Two new jokes!


Active member
What does a reggae fan say when he runs out of dope?
"Someone turn off that crappy music please!"


A ventriloquist has his first gig in a cabaret. He sits down on stage with his talking doll on his knees. In the second row he spots a very cute blonde who gives him an encouraging smile. Though as he starts to work through his usual repertoire she seems to get more and more upset. Finally after 10 minutes she suddenly gets up and starts to yell at him:
"You know sir, I've just had about enough of your stupid jokes about blondes. How you dare to pigeonhole women like that just because they've got blonde hair?! That is so stupid, what does hair color say about a human being anyway? Absolutely nothing! It's that kind of sexist attitude that deprives women like me of the respect they deserve at work and in their communities and that impedes them from developing to their full potential! Men like you nourish an anachronic mysogynic attitude throughout society, under the guise of humour!" The ventriloquist, terribly distressed that he has offended her, starts to apologize, but she yells back: "You keep out of it mister. I'm talking to that idiot on your knees!"

:mrgreen: I hope translation works out this time.
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