War again...?


Active member
Things here arnt looking good.

Hammas is pushing things to another Israeli operation in Gaza Strip. Israel is holding back but if rocket fire continues we will not be able to keep ignoring it.

I cant really see this turning out good unles they stop shooting.
If I disapear for a few days it might be that I got called up for active duty again.
Sherman Edit: Really, you really thought that would go well for you? Sorry, bad luck.
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Ah, revisionist history. Looks like everyone's got one. Oh I had a great little joke lined up but it might count as insulting another member so I'll just let it slide...

Good luck and stay safe Sherman
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Dammit man...
I saw the theatrical stuff they were throwing on Al Jazeera. Unbelievable. The level of stagedness in the "hospital interview" scene was just incredible. Doctor shows up on cue out of a corner after the "reporter" shows the viewers two victims of the bombings. Says it's all last minute ad hoc, the medical equipment is good enough to put most hospitals in not so poor countries to shame, complete with celing hung curtains. Not that the curtains are technologically advanced but for ad hoc, they usually have the type that are on stands.
So the rockets are obviously launched from heavily populated areas... rooftops would be easy. Launching a rocket from a hospital roof is asking for a laser guided bomb right on your hospital. What else did they expect? You know what? Maybe the Israelis are not exploiting the press enough in terms of filming all the victims of the rocket attacks, and then pointing out that retaliation is impossible because the bastards are firing from hospital rooftops.
I wish you, your family, and the State of Israel the best of luck. You are in my prayers. May the Good Lord and my savior Jesus Christ see you through and keep safe. I know... a Catholic asking Jesus Christ to see a Jew to be watched over makes no sense. I don't care.

Please, watch you six and come back home.... kill the SOBs and bring total victory home. I can understand what is happening. That's like Mexico launching rockets into Texas and America doing nothing.

Best of luck, watch your six. And remember.... TOTAL VICTORY!
Well, in that case, happy hunting, watch your 6, and kick those Hamas' asses to learn the lessons not to mess with Israel.


With the current situation happening in Israel I know where I stand. Strange that the UN and the world is only calling for a cease fire when it's Israel defending itself and not when Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, or any other Islamic terrorist organization or state doing the firing and attacking.

I will support Israel until they achieve Total Victory over the Enemy!

Victory or Bust!
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I just hope Israel won't stop this time, to my mind it's time to strike them down- i wouldn't wanna see my kids live like this- with the latent fear of random rocket attacks on civilian targets, the arabian world is screaming but who ended the ceasefire? And who just waits for provocation and in the end blames the enemy who always is the initiator of agression.
this land isn't the land of the palestine people (like they claim) as for they just worked for the babylonians (if i remember it correctly).
Anyways, i think and hope that Germany will stand by Israel for we had deep impact on its development. But I know that the israeli soldiers are amongst the bravest in the world and faught unbelievable wars to prevail in the beginnings (Egypt, Syria...) they won't need much help, but if they call for it I would be there for them- it would be an honor to fight for the israeli ppl.
Same. I want to go help, but knowing how things are, I know the chances are close to nothing :(
Unfortunately I think most Koreans will stand by the Palestinians. They have a rosy view of the Islamic world and Islam. Islam is finding quite a few converts in Korea, but mostly it's fueled by anti-Americanism. Since they see Islam as the enemy of the US, they think it's a good place to jump to. I swear... people are so retarded.
Let's not forget that Israel started the terrorist attacks against the brittish in the 1940's.

Besides i hope the arabs win, not beacuse i like them but beacuse alot of refuges flee to my city instead.
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Let's not forget that Israel started the terrorist attacks against the British in the 1940's.

Besides i hope the Arabs win, not because i like them but because a lot of refuges flee to my city instead.

Not that i am a racist, but the most common name for new born boys in my city is Muhammed

Whats that word....Sounds like Hipopotamus....OH yes...Hypocrite.
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I might be, but you might complain about terrorist killing innocent people, without thinking about the fact that Israel's did the same thing.

For an example: In 1947 (i think) Jewish terrorist's killed a Swedish prince because he tried to strike a peace agreement between the waring parties.In conclusion you are just as big of a hypocrite.
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before you call SHERMAN a hypocrite, remember which race of people in this world have always hated Jews and wanted them all dead along with every other non muslim. theres no negotiations with muslim extremists who want to kill you cause their god told them to.
I never said i liked them. I just meant i routed for the arabs.

But i know they won't win, Beacuse Jews are fierce fighters and you got to respect people for that reason.