So why do people hate Israel?

Personally, I don't hate the Jews ,but the Jews favour cheat rest people of the world.For example, Marx and Engels' invented evil theory of communist endanger the world. The Jews of wall street use of financial tools of cheat the moneys of the common people. The Jews controls the medias bueatify the west countries invade other countries. These jews are not any good guys!
Personally, I don't hate the Jews ,but the Jews favour cheat rest people of the world.For example, Marx and Engels' invented evil theory of communist endanger the world. The Jews of wall street use of financial tools of cheat the moneys of the common people. The Jews controls the medias bueatify the west countries invade other countries. These jews are not any good guys!

Why are the Chinese in Tibet?
You are so boring, mentions the same questions again and again.

Let us get the straight, what about American masscre and deported millions of American Indian and robbed their lands. What about the Canada and Australian abused the Natives.

If discuss evil ,I think nobody is able to more evil than white guys and the Mongol empire. But as a Asian people, I never conceal the evil and guilt of Mongol empire.And as the Han people , we hate Mongolian we call them barbarians. But the European never admit their crime on black African, the American Indians and Asain people. Accrding the history record, the European caught tens of millions black to America in 15-18 centuries, and
10-20 millions black slave die at bad conditions of shiping at least.

Why are the Chinese in Tibet?
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No-one is innocent.
Not the British, not the Israelis, not the Arabs, not the Egyptians, not the Americans, not the Russians, not the Christians, not the Muslims, not the Jews, not the Atheists and so on and so on ad nauseum.

Just like every single other culture/group/religion/special snowflake in the world.
Welcome to human history and just remember: - You're different to me so you can't be part of my tribe. My tribe is better than yours and we'll kill your tribe to prove it.

Call me a cynic but generally, humans are selfish sons-of-bitches...
People hate Israel because they have really nice land and stuff.

Just like people the world over hate the U.S. because we have really nice stuff.

It's not jealousy, more or less the bribery imperialism, butchery, robbery, political swindling and intimidation that allows us to all have really nice stuff.

And the world ain't nice so calling these acts as "liberation" or "Defense initiatives" or "economic stimulation of undeveloped areas" is easier to cope with than just saying we are stealing everybody's crayons.

But hey, if it wasn't us it would be someone else. Welcome to Earth.
You want to know why people hate Israel here is a recent example posted by global research 20 January 1013.

Why has Israeli Soldier’s Photo Sparked More Outrage than Israeli War Crimes.

The Instagram photo posted by an Israeli soldier showing what appears to be a Palestinian child in the crosshairs of his rifle has sparked outrage, as it should. Ali Abunimah was the first to report on this at the Electronic Intifada and it has since gone viral with major news outlets picking up the story.
This photo is not only disgusting but it’s also symbolic of the callousness with which Israel views Palestinian lives. Still, I find it unsettling that this picture has elicited far more outrage than the routine killing of unarmed Palestinian civilians ever has.
Where was this outrage last month when Israeli soldiers shot dead four unarmed Palestinians, among them children, in under a week?
Where is this outrage when Israeli soldiers drop bombs on Palestinian babies, use Palestinian civilians as human shields and massacre entire families?
This picture is not, as some would like to believe, the product of one bad apple among many good soldiers. It’s the product of decades of dehumanization that is inherent in military occupation. Just ask Breaking the Silence, a group of former Israeli soldiers committed to shedding light of the routine abuse of Palestinians by Israeli soldiers. “This is what occupation looks like. This is what military control over a civilian population looks like,” wrote one member of the organization in a Facebook comment about the Instagram photo.
Yes, this photo should certainly spark outrage but so should the war crimes that precipitated it. In fact, I would argue that anyone surprised by the photo is absolutely clueless about what occupation and dominance over another people means.
I recall a similar uproar in response to American soldiers keeping body parts of Afghans they murdered as trophies. The same type of controversy erupted when a video surfaced showing US soldiers urinating on Afghan corpses. Meanwhile, just last week a NATO airstrike killed 10 Afghan civilians, including five women and four children, and barely anyone noticed.
As David Swanson observed on Twitter, “It’s not the murder we’re supposed to oppose but the photography, urination, mutilation, and inappropriate flag use.”
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People hate Israel because they have really nice land and stuff.

Just like people the world over hate the U.S. because we have really nice stuff.

It's not jealousy, more or less the bribery imperialism, butchery, robbery, political swindling and intimidation that allows us to all have really nice stuff.

