US ambassador asks Norway to increase defence budget


Forum Barbecuer

US ambassador to Norway, Benson K.Whitney, has asked Norway to increase its defence budget, and to send special forces to Afghanistan.

Ambassador Whitney said this in a speach to the Oslo Military Association Monday evening.

- Norway ranks 14th of the NATO member nations when it comes to allocating funds to defence, considering the Gross National Product (GNP).

- I ask that Norway. as one of the richest NATO countries, set a good example and increase its defence funding to NATO's goal of 2 per cent, Whitney said.

The US ambassador also stated that he would like to see Norway sending special forces to Southern Afghanistan.

- I regard Norway's decision to not send special forces to Afghanistan as an exception to the leadership role Norway has traditionally played in NATO, the US ambassador said.
Bush is going to push a lot of NATO members to increase their military spending to match the average GDP as well as pushing for more involvment in regional and worldwide conflicts.