Surprisingly from a democrat.


Tube Monkey USMC
FYI purposes.....I am trying to find out who the democrat is that said this from the person that sent it to me, if and when I find out, I'll edit it in.

STOLEN FROM AN ULTRA-CONSERVATIVE DEMOCRAT - Yeah there are one or two out there....

I have decided to become a write-in candidate for President.

Now you will have a real choice!! My platform is a good one. I especially like selling a bushel of wheat for the same price OPEC sells us a barrel of oil. And, I am fed up with hearing, "press 1 for English or 2 for Spanish." You and I know that the benefits given to ILLEGALS and others who do not pay taxes is only "buying votes" by politicos who want to continue feeding at the public trough!


(1) "Press 1 for English" is immediately banned. English is the official language. Speak it, or wait at the border until you can.

(2) We will immediately go into a two year isolationist posture to straighten out the country's attitude. NO imports, no exports. We will use the Walmart policy, "If we ain't got it, you don't need it."

(3) When imports are allowed, there will be a 100% import tax on them.

(4) All retired military personnel will be required to man one of our many observation towers on the southern border. (6 months tour) They will be under strict orders not to fire on SOUTHBOUND aliens.

(5) Social security will immediately return to its original state. If you didn't put nuttin' in, you ain't gettin' nuttin' out. The President nor any other politician will not be able to touch it.

(6) Welfare - Checks will be handed out on Fridays at the end of the 40-hour school week and the successful completion of urinalysis and a passing grade.

(7) Professional Athletes/Steroids - The FIRST time you check positive - banned for life.

(9) One export will be allowed - wheat. The world needs to eat. A bushel of wheat will be the exact price as a barrel of oil.

(10) All foreign aid using American taxpayer money will immediately cease, and the saved money will pay off the national debt and ultimately lower taxes. When disasters occur around the world, we'll ask the American people if they want to donate to a disaster fund, and each citizen can make the decision whether it's a worthy cause.

The Pledge of Allegiance will be said every day at school and every day in Congress.

The National Anthem will be played at all appropriate ceremonies, sporting events, outings, etc.

Sorry if I stepped on anyone's toes, but a vote for me will get you better than what you have and better than what you're gonna get.

Thanks for listening, and remember to write in my name on the ballot in November. Who knows? I may win! GOD bless America!
That's just your young opinion and you are entitled to it.
BUT a lot of people agree with his statement.

Umm apart from complete economic failure what would points 2 and 3 achieve?

It is all nifty to spout nationalist policies and I am sure the average under educated redneck is probably out firing his gun in air and shouting Ye Haw in support but in the end it simply cannot work unless you are deliberately trying to become a member of the third world.

I seriously doubt that anyone would recommend driving all of your exporters out of business as being a great way to stimulate economic growth.
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I am sure the average under educated redneck is probably out firing his gun in air and shouting Ye Haw in support

If the exports and imports were stopped this ^^^^ guy wouldn't know what to do the next time he went to "the Wal-Mart". He couldn't buy all that nifty stuff made in China, India and Pakistan. :lol:

Although I wouldn't mind a rethinking of foriegn aid.
Yes. Follow that guide and your economy will collapse. Actually the bad bit of the above are being done right now.
Worst time to be a guy planning on going to the US at this point in time unless you happen to have a lot of money on hand. And I mean A LOT of money.
The foreign aid is a good idea. America's got some serious domestic issues that could use some funding.
That and they ought to stop sinking decommissioned ships. They should cut it up and sell it for scrap. Makes a little money. An Aircraft Carrier can really help here.
That's just your young opinion and you are entitled to it.
BUT a lot of people agree with his statement.

First of all this came off the internet, which means is very possibly a HOAX. Secondly even more people DISAGREE too. Most of of the points are simply abhorrent. They would either wreak the US, the world, or both. Whoever this (unnamed and uncited) democrat is either deranged, not living in reality, or a moron. He sounds like a lot Republican, and a really dumb one at that, because even though I have issues with the GOP even I'll admit that most conservative of Republicans wouldn't be so reckless.

