War on the border...


Milforum Mac Daddy
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You don't just patrol the border and things will be OK. There are huge gaps there that you can't do anything about becauze it's over 1000 miles long. It really needs to be a joint US-Mexican effort to monitor the border, which as you can imagine, isn't going to be an easy thing to bring about.
WarMachine said:
You don't just patrol the border and things will be OK. There are huge gaps there that you can't do anything about becauze it's over 1000 miles long. It really needs to be a joint US-Mexican effort to monitor the border, which as you can imagine, isn't going to be an easy thing to bring about.

Forget Mexico getting involved in a solution to the illegal migrant situation. The US provides income for it's poor, while it receives benefits from the US dollars sent home to relatives and spent in Mexico. It also eases the tension caused by poverty among the lower class by exporting them to the US.

A sure-fire cure is the punishment of employers who hire illegals with prison sentences and confiscation of assets of the company. Make sure every school system requires proof of citizenship because our property taxes support the education system. If an illegal is a felon or gang member, immediately imprison them for a few years and then deport them with the understanding that a second occurance will mean a very long prison sentence.

Police pro-illegal groups who provide information for the illegal on how to go around the system in getting benefits and finding a job with counterfeit papers. Try Human traffickers as 1st degree felons and make sure their minimum sentence is no less than 15 years with full time to be served with no parole. Pass a law that all hospitals who admit someone without proof of citizenship go ahead and give required treatment but contact the INS.
All of this is a good start but not a final cut.
Those draconian measures won't be approved by any politician because of the hispanic vote which will assuredly grow in importance in the years to come.

Not to mention that you're not getting to the root of the problem which is the leaky border that is enormous in size. You have to really concentrate on that and also add laws against employing illegals. I figure a guest worker program would be fine since people can work here and go back with money as well while not having to weave around the system.

The odd thing about mexico is that the people living in the north aren't the ones who are coming to this country, it's the southerners who are very poor and will risk death to come here since there's very little alternative for their families. Mexico needs to reduce the problems of their poor and if we can help them with that, then we should.