Still Can't Decide an MOS in the USMC!!!


Active member
Hey people, I still can't decide my MOS but I'm looking at a few. Right now, I'd like to ask a question about MOS 58xx (Military Police). Can you enlist as 58xx and if you do, do they choose your MOS for you within 58xx just like they do in 03xx?
You'll be a 5811 Military Policeman or you'll be a 5831 Corrections Specialist and yes the Corps will decide which one.
Ah okay 50/50 chance. I guess it's not bad if you read my sig lol. I'm hoping for 5811 but what do 5831's do?
Oh I see. Dangerous job... I've seen normal correctional officers on TV at like state pens and they're not armed.... only have a pepper spray bottle while those bums in prison got shanks =O
You realize that most Marines don't have a very high regard for MPs, right?

Then again, my friend from high school is a USMC MP. Been there for a very long time now. A serious martial arts buff.
That's right. As long as I'm happy with what I do. I know most of them are in their 20s when people that age hate cops.
But see here's the thing. I'm not confirming that I'm gonna do this MOS. I'm thinking about a few of them.
Oh I get it. Army assign you that MOS? B is Bravo right? All Bravos are infantry but again... the pick for you huh? I don't know... right now I'm in the USNSCC and it's legit military training by real Marines and Naval Officers but I'm not sure whether there's enough mental preparation. Of course there is I just need more for something like BRC.
Right now your biggest goal should be to graduate from high school with the best marks possible. You have at least three years to worry about what you will get if you are accepted into the Corps. Concentrate on what is before you right Now.
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