Do u REALLY think u are smart?????? lol, liar

sunb! said:
An Nasir Yusuf - the one who fled Damascus towards Gaza and left the city behind unprotected when the Mongols attacked in 1260? He is also seen on coins from that period of time.

My best shot - I've spent the entire day on this so you better give me right or grant me a free lager :lol:

and thats the closest so far!!!

Yeah but this is either a trick question or the answer is right in front of our eyes somewhat. :?
lol, I have seen a fairly good bit of a documentary show on Baybars and the Mameluks so... seen quite about our mystery guy.. but . Thats why I asked u guys! 8)

SO! ne luck?
is it Zhengi Imad ad Din; conqueror of the Crusader county of Edessa and betrayed by his own sons to the sultan of Damascus and probably the most famous victim of the early assassin movement. he was infinitely a better general than either Baybars or Saladin but fought mostly against Muslim opponents for much of his career and thus has escaped the attentions of the west. Saladin's full name contains his as an honorific from his father. many believed that Saladin gave himself the name but it seems clear that just as the Christians looked to the second coming of Christ the Muslims looked to the second coming of Zhengi.
The other claim to fame is that he began the long procession of Turkic fathers and brothers murdered by their sons and siblings. although his providence is uncertain many speculate that he may have been the product of a Turkic slave girl and Arabic father. a description of his features seems to indicate a more Turkic than Arabic background.