This Sounds Like A Smart Thing To Do~~~~

Couldn't you also just make your phone's title your name?

Been that way since I had cell phones. ICE simply gives you a "page 2" entry (U.S. Navy reference). Page 2's are the record of emergency data. In the case of ICE it would be a phone contact that you wanted called in case you were incapacitated.

This past week I actually lost my cell phone. The person that found it simply put it where they thought it belonged, they hung it on my car door handle. That was a stroke of luck, an honest person picked it up and hung it up. You don't see that every day!
Sure dont...My moms cell phone was stolen a few months ago, out of the car. Along with all cash, and debit cards. The cards were cancelled, but we couldnt cancel the phone before they had time to run up around 50 dollars worth of ringtones/games. Wish we had had your kind of luck, Chief.
You misunderstood a bit. My dog tag is so old that it doesn't have a social security number on it, my original service number is all that is listed on it.

I have plenty of I.D. for someone to ID me by. My DNA is on record just in case I get wiped out totally and they just find a few cells of me.

Interesting that one. Our service number is the two last digits in our social security number - if you make it corporal during the conscription service you use your rank while addressing an officer.

Do American Soldiers still get issued a serial number or has the system changed by now?
Mine was only 7 characters. x xx xx xx

I'd put it down but it is one of those unique numbers that I use for my passwords, nobody knows it but me!

Good idea. If I used it for a password, I'd probably choke and forget it. Then, I'd have to find my duffel bag and dig them out.:camo: Still though Senior Chief, I'd rather have the dog tag so they could use the notch to wedge it in my teeth.;) :lol:

Sunb!, I think the US uses your Social Security number, or they used to, which is a dumb thing to do. What happened, did people get so dumb that they couldn't memorize a SN?
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Missileer is correct, the US military utilizes our Social Security number as our identification number. Currently, there is a congressional requirement that the services must report to the congress, within 90 days, what the impact would be if the Social Security number was removed from all of our identification cards. Removal from the dog tags should follow shortly after the ID card decision is made.
Current dog tags are no longer notched.
ICE i really a lifesaver. I recommend it.
The Chief 05
Current dog tags are no longer notched.
The Chief 05

When I told people what the notch in dog tags were really for, the fable must have sounded better to them. The notch, for you younger troops, was an alignment aid when the tags were typed in the old machines.