So why do people hate Israel?

I think the first 7 minutes of that are excellent and explain a large part of the problem.

Yes,... Here's a man who has seen the fruit go rotten from the inside.

I seriously doubted that anyone would actually look at it, but it was worth a try.

While we're at it a photo or two for the lying dribbling idiot who in the face of all evidence to the contrary insists that the IDF don't use human shields nor terrorise women and children. This is the same idiot who stated that the Palestinians didn't deserve a land because they were not prepared to fight for it,.. then in the same breath goes on to complain about Palestinians attacking the Israeli occupiers. *Shakes head* I'm starting to think that probably he is an IDF impostor as no normal moral person could string so many lies together so ineffectually.
This is what happens when you just lie all the time, eventually your own lies catch up with you and bite you on the bum.


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Because they are not facts, merely fabricated Zionazi propaganda.
Jews were less than 5% of the population and had never been a majority until after 1948. The figures given were Muslim 85%, Christian 11% jews 4%

Can't you read? I was talking about Jerusalem. How was it possible for the Jews to get a majority of the population if they were not allowed to settle in their former komeland for centuries!

Originally Posted by Jewish hate speech
"The Palestinians" would be crushed like grasshoppers ... heads smashed against the boulders and walls." " Isreali Prime Minister (at the time) in a speech to Jewish settlers New York Times April 1, 1988

This is the article:
...Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir warned today that rioters would be crushed ''like grasshoppers.'' ...''Anybody who wants to damage this fortress and other fortresses we are establishing will have his head smashed against the boulders and walls.''​

"When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle." Raphael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defence Forces, New York Times, 14 April 1983.

Can you please give the title of that quote because I can't find it in the NYT index of 14 April 1983. I did find this one though:

The Arabs will never win over us by throwing stones. Our response must be a nationalist Zionist response. For every stone that’s thrown–we will build ten settlements. If 100 settlements will exist–and they will–between Nablus and Jerusalem, stones will not be thrown. If this will be the situation, then the Arabs will only be able to scurry around like drugged roaches in a bottle.​

David Ben Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): "If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?" Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.

That quote is only published in that book, five years after Ben Gurion died. There was no recording of the quote, and Ben-Gurion was no longer around to dispute it. Here's a real Ben-Gurion quote:

In our state there will be non-Jews as well — and all of them will be equal citizens; equal in everything without any exception; that is: the state will be their state as well. ...The attitude of the Jewish State to its Arab citizens will be an important factor—though not the only one—in building good neighbourly relations with the Arab States. If the Arab citizen will feel at home in our state, and if his status will not be the least different from that of the Jew, and perhaps better than the status of the Arab in an Arab state, and if the state will help him in a truthful and dedicated way to reach the economic, social, and cultural level of the Jewish community, then Arab distrust will accordingly subside and a bridge to a Semitic, Jewish-Arab alliance, will be built... (Ba-Ma'Araha Vol IV, Part 2, pp. 260, 265, quoted in Fabricating Israeli History, Efraim Karsh, p.67)​

but it could have been any of another thousand Jewish quotes. Make your choice anywhere you care to look. All this has been documented before but your feeble memory conveniently forgets.

With the same lies and distorted truths I presume?

The Zionazi certainly exists and is well documented you are a great example. supporting those who steal, harass, beat and murder people defending their own land which was stolen by by the admission of the Israelis themselves, as seen in the quote above.

That's a Nazi tactic: “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it”. Adolf Hitler quotes (German Chancellor, leader of the Nazi party, 1889-1945).

Again,... you still have not shown any legitimacy in the Zionazi claim to Palestine and you know all of this but in the best Nazi tradition refuse to admit the painfully obvious truth.

The Jews only claim their former homeland.

To MrNascar

CNN/ORC Poll. March 15-17, 2013. N=1,021 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.
"Do you consider Israel an ally of the United States, friendly but not an ally, unfriendly towards the U.S., or an enemy of the United States?"

I asume you are among the 6% that consider Israel as an enemy.
BTW, CNN is very pro your federal government.

Miko Peled - The General's Son

This is what another viewer said:

" Honest? For starters he talks about how there isn't any archeological evidence of King David (but there's a lot written evidence of his son Solomon. Weird), and comparing the situation between the Arabs living here to the Jews living in Nazi Germany. If so, can I go back to my Grandad's home in Tunisia? Nope. I'm a jew, i'm not allowed. Furthermore, He begins his history lesson in 1947, ignoring all the immigration to Israel prior to that year, twisting history without giving ANY PROOF besides the fact that his father was an Hagana member. Who gives a ****. Well, he can feel free to let go of his Israeli Citizenship, because that douchebag is is not Israeli in my view, at all. Not because of his opinions or views, but rather the simple fact that he doesn't live here. He lives in the US. I love how he disbands myths without really giving any proof. He's an *******, trying to make money by writing a book about a bloody conflict. That is NOT right. "
Hmmm....I didn't know they do..

