Tactics and Strategy in Iraq: Can Bush see clearly ahead?

Senior Chief
I have tried to stay out of this discussion ..


Then by all means, stay out of it. Your opinion is just as biased as the next liberals. We don't agree and will most likely never agree.

My vote is for you to not get into a discussion if you feel you are going to start calling names.
No more (or) no less .....

Then by all means, stay out of it. Your opinion is just as biased as the next liberals. We don't agree and will most likely never agree.

My vote is for you to not get into a discussion if you feel you are going to start calling names.

Sorry but I could say the same thing to you (and about you). By the way, point out where I called you any name other than Senior Chief in my last post.

ALL of the forum members have a right to their opinions whether they are on the outside looking in (or) dyed in the wool Americans looking out (whether or not the opinions are biased is immaterial). They ALSO have a right to post their opinions on any topic they feel like ... that includes me and you - not JUST you.

You are NOT some great super god, sitting on your heavenly throne and passing judgment on humanity and blessing this one and d*mning that one ... you are just another member on this forum who has a right to his/her personal opinion (no more and no less).

This is NOT the military where all subordinates have to snap to because you are a Senior Chief and rank them ... so ease off. The ranks no longer mean anything in the civilian community we now live in. Most of us have reintegrated back into civilian society - how about joining us?