Stormtrooper or Rebel Soldier ?


Active member
If you lived a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, with which alliance do you feel that you would have been a part of ? Tell us why and be honest.

As much as I would like to say that I picture myself as a rebel soldier, unfortunately, I feel that I would have been a stormtrooper. I have always had civic pride and obedience to authority and government, whether it be local, state or at any level. I've even defended certain US foreign policy decisions even when I knew they were flawed.

I would have made a good stormtrooper.
For most of my childhood, I always wanted to be a Rebel. But, now that I'm older, I see that Stormtroopers are only doing their job as soldiers of the Empire who only wanted to bring order to the galaxy.

Regular paycheck, benefits, and not having to run from on end of the galaxy to the other because of a large fleet chasing you...I think I'll go Stormtrooper.
Stormtrooper. But only if they change the uniform so that it doesn't make you die when you just get grazed across the top of your foot by an Ewok chopstick.
Well, they never show the Empire doing anything evil until they are provoked by the Rebel Alliance. I don't think they ever justified the rebellion, heck they don't even really mention why they are fighting the government in Star Wars. So I'd have to say stormtrooper.

But in spirit, I am a rebel. The nations I am descended from have both fought huge empires in the past, in fact the Romans never conquered us and we were the last to have Christianity imposed on us. And I believe very strongly in the importance of personal and political freedom.
Well, they never show the Empire doing anything evil until they are provoked by the Rebel Alliance. I don't think they ever justified the rebellion, heck they don't even really mention why they are fighting the government in Star Wars.

Well that's a great point isn't it?
Who knows. Darth Vader might be a decent guy unless he's disturbed about the Rebellion. You know... everyone has one of those things that just make them throw a cell phone, or in his case, Force-choke a General to death.
Stormtrooper. Because they're well-equipped, well-trained, fearless, and obeying all orders.
They really didn't look well-trained at all in any of the movies, getting killed all over the place by some kid with no combat training whatsoever and a sasquatch with a crossbow.
Stormtrooper. Because they're well-equipped, well-trained, fearless, and obeying all orders.

Are you kidding me? The only damned thing they are trained for is dying. That's the only darn thing they're good at.
Their equipment is obviously a joke. That armor they wear must be hot and heavy, yet, did you see any survive any kind of shot? ANY?? I bet they'd die from a spit ball. And the accuracy of that weapon... I mean, these guys DID qualify on them right? Or is it impossible because the weapon is just so bad. The laser beam went forward? You qualify expert!
Fearless... because they don't have a brain. You need something on one side of your brain to connect to something on the other side to tell you that the gigantic 50 ton monster with razor sharp teeth and venom 500 times more toxic than a cobra's is a dangerous thing.
Gotta love that character shield.

"These blast marks...too accurate for Sand People. Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise" ....right until they meet a main character
Haha, in Goldeneye there's one part where there are literally like 5-6 guys with AKMs spraying at Bond from 15 feet away. The bullets made a neat pattern around him with plenty of sparks but no hits.
Rebel! But I would have stolen and used a Stormtrooper suit because they are so kewl.. :cool: