
Mr KillKill

Active member
One traning night a Pte at our depot turned up all scrapes, bruise and basically looking like he had been dragged through a hedge backwards. A Cpl took him away to administer first aid, concirned that he may have been assaulted he asked what had happened. It turned out that the Pte lived about an hour away in a rural area and would catch a train into the city, he must have been running late and jumped on the first train going into the city. Unfortunatley the train he caught was an express that didn't stop at his stop. As the train rumbled through the station, at speed, he forced open the electric doors which is not an easy feat at the best of times, threw out his duffel bag and jumped off.
Needless to say, we all got a good laugh but the encore appeared the following day in the local rag, a short paragraph detailed how an unknown person threw out his baggage before jumping from the train. This of course we already knew, what he neglected to mention was that the platform was full of commuters and as he jumped from the moving train, he ploughed into them like a bowling ball knocking people everywhere. Before the Station Master or the Guard from the train, which had now stopped, could render assistance, our hero had picked himself up and dissapeared into the city.
For a while he was nicknamed Superman