

The Supreme Court and Gay Marriage will the debate never / ever end , I personally don't like Gay Marriage to me people get married to legitimize their off spring , but Black and celebrity relationships have pretty much ended that tradition , so lets move on .
What's so wrong with two people of the same sex getting married? I mean, what's it matter? Technically, if we were doing things the way they're SUPPOSED to be done, the politicians wouldn't have a say in the matters - why? Separation between Church and state. I don't get why in 2014 it's still an issue. Wanna sleep with guys? Go for it. Wanna marry a guy? Cool.
There are TOO many pressing issues in this Country to be bothered with who has sex with who or what , if a guy wants to have sex with another guy a chimpanzee or his favorite dog , who cares . I don't do you ? .
Not a dern bit! One of my BEST friends when I was with the Cavalry - big, burly guy - dated guys. It never bothered me. This goes back to my theory in life. Fight beside me, you alright. Raise a weapon against me, it's my mission to kick your ass.
A persons personal life is his personal business , I don't go on about my love life or preferences , and I really don't want too know what goes on behind your closed doors , have you got my back THATS what I want to know .
Hey hey you know when the Cavalry rolls in we don't know who likes who - we just see friends and foes. Friends can hide behind us...guess what the foes get? Ahehhehehe.