherwise "recreational" users of things like marijuana to experiment with harder drugs.

Other than that, my personal experience has shown that generally those involved in the "soft drug" scene are, more inclined to be self centred, highly unreliable and handle the truth very carelessly. Ask any non user who has to deal with them on a regular basis if I'm not 100% correct.
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Other than that, my personal experience has shown that generally those involved in the "soft drug" scene are, more inclined to be self centred, highly unreliable and handle the truth very carelessly. Ask any non user who has to deal with them on a regular basis if I'm not 100% correct.

Just from nearly daily experiance I'd say that your spot on Spike. Especially with chronic users .
I can't say anything bad about Ciggies, or beer, (I used to smoke), but I did have a problem caused by drugs once on the U.S.S Nimitz in '81. I still have really nice dreams about eh guy next to me that burned to death while we could do nothing but watch