stupid things america does


Active member
why in banks do they chain a pen to the desk, but leave the vault door open?

why do people go to McDonalds and order 2 big mac, 2 large fries, and a diet coke?

why do we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?

why is a package taken in a car called a shipment and a package taken in a ship called cargo?

feel free to post.
Get these funky laws:

You have to be 18 to play pinball in Nashville, Tennessee.
You can't wake up a sleeping bear to take it's picture in Alaska.
You can't sleep on a refrigerator outdoors in Oklahoma.
You can't fish from the back of a camel in Idaho.
You can't ride a bicycle in a swimming pool in one city in California.

And, as Johnny Cash said, "You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd."
The Other Guy said:
You can't wake up a sleeping bear to take it's picture in Alaska.

But what about waking up besides a sleeping bear, and someone else takes a picture of you??? :D
When those laws were made they actually had a reason for them to be passed. Im sure a few of them were made in honor of Darwin winners :D . I can imagine some one going "Waky waky Mr. *ROAR* *RIP* MY FACE..."
These two are just so sweet:

Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern, school, or place of worship.

It is a misdemeanor to shoot at any kind of game from a moving vehicle, unless the target is a whale.

From California
lol@whale target....

These laws were probably made with good reason, they just sound absurd...
You can't fish from the back of a camel in Idaho.
well, atleast most of them.... :D
First off, I don't think Americans are "stupid". I think they're geographically iggnorant, affected by the media to a higher degree then other nations, given a bad education, and much more...

If you regularly watch shows like 60 Minutes or 20/20, you've probably seen videotaped footage of college kids being asked challenging geography questions:

John Stossell: Can you point out Japan on this globe?
Booze-addled sorority girl: Is that it? (giggle)
John Stossell: That's Nigeria.


So why are they so "stupid"?

2.Lazy parents
3.nonsense in our schools

Are Americans stupid? Not all, just most...
America isnt the only country with stupid rules. In France you cant name your pig Napolean.

btw: if all the stupid people died, there would be a hell of a population drop.
In Arizona it is illegal to:

Hunting camels is prohibited.

Any misdemeanor committed while wearing a red mask is considered a felony

There is a possible 25 years in prison for cutting down a cactus.

Donkeys cannot sleep in bathtubs

If you bother the cottontails or bullfrogs, you will be fined

An ordinance prohibits the wearing of suspenders

No one is permitted to ride their horse up the stairs of the county court house.