If they do, maybe some explanation can be found in Finkelstein's book "Beyond Chutzpah"

Can't you read? I was talking about Jerusalem. How was it possible for the Jews to get a majority of the population if they were not allowed to settle in their former komeland for centuries!

Yep,... you are an idiot. One town has no bearing on the fate of a people 2000 years later. And,.. it was only a migratory stop, it was never their "homeland", they allegedly arrived there from Egypt so they'd better go there again, Pbbbttt,..

This is the article
...Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir warned today that rioters would be crushed ''like grasshoppers.'' ...''Anybody who wants to damage this fortress and other fortresses we are establishing will have his head smashed against the boulders and walls.​
Can you please give the title of that quote because I can't find it in the NYT index of 14 April 1983. I did find this one though:
Obviously your computer only allows the Zionist version of history, as there are references to it all over the internet from before the Hasbara campaign Even if what you allege were true it is an admission of the fact that the Zionazis were illegally occupying Palestine

That quote is only published in that book, five years after Ben Gurion died. There was no recording of the quote, and Ben-Gurion was no longer around to dispute it. Here's a real Ben-Gurion quote:

You know as well as I do that your story has been shown to be no more than Hasbara with some ridiculous reference to what was not in his diary. As if people would admit to it. What does it tell you that no other country in the world has found it necessary to appeal to its supporters to form groups to deliberately whitewash their crimes.

The Jews only claim their former homeland.
Once again, as has been said ad infinitum. The Jews never had a homeland in Palestine their own scriptures and other documentation states that they came out of Egypt. Remember ? They were at best only one of many groups who migrated though the area and have no more claim than any of them. Today's Ashkenazi Jews are actually descendants of the Khazars with a small percentage of Mesopotamian blood and have no historical connection anyway

comparing the situation between the Arabs living here to the Jews living in Nazi Germany. If so, can I go back to my Grandad's home in Tunisia? Nope. I'm a jew, i'm not allowed. Furthermore, He begins his history lesson in 1947, ignoring all the immigration to Israel prior to that year
I can't just go back to England or Holland either, where my ancestors lived gives me no right as has been demonstrated many many times. (your memory's failing again)

Earlier Jewish migration to Palestine means nothing. they were only exactly that,... migrants. Jews were still a tiny minority, and and they had no bearing on events after 1947.
His history lesson begins in 1947 because he is speaking about Israel and unlike idiots like you he does not keep jumping from the present to ancient history,. .. perhaps because prior to 1947 there was no Israel and still you can't disprove a single thing he said, and personally I'd say he has a lot more idea of the truth than you do.
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Yep,... you are an idiot. One town has no bearing on the fate of a people 2000 years later. And,.. it was only a migratory stop, it was never their "homeland", they allegedly arrived there from Egypt so they'd better go there again, Pbbbttt,.. your computer only allows the Zionist version of history, as there are references to it all over the internet from before the Hasbara campaign Even if what you allege were true it is an admission of the fact that the Zionazis were illegally occupying Palestine

You know as well as I do that your story has been shown to be no more than Hasbara with some ridiculous reference to what was not in his diary. As if people would admit to it. What does it tell you that no other country in the world has found it necessary to appeal to its supporters to form groups to deliberately whitewash their crimes.

Once again, as has been said ad infinitum. The Jews never had a homeland in Palestine their own scriptures and other documentation states that they came out of Egypt. Remember ? They were at best only one of many groups who migrated though the area and have no more claim than any of them. Today's Ashkenazi Jews are actually descendants of the Khazars with a small percentage of Mesopotamian blood and have no historical connection anyway

I can't just go back to England or Holland either, where my ancestors lived gives me no right as has been demonstrated many many times. (your memory's failing again)

Earlier migration to Israel means nothing. they were only exactly that,... migrants. Jews were still a tiny minority, and and they had no bearing on events after 1947.
His history lesson begins in 1947 because he is speaking about Israel and unlike idiots like you he does not keep jumping from the present to ancient history,. .. perhaps because prior to 1947 there was no Israel and still you can't disprove a single thing he said, and personally I'd say he has a lot more idea of the truth than you do.

VDKS reminds me of Winston Churchill's quote, "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
VDKS reminds me of Winston Churchill's quote, "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
He would need to get "a mind" first.

He reminds me of the fanatical Nazi supporters prior to WWII who insisted that Hitler had all of the answers.
Yep,... you are an idiot. One town has no bearing on the fate of a people 2000 years later. And,.. it was only a migratory stop, it was never their "homeland", they allegedly arrived there from Egypt so they'd better go there again, Pbbbttt,..

No matter were they came from, when they arrived there there were no Arabs, let alone Muslim Arabs, and certainly no "Palestinians". your computer only allows the Zionist version of history, as there are references to it all over the internet from before the Hasbara campaign Even if what you allege were true it is an admission of the fact that the Zionazis were illegally occupying Palestine

Give the title of your reference in the NYT to support you are right. As long as you can't do that I assume it is a lie.
There is no illegal occupation of the West Bank. The West Bank was illegally annexed by Jordan and was liberated by Israel in a defensive war. Israel has legal obligations to administer the West Bank and does so according to the Fourth Geneva Convention.

You know as well as I do that your story has been shown to be no more than Hasbara with some ridiculous reference to what was not in his diary. As if people would admit to it. What does it tell you that no other country in the world has found it necessary to appeal to its supporters to form groups to deliberately whitewash their crimes.

BS, and you know it.

Once again, as has been said ad infinitum. The Jews never had a homeland in Palestine their own scriptures and other documentation states that they came out of Egypt. Remember ? They were at best only one of many groups who migrated though the area and have no more claim than any of them. Today's Ashkenazi Jews are actually descendants of the Khazars with a small percentage of Mesopotamian blood and have no historical connection anyway

???? Then who did the Roman Hadrian and the Byzantine Heraclius fought against? Ghosts? Jews did have a homeland in that region long before the first "Palestinian" (the Egyptian Arafat) was born.

I can't just go back to England or Holland either, where my ancestors lived gives me no right as has been demonstrated many many times. (your memory's failing again)

Yes you can. You can go to England or Holland, buy a home and settle there. You can even apply for British or Dutch citizenship. It's that simple. Just as "Palestinians" can go back to their homeland like Egypt or Yemen. So the Jews can go to Israel and they are welcomed with open arms. You'd better read some books about what Israel did to save Jews out of the murderish Islamic Arabs' hands.

Earlier Jewish migration to Palestine means nothing. they were only exactly that,... migrants. Jews were still a tiny minority, and and they had no bearing on events after 1947.
His history lesson begins in 1947 because he is speaking about Israel and unlike idiots like you he does not keep jumping from the present to ancient history,. .. perhaps because prior to 1947 there was no Israel and still you can't disprove a single thing he said, and personally I'd say he has a lot more idea of the truth than you do.

First of, he's a Jew. he knows how to make money and he does that by saying and writing things that people like you want to hear! He asks $1500 - $2000. From april 8th until april 15th he gave 6 speeches. Do the math. He's a rich man. This is part of a email exchange, on March 31 2013 between Peled and Ronit Lentin

Miko: “I usually ask for $1500-$2500. During my UK tour coming up I asked 500-1000 pounds. Why do you ask?”
Me: “I am asking because it rankles with me that you are making a living from the oppression of Palestinians, I suppose”.
The Council of the League of Nations:
Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country.


VDKS reminds me of Winston Churchill's quote, "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."

You can convince me with facts, not opinions, lies or distorted truths. I'm still waiting for my facts te be disproved. (and no, "as has been said ad infinitum" does not disprove facts).
It looks like it's clearly time for the "Ignore" button again.

No matter were they came from, when they arrived there there were no Arabs, let alone Muslim Arabs, and certainly no "Palestinians".

Again, you are a certifiable idiot, Islam never arrived until the 7th century. You have been told time and time again. religion has no part in this debate.
The people who were there, were the ancestors of today's Palestinians, certainly not Khazars. You are very adept at changing from Ethic group to religion and back again when it suits your purpose, unfortunately you are only fooling yourself.

Yes you can. You can go to England or Holland, buy a home and settle there.
No I can't, If I arrived unbidden and without paperwork, as the European Jews arrived in Palestine I would be imprisoned and deported. If I drove the present occupants out of their homes and off their land at gunpoint I would no doubt be shot. It's truly amazing exactly how stupid you can be when you try,... or is that just normal for you?

I'm not going to get into this circular argument again. All of this has been answered a dozen times. You know you can't win this debate, i guess that's why you go away to get fresh instructions from your Zionazi controllers, (or are you doing your active service in the IDF harassing, beating and murdering innocent women and children?),... your controllers can't help you, so you just keep going around with your own self defeating argument.

The Council of the League of Nations:
Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country.
Nearly all of European mankind has a historical connection with Palestine, why is it that they have no claim?

ART. 5.
The Mandatory shall be responsible for seeing that no Palestine territory shall be ceded or leased to, or in any way placed under the control of the Government of any foreign Power.
ART. 6.
The Administration of Palestine, while ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced, shall facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions and shall encourage, in co-operation with the Jewish agency referred to in Article 4, close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes. (it was found that there were none,all the land was utilised by the current population)

It was such a pity that this blustering and posturing was all pointless, as it contravened both International law and the Mandate for Palestine put up by the very same people.
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You can convince me with facts, not opinions, lies or distorted truths. I'm still waiting for my facts te be disproved. (and no, "as has been said ad infinitum" does not disprove facts).

You have been given facts over and over which you conveniently ignore that do not suit your bullsh!t agenda. And no Spike couldn't just move to UK and live there, he could buy a hundred houses and still could be deported. As a matter of fact persons born in the UK of non UK citizen parents are not granted automatic citizenship, they can be deported along with their parents.

To quote Sir Winston Churchill again, "The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is."
VD is still is not aware that well informed people in civilized countries know of Israel's record of lies and deception including the funding of Hasbara trolls like himself. The more they learn the worse their opinion of Israel. People like VD are the anti Zionists greatest ally as they continually demonstrate the ignorance, arrogance and outright murderous stupidity of pro Zionists.
The Jerusalem Post said:
A BBC survey measures public opinion on 22 countries, places Israel in company of North Korea, ahead of only Iran, Pakistan.
Israel retained its position as one of the world's most negatively-viewed countries, according to BBC's annual poll published Wednesday night.

With 50 percent of respondents ranking Israel negatively, Israel keeps company with North Korea, and places ahead of only Iran (55% negative) and Pakistan (51% negative).

The 2012 Country Ratings Poll was conducted among 24,090 people worldwide, and asked respondents to rate whether the influence of 22 countries was “mostly positive” or “mostly negative.”

Evaluations of the Jewish state, already largely unfavorable in 2011, have worsened in 2012. Out of the 22 countries polled, the majority in 17 of them view Israel negatively, while only three (the US, Nigeria and Kenya) view Israel positively. In Kenya, negative ratings of Israel fell by 10 points to 31%, while the country experienced an even larger increase in positive ratings of Israel, rising 16 points to 45%.

Negative perceptions of Israel in EU countries have continue to rise, reaching 74% in Spain (up 8%), 65% in France (up 9%), while in Germany and Britain the negative views remain high but stable (69% and 68% respectively). In other Anglo countries, perceptions of Israel are worsening, including in Australia (65%), and Canada (59%).

Among Muslim countries, perceptions of Israel have continued to deteriorate. Of particular concern for Israel is the country sitting on its southern neighbor, Egypt, where 85% of the population views Israel negatively, up 7% since 2011.

In Asian countries, public opinion on Israel is growing increasingly antagonistic. In China, just 23% of those surveyed view Israel positively compared with 45% negatively. In India, overall opinion has shifter from being divided in 2011 to leaning negatively. In South Korea, negative views of Israel rose a full 15% (to 69%), while positive views decreased 11% (to 20%)

The saving grace for Israel is United States, where the proportion of people viewing Israel negatively has decreased six points to 35% since 2011. This statistic marks the most positive views on Israel expressed in the US since tracking began in 2005.

Here's an example of the way the International community is moving as perceived by more astute Israelis

Arutz Shiva said:
(The Israeli National News Agency)
Two Hundred Million Europeans see Israel as a Nazi State.
Political Islam is the latest totalitarian ideology chosen by Europe to move towards liquidating the Jewish people - and it is working.
The fundamental Zionist idea about anti-Semitism was that once a Jewish State was realized, the problem of anti-Semitism in Paris, Berlin and Rome would be solved. Since Jews would have their own homeland, they could no longer be persecuted as religious and national strangers. But this neat packet of reasoning has turned out to be incorrect.

The Belgian Ministry of Education funds an organization, the Committee for Remembrance Education, which provides teachers with materials for their history lessons. One of the materials used is the cartoon “Never Again, Over Again”, which equates the treatment of the Palestinian Arabs by the Israelis today with the treatment of the Jews by the Nazis in the 40s.

Read more,...

Should this article be removed, I do have an HTML copy of the page.

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It looks like it's clearly time for the "Ignore" button again.

Feel free to do so.

Again, you are a certifiable idiot, Islam never arrived until the 7th century. You have been told time and time again. religion has no part in this debate.
The people who were there, were the ancestors of today's Palestinians, certainly not Khazars. You are very adept at changing from Ethic group to religion and back again when it suits your purpose, unfortunately you are only fooling yourself.

This conflict IS about religion.
When Barak and Arafat were trying to settle a peace agreement Arafat always backed off. At last Barak put all his cards on the table and gave Arafat everything he wanted exept the Temple Mount. Arafat said that he could not explain that to the Muslim world (not the "Palestinians"!) and the deal was off.
Muslims want to control the Temple Mount like they control the most sacred site in Christendom, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Did you know that Muslims open and close the church? They literally hold the key.
The Al Aqsa mosque can't be the farthest mosque when Mohammed died, he died in the year 632 and the Muslim Arab armies arrived at Jerusalem in 637.

The overwhelming majority of the "Palestinians" are Muslim Arabs. Take a local phonebook or have a look at the census of that time.
"Palestinian" common family names: (Just like "Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti" born in "Tikrit Iraq")
The family names (Nisbah) of Arabs who now occupy Judea reveal their country of origin:
"Masri" or "al-Masri" = from Egypt , Hamas member of Parliament in Gaza, Mushir al-Masri (the word "Masri" literally means "the Egyptian" in Arabic !).
"Khamis"= from Bahrain "Salem Hanna Khamis"
"al-Ubayyidi" or "al-Obeidi"= from Sudan "al-ubayyid"
"al-Faruqi"= Mosul Iraq
"al-Araj" = Morocco, a member of the Saadi Dynasty "Hussein al-Araj"
"al-Lubnani" =the Llebanese
"al-Mughrabi" = the Moroccan ("Maghreb" – meaning "West" in Arabic, and usually referring to North Africa or specifically to Morocco),"Dalal Mughrabi"
"al-Djazair"=the Algerian
and I can go on.
You also did not listen to what Fathi Hammad, Hamas minister of the Interior and of National Security, said in Egypt on March 23, 2012.
Her it is again:

[ame=""]who are the palestinians ? hamas member speaks the truth muslims hide from the jews and the world - YouTube[/ame]

No I can't, If I arrived unbidden and without paperwork, as the European Jews arrived in Palestine I would be imprisoned and deported. If I drove the present occupants out of their homes and off their land at gunpoint I would no doubt be shot. It's truly amazing exactly how stupid you can be when you try,... or is that just normal for you?

You don't seem to know much about illegal immigrants arriving in Europe.
Most Jews entered their former homeland legally, almost all Muslim Arabs illegally. It is well documented in the yearly reports of the Palestine mandate.
example: the 1924: only 373 Jews failed to comply with the Immigration Regulations, 13.553 came in legally. But more important is this IV.--Immigration and Emigration 2A:

In land purchase or reclamation works, designed to provide labour or homesteads for Jewish immigrants, the rights of Arab cultivators have been carefully safeguarded: at Kabbara, the Palestine Jewish Colonisation Association ceded cultivable land of 600 acres, where the Arab settlers, who are also being employed in the work, will be established.​

I'm not going to get into this circular argument again. All of this has been answered a dozen times. You know you can't win this debate, i guess that's why you go away to get fresh instructions from your Zionazi controllers, (or are you doing your active service in the IDF harassing, beating and murdering innocent women and children?),... your controllers can't help you, so you just keep going around with your own self defeating argument.

Perfect example of the Nazi tactic “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it”

Nearly all of European mankind has a historical connection with Palestine, why is it that they have no claim?

Do you mean the Crusades? Otherwise I don't see any historical connection at all of Europeans with the Jewish former homeland. A few European knights stayed there to protect the pelgrims and Christian assets. It was never their homeland.

ART. 5.
The Mandatory shall be responsible for seeing that no Palestine territory shall be ceded or leased to, or in any way placed under the control of the Government of any foreign Power.

You do not seem to know what "foreign power" means in the text of the Palestine mandate, unless off course, you do not mean the Jews.

ART. 6.
The Administration of Palestine, while ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced, shall facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions and shall encourage, in co-operation with the Jewish agency referred to in Article 4, close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes. (it was found that there were none,all the land was utilised by the current population)

Wrong. palestine and transjordan report of 1930 articke IV nr 28:

The following further measures have been taken by the Government to facilitate the close settlement of State lands by Jews:
(4) An area of 2,700 dunums near Mesha (Mount Tabor) has been reserved as the site for the buildings and farm lands of the Jewish (Kadoorie Bequest) Agricultural School.​

League of Nations 1939:
Mr. MOODY replied that in 1938 most of the purchases in question concerned land on the northern frontier of Palestine, the property of Lebanese and Syrian landlords who did not reside in Palestine.​

It was such a pity that this blustering and posturing was all pointless, as it contravened both International law and the Mandate for Palestine put up by the very same people.

Stumped, try again.

You have been given facts over and over which you conveniently ignore that do not suit your bullsh!t agenda. And no Spike couldn't just move to UK and live there, he could buy a hundred houses and still could be deported. As a matter of fact persons born in the UK of non UK citizen parents are not granted automatic citizenship, they can be deported along with their parents.

To quote Sir Winston Churchill again, "The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is."

At least you are honest, you said "can" not "will"
(UK Ancestral Visa
The Ancestry Visa can be issued to Australian or New Zealand Citizens aged 17 years & above who have a grandparent that was born in the UK.)

VD is still is not aware that well informed people in civilized countries know of Israel's record of lies and deception including the funding of Hasbara trolls like himself. The more they learn the worse their opinion of Israel. People like VD are the anti Zionists greatest ally as they continually demonstrate the ignorance, arrogance and outright murderous stupidity of pro Zionists.

Here's an example of the way the International community is moving as perceived by more astute Israelis

Read more,...

Should this article be removed, I do have an HTML copy of the page.

Why don't we ask it to the people who live there, like the Arabs living in Jerusalem. If we can believe you they would overwhelmingly vote against Israel and pro Palestine, right?

Fasten your seatbelts:

The awkward fact is that the 270,000 Arabs who live in East Jerusalem may not be very enthusiastic about joining Palestine. The survey, which was designed and supervised by former State Department Middle East researcher David Pollock, found that only 30 percent said they would prefer to be citizens of Palestine in a two-state solution, while 35 percent said they would choose Israeli citizenship. (The rest said they didn't know or refused to answer.) Forty percent said they would consider moving to another neighborhood in order to become a citizen of Israel rather than Palestine, and 54 percent said that if their neighborhood were assigned to Israel, they would not move to Palestine.​

Why Palestinians want to be Israeli citizens
This conflict IS about religion.

So much "padding'" so little truth. No, it has been shown a dozen times that it is not about religion, all Palestinians including non Muslims want the Israelis out of their land. anyway you have trodden on your tongue again telling us that Muslim Israeli Arabs are supposedly in favour of Israel. As with all liars, you have again backed yourself into a corner, trying to have it both ways. Of two mutually exclusive arguments you can only have it one way.

You don't seem to know much about illegal immigrants arriving in Europe.
Most Jews entered Palestine (not their former homeland) legally,
No they flooded in after the Brits left because of Zionazi terrorism, You know it I know it and so does the remainder of the non Jewish world.

In land purchase or reclamation works, designed to provide labour or homesteads for Jewish immigrants, the rights of Arab cultivators have been carefully safeguarded: at Kabbara, the Palestine Jewish Colonisation Association ceded cultivable land of 600 acres, where the Arab settlers, who are also being employed in the work, will be established.
In compliance with the Palestine mandate Palestinians clearly demonstrated that they did not want Jews migrating there, also British authorities stated that there was no land to support a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

Perfect example of the Nazi tactic “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it”
The mainstay of Zionist disinformation as shown time and time again in this thread.

Do you mean the Crusades? Otherwise I don't see any historical connection at all of Europeans with the Jewish former homeland. A few European knights stayed there to protect the pelgrims and Christian assets. It was never their homeland.
No I mean when today's Europeans migrated through the area as the Jew were alleged to have done. I could not have ever been a Jewish homeland, as they arrived there from elsewhere as stated in their own religious scripts.

You do not seem to know what "foreign power" means in the text of the Palestine mandate, unless off course, you do not mean the Jews.
Any foreign (non Palestinian) group attempting to occupy or rule the current population

Wrong. palestine and transjordan report of 1930 articke IV nr 28:
The following further measures have been taken by the Government to facilitate the close settlement of State lands by Jews:
(4) An area of 2,700 dunums near Mesha (Mount Tabor) has been reserved as the site for the buildings and farm lands of the Jewish (Kadoorie Bequest) Agricultural School​
League of Nations 1939:
Mr. MOODY replied that in 1938 most of the purchases in question concerned land on the northern frontier of Palestine, the property of Lebanese and Syrian landlords who did not reside in Palestine.​
Your Mr. Moody is of no consequence as his judgement is in direct contravention of the mandate, that states nothig can be done that is not in the best interests of the Palestinians.

Why don't we ask it to the people who live there, like the Arabs living in Jerusalem. If we can believe you they would overwhelmingly vote against Israel and pro Palestine, right?
The awkward fact is that the 270,000 Arabs who live in East Jerusalem may not be very enthusiastic about joining Palestine. The survey, which was designed and supervised by former State Department Middle East researcher David Pollock, found that only 30 percent said they would prefer to be citizens of Palestine in a two-state solution, while 35 percent said they would choose Israeli citizenship. (The rest said they didn't know or refused to answer.) Forty percent said they would consider moving to another neighborhood in order to become a citizen of Israel rather than Palestine, and 54 percent said that if their neighborhood were assigned to Israel, they would not move to Palestine.​
I have no doubt that had you asked a Jew on the street in prewar Germany if they were in favour of the Nazi state, they would have agreed with it most wholeheartedly. People living under extreem duress will say whatever they think their oppressors want to hear. Your poor attempts at Hasbara are absolutely pathetic. My Israeli news items show the truth of the matter as to where Israel's future is headed. Funny that you never had an answer for them.

Bye, bye Billy Liar.

For those among us who are not Zionazi Hasbara trolls, Here is how Israel defines "unoccupied" land.