1. Pretty obvious that English is the official language, nobody has suggested otherwise. And personally I don't give a rats a** if #2 is in Spanish or Mongolian just as long #1 is in English. I can tell you that as an American living abroad, its helpful that certain things are in English, even though I speak fluent French. And do the French care? Of course not. People get all worked up over NOTHING.

2. Why? is it because Isolationism has worked so well in the past? It was a major facilitator of not one, but 2 World Wars. Its a bit like the GOPs opinion on Reaganomics, if it failed under Reagan (Deficiet), Bush (bigger Deficiet), and Bush Jr (Mega-Deficiet) to keep trying it until it actually works. I would have thought by now that someone might have gotten the message.

3. This is just a brilliant Idea! Put a 100% tariff on all imports. Did it ever occur to this person what the rest of the world would do on our exported products??? Why not just end Trade altogether seems much faster and easier. If we wanted to totally wreck the US economy this would be my recommended course of action. Al Qaeda couldn't do any better.

4. Sounds just like Berlin, EAST BERLIN, back when the Berlin wall was up. If we are going to copy the communists why don't we just suspend the constitution while we are at it, faster that way.

5. Umm, isnt that the system we have now? Social Security tax is taken deducted from payroll. You cannot collect it until 65 years old and have worked a certain number of years unless handicapped or otherwise prevented from working. And if its the handicaps that is your problem, my suggestion: Grow a heart or get a transplant. We a Christian country, and I vagely remember a section about being required to provide care for the ill and infirm.

6. Typical comment of someone not knowing the facts. In fact, Most people on Welfare actually HAVE part or full-time jobs, its just their checks don't pay enough to survive. But if we were actually to pay a living wage like most countries do, you wouldn't have so many people on welfare.

7. Jesus, we all have bigger problems than this. Ban em, dont ban them, this should be handled by the MLB, NFL, NHL, NBA, MLS etc, not the US Government. I couldnt care less as do most people.

8-9. Planning to create mass famine in the world are we? Last I checked most Africans didnt have $140 for a single Bushal. In fact $1 over there was hard enough. When people start to starve, they usually start to fight, which of course creates all sorts of problems. Sounds like a excellant plan to start WWIII. Not to mention that US wheat farmers would go BANKRUPT because nobody would be able to afford to buy it. So it sounds like a plan where everybody loses.

10. Another moronic idea. Most 3rd world countries would collapse immediately as would a few others richer countries such as Israel. Secondly as the US is borrowing Billions from Asia and Saudi Arabia what do you think would happen to us if they just cut us off in response (which they probably would).


Would you mind giving us the name or a source of this person when you can?
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I don't think the countries that America sends aid to for free have much influence on whether or not foreign countries lend money to the US.
Ah the "English as the official language" issue. I saw this and thought I'd share to show how old this sentiment is in this country and to lend a little humor.
I would like to offer a modest proposal to resolve the language impasse in Congress. Don’t make English official, ban it instead.
Proposals to ban English first surfaced shortly after the American Revolution

That may sound too radical, but proposals to ban English first surfaced in the heady days after the American Revolution. Anti-British sentiment was so strong in the new United States that a few super-patriots wanted to get rid of English altogether. They suggested replacing English with Hebrew, thought by many in the eighteenth century to be the world’s first language, the one spoken in the garden of Eden. French was also considered, because it was thought at the time, and especially by the French, to be the language of pure reason. And of course there was Greek, the language of Athens, the world’s first democracy. It’s not clear how serious any of these proposals were, though Roger Sherman of Connecticut supposedly remarked that it would be better to keep English for ourselves and make the British speak Greek. Even if the British are now our allies, there may be some benefit to banning English today. A common language can often be the cause of strife and misunderstanding. Look at Ireland and Northern Ireland, the two Koreas, or the Union and the Confederacy. Banning English would prevent that kind of divisiveness in America today.
Also, if we banned English, we wouldn’t have to worry about whose English to make official: the English of England or America? of Chicago or New York? of Ross Perot or William F. Buckley?
We might as well ban English …no one seems to read it much lately

