Totalitarian Leaders

Who do you think is the most evil totalitarian leader?

  • Edi Amin

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  • Ceausescu

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  • Pinochet

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  • Fidel Castro

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  • Slobadon Milosovic

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kim Jong Ill

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  • Saddam Hussein

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  • Joseph Stalin

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
So it's less evil to kill off a whole group of people because of their religion than it is to kill them based on their race? Sorry, but that's just bull pucky, sherman.

No, Its not less evil. Sorry if you got that impression, everyone. But while the Turks only saw the Armenian population as a threat inside the Turk area of their Empire, Hitler wanted to destroy all the Jews in the world. The Turks wanted the Armenians out of Turky because they thought that the Christian Armnians would aid the Christian Russians in WWI.
Jewish is a religion. Christian is a religion.

One word. Genocide.

Main Entry: geno·cide
Pronunciation: 'je-n&-"sId
Function: noun
Date: 1944
: the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group

They are quite comparable, just as how the Brits tried to knock off the Irish (in a more subtle way).
No, I'm saying the Holocaust is not the first, nor the last instance of genocide. What was done to the Armenians is no different from what was done to the Jews.

RenderSafe...I see what your saying...
But I never said that the holocaust was the first genocide...Show me where i wrote that?...All Im saying is that the Armenian genocide and the holocaust are diffrent.
No need to argue.. And I just got a question out of nowhere.. Not that I am defending either sides..

But who has more right when it comes to british "taking over" the northern ireland..

I am not saying I am defending IRA.. I am just curious what you think before the IRA was created.. :?

I doubt the Irish situation, while a painful one, could be compared to either the Armenian genocide or the holocaust...
OOOH! I saw the documentary on Stalin's rise to power and his time as dictator on the History channel last night and trust me when I say he is at least twice as evil as Hitler. Everyone would agree with me if you watched it. Stalin was absolutely soulless. At least Hitler had enough of a soul to stop eating meat after the death of his niece or whatever. All of the people in Russia, party members and otherwise were nothing more than numbers to Stalin. He sent people to the gulags with no interest in whether or not they were really guilty. He even had quotas for his lackies to fill to keep the gulag mines and what not running. The vast majority of the 27 million Russian deaths can be directly blamed on Stalin's actions. He controlled the media a ton worse than Hitler did. He tried to show himself as one who cared for his mother when he completely loathed her. He tried to make it seem that all of their military success was his idea when he didn't have a friggin clue about strategy. The people thought of Stalin like a god when he was absolutely pitiful. He wasn't right next to Lenin during the revolution he was out partying. After watching that documentary I would have to say without a doubt Stalin is the most wretched human to walk the face of this earth.

Diplomatic must be joking...I dont think either can be called humane...both are bloody murderers.
I'm not saying Hitler was humane. I'm saying in an argument of who is the most evil totalitarin leader Stalin is at least two times as evil as Hitler according to the facts and figures presented in the documentary.
The problem here, and I believe it has been mentioned before, is how do you quantify evil? What I think you all are doing here is rating evil men based on the resources available to them for use in their evil plans. Kind of a "who was the most successful at being evil."
I believe that evil is evil, and to be honest, my own sin is not any better than Hitler's or Stalin's, so in that respect, I cannot really judge them.

But I do think that Stalin was more successful at being evil. :lol:
I doubt the Irish situation, while a painful one, could be compared to either the Armenian genocide or the holocaust...

According to the Genocide Convention, they are quite comparable, allowed/carried out by different means. But, I suppose starvation isn't such a horrible death. :roll:

But I never said that the holocaust was the first genocide...Show me where i wrote that?

Show me where I said that you did.

All Im saying is that the Armenian genocide and the holocaust are diffrent.

Now you're nitpicking. Frankly, the killing off of an entire society, cultural or racial group is all the same to me .. horrible. I don't consider one to be worse than the other, both were equally saddening events for the human race.

But who has more right when it comes to british "taking over" the northern ireland..

The British had control of all of Ireland until 1921. As for Northern Ireland, if you ask the Irish, they will tell you the UK has no claim to it .. if you ask the British, they will tell you they took it, they raped the lands, killed off many of the people, so it's theirs fair and square.

As for the IRA of today .. they are not the IRA that fought honorably and heroically years ago, that accomplished a free Ireland. They are a group of thugs, involved in weapons and drug trade .. and will kill anyone, Loyalists or Republican that gets in the way. Their goal is no longer a united Ireland .. it is to make profit.[/quote]
Let's see Sherman and rendersafe are arguing whether the armenian genocide, holocaust, or the irish thing was the worst example of genocide. And everyone else is arguing whether or not Stalin is "more successful at being evil"