©David B. Fankhauser, Ph.D.,
Professor of Biology and Chemistry
University of Cincinnati Clermont College,
Batavia OH 45103

The people of this brave village stand as an example to the world of how non-violent resistance can successfully resist injustice and military might. Israel has been confiscating all "unoccupied" Palestinian land. Israel defines "unoccupied" as any land on which no occupied structure exists. Thus, olive orchards, vineyards, agricultural land, grazing land are all being confiscated. These ancient Bil'im olive orchards, lovingly tended for many centuries (see the terracing in the third picture) are all officially "unoccupied":

Once "unoccupied" lands are confiscated, Israel nearly always refuses to grant building permits to Palestinians, but readily grants them to Israeli settlers to erect new settlements, thus ever increasing Israeli lands and ever diminishing Palestinian lands.
This process was being inflicted on the village of Bil'im, a village of 1,500 residents. They embarked on a long series of imaginative non-violent protests. Israel's response was to occupy the village, place it under curfew, tear gas the citizens, including tossing tear gas into their mosque.
I stayed with the Samara family, and was treated to feast after feast. They were the most generous and congenial hosts one could imagine--demonstrating that famous Middle Eastern hospitality is indeed world class.
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This conflict IS about religion.

You are wrong, if this was about religion we would be discussing Jews and Muslims but we aren't we are discussing Israelis and Palestinians of all denominations, that the majority are Muslim and Jewish is an irrelevance because when I accuse Israel of something I am talking about all those who identify themselves as Israeli Jew, Muslim or Christian and when we discuss Palestinians we are talking about all those who identify themselves as Palestinians Jew, Muslim or Christian.

Maybe your argument is about religion but that only shows your bias and the lack of a legitimate argument in that religion is a faith based entity a great fall back position when you cant prove a point.

At least you are honest, you said "can" not "will"
(UK Ancestral Visa
The Ancestry Visa can be issued to Australian or New Zealand Citizens aged 17 years & above who have a grandparent that was born in the UK.)

All true I can go and live in the UK but I can't go there and take it over, I cant roll through the door and evict those living on areas I believe some make believe being said was mine, I cant then invite 5 million totally unrelated individuals to join me and expand my borders to accommodate them now can I and most of all I would have to have a grandparent born in the UK to even have a look in, wonder how many of that 1948 European invasion had Israeli grandparents?
You are wrong, if this was about religion we would be discussing Jews and Muslims but we aren't we are discussing Israelis and Palestinians of all denominations, that the majority are Muslim and Jewish is an irrelevance because when I accuse Israel of something I am talking about all those who identify themselves as Israeli Jew, Muslim or Christian and when we discuss Palestinians we are talking about all those who identify themselves as Palestinians Jew, Muslim or Christian.

Maybe your argument is about religion but that only shows your bias and the lack of a legitimate argument in that religion is a faith based entity a great fall back position when you cant prove a point.

All true I can go and live in the UK but I can't go there and take it over, I cant roll through the door and evict those living on areas I believe some make believe being said was mine, I cant then invite 5 million totally unrelated individuals to join me and expand my borders to accommodate them now can I and most of all I would have to have a grandparent born in the UK to even have a look in, wonder how many of that 1948 European invasion had Israeli grandparents?

There are demands for changes the immigration act making it more difficult to stay and live in the UK even for those born in Australia and NZ. A South African I know who's grandfather was British was actually denied an application to live in the UK permanently. Jack Straw recently admitted that the Labour Government stuffed up big time on immigration.

I'm surprised that VDKS hasn't moved to Palestine to be with his NAZI mates so he can kick the sh!te out of a few Palestinians
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I'm surprised that VDKS hasn't moved to Palestine to be with his NAZI mates so he can kick the sh!te out of a few Palestinians

I think that he is actually an Israeli,... have you noticed how he always answers with the standard Zionist quotes, all of which are long disproven, no human being having lived in a first world country could spout the rubbish he does, and keep coming back with denials time after time.

He's absolutely frantic, as the truth starts to dawn on him, even though he has been force fed a steady diet of Zionist hate all his life, like the Nazis in 1945 he is now starting to realise how the world's opinions of Israel are changing, and he can't face the fact that eventually the Palestinians might end up doing to his family what the Zionazis have done to the Palestinians for the last 65+ years.
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As a Chinese,I want to ask a question. Why don't let the JEWS rule the Eath and other race of human?
The JEWS is so smart and clever. The JEWS invented the most powerful weapons in human history--- atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs.

J. Robert Oppenheimer, the father of nuclear bombs. Oppenheimer was born in New York in a wealthy Jewish family! The great scientist in history -Albert Einstein ,the scientist accoding his thoery invent many thing , include the most terrible weapons- hydrogen bombs.

I suggest should let the JEWS rule the other human race in the world ,rule the Germanic of west Europe ,ruled the Russian and Slavs in east Europe, the latino in South Europe, dominate the Japanese ,the korean in Asia,rule the Tailand ,Pilipines ,rule the black african and Arabs and the American Indian. FCUK their girls. Take their people as slaves in factory.:sorry:

You accsued what I am said so terrible. But I look through the mankind history in past 5000 years.
"only the strong can survive ,the weak were taken.' is the law on our planet.