We might as well ban English, too, because no one seems to read it much lately, few can spell it, and fewer still can parse it. Even English teachers have come to rely on computer spell checkers. Another reason to ban English: it’s hardly even English anymore. English started its decline in 1066, with the unfortunate incident at Hastings. Since then it has become a polyglot conglomeration of French, Latin, Italian, Scandinavian, Arabic, Sanskrit, Celtic, Yiddish and Chinese, with an occasional smiley face thrown in. The French have banned English, so we should too. After all, they are so rational they must know something we don’t.
More important, we should ban English because it has become a world language. Remember what happened to all the other world languages: Latin, Greek, Indo-European? One day they’re on everybody’s tongue; the next day they’re dead. Banning English now would save us that inevitable disappointment.
Although we shouldn’t ban English without designating a replacement for it, there is no obvious candidate. The French blew their chance when they sold Louisiana. It doesn’t look like the Russians are going to take over this country any time soon — they’re having enough trouble taking over Russia. German, the largest minority language in the U. S. until recently, lost much of its prestige after two world wars. Chinese is too hard to write, especially if you’re not Chinese.
There’s always Esperanto, a language made up a hundred years ago that is supposed to bring about world unity. We’re still waiting for that. And if you took Spanish in high school you can see that it’s not easy to get large numbers of people to speak another language fluently.
In the end, though, it doesn’t matter what replacement language we pick, just so long as we ban English instead of making it official. Prohibiting English will do for the language what Prohibition did for liquor. Those who already use it will continue to do so, and those who don’t will want to try out what has been forbidden. This negative psychology works with children. It works with speed limits. It even worked in the Garden of Eden.
Very good.:)

I expect the EU are already working on such a plan. They have already banned England and the English!:lol:
That's just your young opinion and you are entitled to it.
BUT a lot of people agree with his statement.

I totally agree.

8-9. Planning to create mass famine in the world are we? Last I checked most Africans didnt have $140 for a single Bushal. In fact $1 over there was hard enough. When people start to starve, they usually start to fight, which of course creates all sorts of problems. Sounds like a excellant plan to start WWIII. Not to mention that US wheat farmers would go BANKRUPT because nobody would be able to afford to buy it. So it sounds like a plan where everybody loses.
I hate to sound like a heartless *****, but the fighting (and starving) has never stopped in Africa.
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The person who sent me this is coming up with a bunch of excuses/dodges in regards to a name/source so if the staff wants to delete it due to faulty source I don't have a problem with it. I thought the message was interesting, would like to know who the heck said it myself though.
My assumption until I found out differently, would be that someone wrote this themselves and claimed it came from a democrat. Too bad, I was hoping I could actually (partially) like another democrat besides just Lieberman and Juan Williams.
Sorry for the lack of a source.

I agree with TomTom22 though, that's why I posted.
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Esperanto... what a pathetic excuse for a "neutral" language. It's so Euro centric that the day that Esperanto is neutral, hamburgers, hot dogs and T-bone steak is originally Chinese.
Well I found the mysterious Author, and its not a Democrat, he is from Texas however. Hes a write in candidate. I will also add 11-20 points that were mysterious omitted. Bold is my comments

His blog is here.

(11) The Pledge of Allegiance will be recited every day at school and every day in Congress.

Already ruled as unconstitutional by a Federal judge in 2007. 'Nuff said!

(12) The National Anthem will be played at all appropriate ceremonies, sporting events, outings, etc.

This already done. Maybe this guy does belong in DC, he bent on fixing the things in our society that actually work and ignoring the broken.

(13) The IRS will be abolished and replaced with a 10% national sales tax on all goods and services. The federal government will receive 1%, the States 5%, and the counties and cities 2% each. All property taxes will be abolished. If God can get by on 10% so can the government.

An Idiotic idea guaranteed to increase your taxes. Frankly this is a no-brainer if you think about it, HS Economics 101. Who buys things in America (lower, middle, rich classes)? Answer: The Middle Class. Who will then pay all the taxes? Answer: The Middle Class. Who WON'T pay any taxes at all due to the abolishment of income and property tax? Answer: The rich. So in summery the rich pay nothing, the poor and middle class pay the burden. Sounds just like Feudalism to me, PASS.

