Tip to Improved Communications w/Loved One


New Member
Recently I had a member of a military family contact me. They told me that a web tool that I developed would be of particular use to military families. It allows folks to communicate with each other through audio emails for free. I'm a little concerned that this post may be seen as some kind of shameless plug for this tool of mine. But my interest in posting here is just because she told me that this would really be helpful for military families that find communications to be expensive by phone, and less personal by email. Audio messages are much more personal. Actually, I developed the tool because I have a chronic hand condition that makes it painful to type much, so I use these Audio messages instead. Anyway, I feel funny leaving a link on this site (still worried about seeming too shameless), but you can find the service by doing a google search for AcousticMail. Hope this helps some Military Families stay connected. Peace.