And the world ain't nice so calling these acts as "liberation" or "Defense initiatives" or "economic stimulation of undeveloped areas" is easier to cope with than just saying we are stealing everybody's crayons.

But hey, if it wasn't us it would be someone else. Welcome to Earth.

Yep, that pretty much sums it up.
To get all deep and meaningful... there's a deeply ingrained natural philosophy behind all of this and it's one of simple survival.

Every organism (and that includes such things as groups/clans/tribes/nations and also non-living things such as businesses and corporations) wants to survive.
To survive they must secure the resources they need to continue existing.
To actually thrive, they have to keep those resources for themselves and not share them with anyone/thing else.

So in context of Israel, if they were to open themselves up and share everything they have with all their neighbours, they weaken themselves - they no longer have all the resources they need to ensure they survive. So they maintain a condition of being "Israel" and preventing "non-Israel" elements from taking the resources they themselves use.

This is human (and natural) history from the dawn of time, we are all guilty of this behaviour. For example, Australia did not go to East Timor to secure quality of life for the East Timorese, we went there to secure the LPG fields for Australia thus ensuring quality of life for Australia. Helping the East Timorese was useful excuse and a helpful side effect.

If we're all supposed to hate Israel for taking the land that the Palestinians took from someone else who took the land from someone else etc. etc. ad nauseum then I'd have to start hating the English for taking land from my ancestors in Scotland and Ireland and I'd have to start hating the French for taking land from my ancestors in England and I'd have to start hating everyone in Scandinavia for taking the land from my ancestors in Great Britain... and damn! all that hate tires me out.

To quote the group "The Jam" from their song "Going Underground",
Some people might get some pleasure out of hate
Me, I've enough already on my plate
So in context of Israel, if they were to open themselves up and share everything they have with all their neighbours, they weaken themselves - they no longer have all the resources they need to ensure they survive.

The point you seem to miss completely is that Israel is not even a legal entity under International law. They are "occupiers" just as the Nazis were occupiers of Poland etc during WWII and they are occupying land that the Arabs had been promised in 1915 in exchange for their assistance in ridding the area of the Turks. (The Hussein-McMahon Agreement)

By international agreement the British were the mandated administrators of Palestine however this gave them no power to promise the land to anyone other than its occupants, (call them Arabs, Palestinians or whatever you wish, and this of course includes a small percentage of native Jews). After World War II Britain had no desire to fight another war in Palestine against the Zionist terrorists who attacked both the legitimate occupants and the legitimate administration of the time. Lists of hundreds of terrorist acts including the bombing of the King David Hotel have been documented elsewhere in this thread. So, they just pulled out, ostensibly leaving Palestine without a government and it was during this time that it was flooded with illegal Jewish refugees from Europe, none of these people had any legitimate cause or reason to be there. The fact that their Jewish ancestors were supposedly one group of many who moved through that area 1200 years previously carries no weight in law or common sense.

In 1948 in response to Palestinian resistance against this illegal occupation the Israelis declared their "war of independence" where they drove the legal occupants out into the neighbouring countries as refugees where they and their descendants remain to this day.

United Nations resolution 181 was merely a recommendation that Palestine be considered as an area for resettlement of Jews this recommendation was never ratified, and would never have been ratified, as it would have been illegal under international law which clearly states that sovereignty over land, cannot be granted to an occupying force.

So essentially Palestine remains a land under foreign occupation, and the legitimate natives of that land have every right to defend it in any manner which they see fit especially when it is considered that they have no standing armed forces and their occupier is both financed and armed by the world's most powerful military forces.

Israel is in effect the world's worst rogue state having over 200 United Nations resolutions raised against it because of both its illegal occupation and crimes against humanity. They have in effect snubbed their nose at the United Nations, the International Courts of Justice, and broken virtually every International Law and convention known to man. Had this have been any other country they would have been invaded and the problem corrected 50 years ago.
I didn't miss the point, it simply was not relevant to my rant.
Your overly simplistic evaluation of the situation demonstrates pretty clearly that you either completely missed the point or deliberately tried to oversimplify the matter as to present a skewed view, insinuating that what has taken place is quite OK and should be ignored. Either way, you've definitely "missed the point" completely.

The point of the thread being to state that, No! it is not OK and that the Israelis are not detested and despised without good reason. Furthermore it can be very easily demonstrated that it is the continued ignorance of the plight of the Palestinian people that has enraged the Muslim world and ultimately bought about the current global terrorism that undermines the economic and social stability of all countries who support Israel. It's not just a purely Arab versus Israeli matter and it is costing the world trillions of dollars per annum and inconveniences virtually everybody.