(14) All corporations will be abolished and replaced with sole ownership or limited partnership businesses. The owner(s) must be available to customers during normal business hours. Owners will be prosecuted for not submitting collected tax money.

Boy this sounds like Communism doesn't it? I mean I don't like corporations either but abolishing them? Despite the fact the violates every tenent of democracy. How does he plan on doing this? Do you think Boeing and Microsoft are just going to shut down? Or does he plan on Nationaliszing Industry? Hello COMRADE!

(15) All government positions, elective and appointed, will have strict term limits. Public service is a brief civic duty, not a career to enrich the office holder. Salaries will be based of the average income of the people the government worker represents.

If you create limites then you would be obligated in increase the length of the term, otherwise nothing would get done. Not a bad idea, but very tricky to impliment correctly. Easier said then done.

(16) Most foreign military bases will be closed and our troops brought home to guard our borders. America will mind its own business and let other countries do the same. America will no longer "nation build", sponsor "CIA coups", or otherwise interfere with other countries. All U.N. personnel will leave America within 30 days, the U.N. building will be reduced to rubble to disable all the spy equipment housed in it.

Like The way it was before Bush took office? The only exceptions would be UN/NATO mandates because isolationism is as bad as expansionism.

(17) The debt usury system will be abolished. America will return to an honest money system backed by gold and silver. All loans will be for terms of six years or less, including land and houses.

Not sure what he means by "the Usury system", but there was a reason why the WORLD abandoned the Gold standard. It was a leading cause of the Great Depression, due to the fact then when there was a run on the banks there wasnt enough gold to satisfy demand, which meant that the banks utterly collapsed. Its when this system was abandoned that things returned to normal. And that was in 1929, imagine what would happen today.

(18) Politicians will be held personally responsible for all debts they incur. No longer will Americans have their names co-signed to any so-called "national debt".

Sometimes it necessary for a nation to borrow, For example, how did you think we paid for WWII? Sounds like a perfect way to crash the government.

(19) All the national security agencies...the FBI, CIA, ATF, TSA, etc... will be under one department and report daily to the President.

Again this is already done under the DHS. unfortunatly they still prefer NOT to share with each other.

(20) Any person who does not want to live by the values expressed in 1 thru 19 will be deported to a country of their choice. We want everyone to be happy.

"Your're either with us or against us", oh boy just what we need, another Imperial Emporer for a President, because that worked so well before. How about we just deport the author of this idiotic text instead to a deserted Island, there he can boss around his subjects (seagulls, seashells) without annoying the sane part of the country that thinks hes off his rocker.


Africa is a rather big place, there isn't war nor famine everywhere. And what do you suppose would happen if we did cut aid? You don't put out a fire by pouring gasoline on to it.
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OK - I have to own up. I tried to stay out of this one, but I must admit - I like idea 15. We could all do with something of this sort. So I am a yes for no.15.:smil:
I think that CIA, FBI, ATF, etc. should be abolished and become one entity.
Same goes with redundant PDs.
It's not so hard to imagine. I believe in China the whole military is in fact the Army. How smart is that?
President Reagan wanted a National Law Enforcement Agency instead of the numerous little ones. I am not sure what happened with that but obviously he didn't get what he wanted.
It's far too late for this isolationist stuff, unfortunately we live in a globalized world... I do agree with cutting off all foreign aid. Why the hell are we giving hand-outs? I sure as hell don't want my tax money going anywhere but America and our military allies if they really need it. I think we should just leave Africa alone completely. They have to solve their own problems, just as everyone else should. Want democracy? If you're not willing to fight for it yourself you're not deserving of it.

There are tons of things that money could be better spent on in America.
It's far too late for this isolationist stuff, unfortunately we live in a globalized world... I do agree with cutting off all foreign aid. Why the hell are we giving hand-outs? I sure as hell don't want my tax money going anywhere but America and our military allies if they really need it. I think we should just leave Africa alone completely. They have to solve their own problems, just as everyone else should. Want democracy? If you're not willing to fight for it yourself you're not deserving of it.

There are tons of things that money could be better spent on in America.

Basically what I think as well.