Jewish scientists , many known as the "father" , such as " the father of the atomic structure theory " Boer , " the father of nuclear peace " Szilard , " the father of the atomic bomb ," Oppenheimer , " the father of the hydrogen bomb ." Teller , " the father of cybernetics " Wiener , " Esperanto " father Zamenhof and so on.

That is description of the role of Jews in a huge contribution to the science . There are other more scientific giant , has contributed to one of the founders of quantum mechanics , such as the Born , creating characters Fermi atomic age , the invention of X-rays Roentgen , Fleming invented penicillin , the invention of oral attenuated Sabin vaccine research phagocytes right Wei Meiqi Kafelnikov , developed Intel CPU reports Ruff , anatomist Henle , physicist Richard Feynman , Landau , biologists, Kazakhstan Carolina, pharmaceutical scientist Lori wells , money well, Waxman , and so on , these people flowing the blood of the Jews , and most people won the Nobel Prize.

Participated developed the atomic bomb in USA , IN " Manhattan Project " the main characters, such as Bohr , Einstein , Oppenheimer , Szilard , Fermi , Teller , etc., are all Jews ;
participate Soviet Union developed the first atomic bomb, the main scientists are Jews. the nuclear sites of soviet in a town. also known as " Jewish city ."

Of course, the Anglo Saxon and the Germanic nationality had birth many great scientists and inventors, but taking into account their population is dozens of times of the Jews,

therefore Jews is a very terrible race on the Earth.It is really horrible!

I want to laugh when I see some white people blame the Israel bully the Palastine on this forum, to show these white guys very goodness for other human race.

These white guys(European) often bully and attacked the other nations in the world. Now they want to "show" they are good guys, not the bad guys.ha,ha ,ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ,It is ironry,right?:sarc:
This is how the IDF reacts to non Israeli TV crews filming a protest in Bil'in village. By firing CS gas canisters into the vehicle,.

Nothing to hide???

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I don't see much facts that contradict mine. All I hear is something like "it has been shown a dozen times" or "You have been told time and time again" and when I ask for their references of what they are claiming, I get none. Because there are none.

The fact that it is about religion is well documented, but you have to read it of course. You won't find that in ant-israel-jew-zionism documents and publications.

The Islamic world wants the control of other religion's holy sites, the way around is not alowed. It's written in the Quran. The most holy temples of Hinduism were destroyed by Mohammad Ghauri in the 12th century. The Jordanian army destroyed all the synagogues in the West bank when they illegally annexed it. They also expelled all the Jews.

Christians and Muslims live peacefull tohether as long as the Muslims are in control. In Spain Muslims, Christians and Jews lived in peace as long as the Muslims were in control. The way around was not allowed.

The Crane Commission with regard to Syria-Palestine and Iraq (August 29, 1919) states that the Christians and the Muslims did not want the jews to come to "Palestine" because they did not want the Jews to take over their holy places.

The international community gave "Palestine" to the Jews and Lebanon to the Christians. Both countries saw lots of sectarian violence. The Muslims wanted both "Palestine" and Lebanon to join Syria and have full Muslim control.

A Short Summary of Islamic Beliefs and Eschatology

"Under Islam, land once possessed by Islam, if subsequently lost to an invader, remains land that is holy to Islam. It is especially imperative that such lost lands be restored to the rightful rule of Islam. Historically, of course, such lost lands now lost to Islam include not only Israel but large portions of Southern Europe, Spain and North Africa. Since Allah's will is for the entire world to come under subjection to the rule of Islam, Muslims are known for their zeal in spreading their religion, whether by peaceful means or by the sword.
All other religions and all other prophets after Mohammed are false, and all non-Muslims are infidels or dhimmi (tolerated minorities under Islamic rule-such as Jews and Christians). This controlling command eventually brought Islam to Israel, and is the reason for the Muslims' uncompromising control of the Temple Mount."​

That's why Arafat blew up the peace proces, Barak refused him the uncomprimising control of the Temple Mount. That's why the PA wants East jerusalem (which includes the Temple Mount) as their capital although it was NEVER a capital, nor a cultural or scholarly center, of an independent Muslim country.

Jerusalem appears in the Jewish Bible 669 times and Zion (which usually means Jerusalem, sometimes the Land of Israel) 154 times, or 823 times in all. The Christian Bible mentions Jerusalem 154 times and Zion 7 times. In contrast, the columnist Moshe Kohn notes, Jerusalem and Zion appear as frequently in the Qur'an "as they do in the Hindu Bhagavad-Gita, the Taoist Tao-Te Ching, the Buddhist Dhamapada and the Zoroastrian Zend Avesta"—which is to say, not once.​

The Jews want the land because it was once their homeland, they wanted it back and got it. The Muslims claim it because it is written in the Quran. All Muslim nations' rule of law is based fully or in part on Sharia law, religious laws.

If it wasn't for religious reasons they wouldn't mind living under Jewish or Christian control.