Unexplained radiation detected N/S Korean border

Hmhm Fox news... read it and cant see nothing concrete- officials, say, believed... most likely load of nonsense
I think it is a matter of S Korae trying to stay in the news. They did nothing after N Korea shot a torp into one of their ships. Probably 'cause we told them not to do anything.
Or FOX News trying to get ratings because Iraq and Afghanistan aren't fresh enough to grab the attention of audiences. :rolleyes:
The decision not to retaliate is probably just as equally a South Korean one as it is an American one. I wouldn't say it's fair to put the blame of a lack of response on the US.

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I think we leaned on them pretty hard. Imaging what would happen if the North invaded the South. We would be obligated to assist the South. The same is true if the South wanted to teach the North a lesson. Not really a conspiracy theorist myself. Just ask the odd hypothetical.

My 2 cents.
Neither side really wants a war.
The North knows it will lose.
The South knows it will lose everything except the war.