Um, Ted, what's up with the Dutch bruv??


Milforum's Bouncer

Register offices in Holland have been flooded with requests for couples who want to get married on the 6/6/06.

They believe it is because of the reference in Revelations to 666 as the 'Number of the Beast'.

So far, 17 couples have applied to marry in the Dutch city of Enschede on June 6 so far. Normally there are only two to three weddings in the city on a Tuesday.

Fourteen weddings are planned for June 6 in the central district of Rotterdam, compared with a usual figure of six to eight weddings.

The authorities in Arnhem said nine couples have signed up for 6-6-6 dates, far more than on any other Tuesday. "Tuesday is normally a very quiet day," a spokesperson said.

The sixth day of June is also a popular wedding date in the cities of Utrecht, Groningen and Nijmegen this year when compared to previous years.

In Amsterdam, one couple wanted to marry at 6 minutes past 6 on the morning of June 6. Local officials decided they could not perform the ceremony so early in the morning.

Register offices in Leeds and Manchester said they had only a couple of bookings for weddings on June 6 so far but said more could follow.

In Cambridge, register office spokeswoman Carolyn Willis said: "We don't have any bookings yet, but I have been trying to get people to sign up for this date, I thought it would be fun."

This is just slightly bizarre.
These people are too young to care about D-Day. I think it's more likely that there are just more occult influenced people around there. Actually, it may be happening in other places around the World too.