If we're all supposed to hate Israel for taking the land that the Palestinians took from someone else who took the land from someone else etc. etc. ad nauseum

There is no similarity as you will see if you care to read the thread. We are talking about a modern day atrocity (or series of on going atrocities) which are covered by any number of International Laws and conventions which were not in place at the time of previous forced colonisations (occupations).
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You overestimate your country, you brag your country had 'really nice stuff.' . Mean USA had the best lands ,the best army ,best weapons or best bomber???

The so-call superpower USA even dare not attack the little country North Korean , even the little North Korean had courage confront the big guys,
But the USA dare not touch a hair of North korean except intimidation once more. Let the Earth people know the USA just a paper tiger, he even dare not touch a hedgehog, Let alone some American stupids often brag they brave confront the big power like China or Russian.:mrgreen:

Why the many people of the world hate USA, because USA often bully the weak race. They just like 'animals' ,believe 'the big fish eat little fish.'

On contrast, China often help the weak race like assistance black Afircan, so they respect China.
People hate Israel because they have really nice land and stuff.

Just like people the world over hate the U.S. because we have really nice stuff.

It's not jealousy, more or less the bribery imperialism, butchery, robbery, political swindling and intimidation that allows us to all have really nice stuff.

And the world ain't nice so calling these acts as "liberation" or "Defense initiatives" or "economic stimulation of undeveloped areas" is easier to cope with than just saying we are stealing everybody's crayons.

But hey, if it wasn't us it would be someone else. Welcome to Earth.
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On contrast, China often help the weak race like assistance black Afircan, so they respect China.

You need to learn a little about the world.

Have you ever been to Africa? Obviously you have not, because if you had you would realise that only the dictators and rulers in these places like having the Chinese there because Chinese money will make them rich. The people in these countries absolutely detest the Chinese as they get no advantage, no work and the Chinese despise them, calling them lazy and an educated. They also realise that the Chinese are stealing the riches of their country and paying only a pittance.

You are a typical ignorant Chinese propagandist with no real knowledge of the world or anything other than that told to you by the Communist Party cadres.

The US has little to fear from North Korea with the threats of nuclear missiles. If the North Koreans decided to launch a missile I have no doubt that the US could destroy it with a single Patriot missile, possibly while it is still over North Korean airspace. The resulting damage would turn much of North Korea into a nuclear wasteland from the warhead of their own missile.
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You are a typical white guy that envy the China cooperations with Afrian. Could you tell me, these European colonize and robbed African continent for hundreds of years, what they can bring to the African people. Why African people still trap in poverty,hungry,disease ? after west countries socall they give african many assistance per year. Where the so-call asssitance of west ??? These white guys mock all these due to lazy ,corruption and uneducation of african. These European call the African is a 'fotgotten' continnent. Even some massacre happen in Rwanda and civil war of Congo.The west media turn a blind eyes on it. Even the african do not believe the lying of these white anymore.

At least China assistance many port,airport,railways,communication facilities,hospitals,schools,stadiums,power facilities....., bring the modern civilisation to every common people of African. What the European colonist remain,even a decent Toilet they didn't leave the African.

You claim China trade with African dictator,according the standers of white guys, 80% African governments belong the dictatorships, is that tell us can't trade with the Africa?
As for the China buys some materials from African, we don't like the European rob the resource of African by force. We pay moneys. Don't you know the principle of trading: 'fair and voluntary', if they won't sell ,we won't buy.

You need to learn a little about the world.

Have you ever been to Africa? Obviously you have not, because if you had you would realise that only the dictators and rulers in these places like having the Chinese there because Chinese money will make them rich. The people in these countries absolutely detest the Chinese as they get no advantage, no work and the Chinese despise them, calling them lazy and an educated. They also realise that the Chinese are stealing the riches of their country and paying only a pittance.

You are a typical ignorant Chinese propagandist with no real knowledge of the world or anything other than that told to you by the Communist Party cadres.
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u claim even a single patroit missile can intercept the missile of North korean, very easy ,right? ha,ha.

Can you explain why defense department of american declear add 14 Land-based missile interceptors devices on American homeland for answer the treat of North korean? The American government even uaware the satellite of North korean already rise into atmosphere until the North korean release the news last time.:-D

The US has little to fear from North Korea with the threats of nuclear missiles. If the North Koreans decided to launch a missile I have no doubt that the US could destroy it with a single Patriot missile, possibly while it is still over North Korean airspace. The resulting damage would turn much of North Korea into a nuclear wasteland from the warhead of their own missile.
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