Tajikistan ready to reject Russia?


New Member
International Crisis Group published the article entitled "Tajikistan: On the Road to Failure" in 2009. A strong verdict sounds after a few lines: Tajikistan is "a weak state that is suffering from a failure of leadership."
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International Crisis Group published the article entitled "Tajikistan: On the Road to Failure" in 2009. A strong verdict sounds after a few lines: Tajikistan is "a weak state that is suffering from a failure of leadership."
Tajikistan's working-age population is increasing annually by 120 thousand people, and the real unemployment is about half of its total population.
Low living standards and financial problems as a result of world economic crisis have led to reasonable criticism of leadership by the society.
Corruption at all levels of government, increased drug trafficking across the Tajik-Afghan border and public dissatisfaction with government policies have created a favorable atmosphere for oppositional parties and anti-government organizations to activate its potential.