UK Muslims reject Sharia.

Of all the bad ideas Ive heard in politics having a dual legal system (of any type, not just Sheria) was about the worse I have ever heard. How come most Muslims in the UK thought this was a terrible idea whilist the Arch-Bishop and the Chief Justice did not.

Perhaps living in strict Sheria law country like Saudi Arabia, Iran, or Sudan might enlighten them of what Sheria law entails.
Agreed again MM. But I have to tell you that if this is correct it is music to my ears. I cannot bear the divisions recently created in my country, which has such a fine record of absorbing immigrants.
as i have said (not here, to an IRL friend)

i have no problem with INTEGRATING immigrants. but if you come over here and expect us to change for you, you may f*ck off and die in a godforsaken hellhole being tortured by a thousand demons for all i care.
Saying the same thing, but in somewhat different words. We sorely need integration.

According to today's news reports, France has refused citizenship to a Muslim woman on the grounds of her acceptance of complete subservience to men and for wearing a full- face Burqa. She has been told that this means she is living a seperate existance to the French and this is unacceptable. She is at risk of deportation, although she has lived there for some time.

The French are not messing with this stuff, obviously.
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The French do not believe in multiculturism, only integration. If you decide to live in France you live by their rules or you leave.

They also have a low toleration for Radical Islam, people who have views like Hamza are not publically welcome here, if they stay they have to go underground and risk arrest and deportation, and this is risky because they are sometimes denounced by their own.
MM - France has it right. That is all the Brits ask, a commonsense approach to immigration. But our government is constantly running in the opposite direction, as though their intent is to stuff as many multi-cultural adherents in before the train hits the buffers. It is like watching the death-wish of a culture unfolding before our eyes.

Vive La France!
Interesting, for some reason this French solution doesn't get through in the media...bloody PC media then.. :bang:
Scandinavia is fairly strong on such matters now, is it not?

Well, the so called Scandinavia is about as united as the UK, Australia and Canada, we just happen to share borders in the same region...

OK, the Danes and the Finns has taken up the gauntlet and dropped the idea of silk gloves, but still there's no strict regime calling for integration like the one mentioned in France.

Sweden and Norway on the other hand still sticks to the tolerant ecumenic line...

Funny enough, while the Finns have a pretty strict imigration policy and the Danes has started pluging the leaks, third world gold-diggers knocking on the door in Norway usually speaks fairly good Swedish...

There was a proposition for a law in order to forbid burkha and the likes in the public schools, but it ended up putting restictions to the wearing of religious symbols, then including the moslem burkha and jihab, but also the jewish kippa.
This of course raised controversy and it ended up with the ususal "respect for other cultures and religions" bulldroppings..

Suppose we have to get butfuxxxd for real before we actually do something about that issue. :(
Interesting 84RFK. Thank you. Here for the first time our government's advisors are saying that it is NOT racist to have concerns about immigration levels. A bit late, after more that 10 years of folk trying to point that out and being shouted down and denigrated; even on these boards! That's life I guess, but it leaves us here in trouble, victims of the vanity of politicians.
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Now that France has more of a Pro American President, the liberal media doesn't like them so much.

First of all the media in the USA isn't liberal, as its owned by conservatives. If you notice almost every major news outlet is controlled by Conservative interests. As for Sarkozy, I read the editorials and so far I hadn't noticed, in fact Id say just the opposite.

If you are talking about French media, then you have more of a point except that the media is traditionally very far left and that the bashing of Sarkozy is nothing new, they bash every right-wing politician. You should have read the hachet job they did on Charles De Gaulle, Georges Pompidou, and Jacques Chirac.
Yes, no matter how you slice or spin it, the media is excessively liberal!

No offense but you are just spinning oft-repeated lie. As Goebbels once said "repeat a lie enough times and eventually people will come to believe it".

But the facts paint a different picture. Again, how can the media be Liberal if its owned by Conservatives organizations like.

News Corp (Fox, NY Post, NY Sun)
Clear Water Radio (Which control most radio programs such as Limbaugh, Savage and other blowhards)
MSNBC (the MS stands Microsoft)
Time Warner (which owns CNN and is in turned owned by arch-conservative DISNEY).
etc etc

"I admit it, The liberal media were never that powerful, and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures."

-William Kristol to a New Yorker Magazine reporter.

Are the liberal outlets? yes. But the overwheming majority of MSM is either conservative or controlled by conservatives that includes certain leftwing media such as The New Republic.
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MM - Of course here we have the BBC which is very left-wing and in a very advantageous position which approaches a monopoly in some fields.

I do believe that here in Britain our 'on the streets' media is our trump card, and may well pull us through our difficulties, even tho' they never print my letters!