
Active member
I in no way want to anger, demean, alienate, or cause controversey. I am a person who is concerned that a lot of powerful instituions do not have humanities best interests at heart

Uranium and Depleted Uranium
Why Depleted Uranium?
Why and how would a waste product of nuclear fission in a nuclear reactor become such a worldwide and insidious toxin. The military sector has found applications for this byproduct known as depleted uranium. It is used in defensive armor plates. And, it is used to make the most devastating weapons the military uses -- the kinetic energy penetrators in hardened artillery shells that will penetrate tanks and other heavily armored vehicles and buildings. When used, it is like a hot knife that slices through armored tanks.
On impact, depleted uranium ignites. It generates fires and explosions, and death to those in near proximity. In addition, it also generates airborne oxides. This is where the great and long-term damage occurs to millions; 40% of the depleted uranium is left on the battlefield after the battle.
The particles of depleted uranium oxide (DUO) cannot be seen. They are nano particles. Some are smaller than the wavelength of light. To provide perspective, they are 1/10,000 the diameter of a red blood cell. These microsized particles have never existed in the natural environment until now.
The Danger of Depleted Uranium
Depleted uranium kills many people quietly. It is an inhalation time bomb. There is nothing depleted about depleted uranium. Inhaled DU nano particles easily cross the lung/blood barrier in inhalation, and the blood/brain barrier through the nose and into the brain.
The serious and real danger with depleted uranium is in the inhalation of these microparticles of alpha radioactivity.
Such radioactivity is natural at low levels in the environment. It is a highly ionizing form of radiation. And, it is not dangerous unless inhaled. Once inhaled, which DUO universally is, it is the most destructive form of ionizing radiation by far. One gram of DU releases 13,000 alpha particles (a helium nucleus) per second. One alpha particle can cause cancer under the right conditions.
DU inhaled nano particles, less than 10 microns big, stay lodged in tissue for decades, emitting radiation that does great and cumulative damage.
Depleted uranium in your body is like miniature cannons going off for decades inside your body. They fire high-energy particles at 12,000 shots per second. They wreck and damage DNA chains. They induce chemical changes inside cells. And if the particles survive, they can replicate and do even more damage.
Worldwide and USA
DU is a worldwide toxin. Because it is aerosolized, it can travel great distances from where it is used to penetrate armor in a war. It began to be used in war in the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, then in the Gulf War in 1990-91, and continues to be used today.
Gulf War veterans were found to have DU in their clothing, bodies, and semen; 67 percent of them have offspring with birth defects. Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and chronic neurological conditions are much more common among them than in the general public. Lauren Moret, eminent scientist, has stated that DU is the main cause of Gulf War Syndrome.
Whereas only 400 soldiers were killed in the war, 11,000 of the 580,000 soldiers are now deceased, and over 325,000 are on permanent disability as of 2000.
In the areas of the world where it has been used most, mainly the Middle East and in the areas in and around Serbia, the soil and air is so contaminated with depleted uranium that millions of Iraqis and others in the area, as well as their offspring, will be developing cancers for decades to come, cancers they otherwise would not have developed.
Even in Great Britain it is reported that the highest levels of depleted uranium that were ever measured in the atmosphere were transported on currents of air from the Middle East and Central Asia during and immediately after the Tora Bora bombing in Afghanistan and the "Shock and Awe" bombing of Iraq in 2003.
In the USA, serious side effects have been observed in a number of areas. These include areas such as Hanford, Washington; Oak Ridge, Tennessee; Los Alamos, New Mexico; and Portsmouth, Ohio, among others. In Colonie, New York near Albany, 23 years after a US arms plant was shut, it has been discovered that 20 percent of the people in the area are contaminated who have lived there for over 10 years.
DU and Human Illness

The adverse effects on human health include the following:
  • Lung cancer
  • Reactive airway disease
  • Neurological abnormalities
  • Vision degradation
  • Lymphoma and other cancers
  • Birth defects in offspring
Dr. James Howensteine, M.D., has written in April 2006 that we have a lung cancer epidemic from depleted uranium in the US, and that it has just begun. It was reported in 2006 on CNN News American Morning that there are usually 175,000 new cases of lung cancer per year in the US, yet in January and February of 2006 alone there were 172,000 new cases.
In perspective, you can develop lung cancer if you smoke for 30 years, or if you have exposure to depleted uranium in 30 days.
Treatment, Decontamination and Eliminating DU

The general principles and approaches that apply include:
  1. Ample amounts of necessary minerals such as magnesium, iodine, selenium, zinc, and others
  2. Saunas, both infrared and far-infrared
  3. Raising core energy levels with botanical formulas
  4. Supporting and improving individual capacities to mobilize and eliminate toxins
  5. Therapeutic Clays to remove positively charged particles

Other supplements that may be of help include:
  1. Vitamin D in adequate amounts to protect bone strength
  2. Thiol supplements such as cysteine and ALA to help improve detoxification pathways
  3. L-glutamine to repair intestinal damage.
Important are ample quantities of:
  • Chlorella, which is not only a heavy metal chelator but is also radioprotective
  • Spirulina, which was used at a dose of 5 grams per day for 45 days after Chernobyl Cilantro, which has research demonstrating its effectiveness in protecting bones from lead and uranium contamination
  • Other forms of chelation such as EDTA, DMPS, DMSA and others

As the reader can surmise, there is no clear treatment for poisoning with depleted uranium. Our focus must be on:
  1. Eliminating exposure
  2. Correcting damage and mutation of DNA with effective doses of botanicals such as green tea, Japanese Knotweed, curcumin, and others
  3. Supporting general health and detoxification
  4. Minimizing or eliminating exposure to other forms of radiation, both ionizing and non-ionizing
  5. Ingesting foods that strengthen the core energetic systems of the body
Anti-radiation foods include miso soup, spirulina and chlorella, brassica vegetables, beans, sardines and anchovies if not contaminated, olives and olive oil, avocado, and grass-fed animal meat.

Uranium from depleted uranium is now a worldwide toxin on par with mercury in its devastating effects. It is like a hidden microchip that will do internal damage to millions of human bodies, and of course animals and other life on the planet, for decades.
Radioactive DU may claim more lives than either Hiroshima or Nagasaki. The environment in Iraq, Serbia, and nearby areas of the Middle East and Central Asia are completely radioactive with DU particles.
What the world requires now is to ban depleted uranium munitions and the use of DU.
In addition, if we are a humanity of conscience, then this requires us to evaluate and treat all exposed, and to find and remove all DU penetrator fragments and contaminated equipment.
Or, we face a progressive poisoning of all life on earth.
It is anything but clear at this time if there is the honesty to face these realities and the will to do what is right. We have the means and the understanding of how to do all of this, and the treatment modalities that can be effective. What is lacking is the will to take the necessary actions outlined here.
Depleted uranium is an epidemic of deception of which very few people are aware. It kills millions quietly.
We are at a critical stage of development as a species and as a civilization. This can be seen clearly in our worldwide economic crisis, environmental changes, medical system meltdown, as well as in the cumulative exposures that include DU, mercury, fluoride, vaccinations, thousands of chemicals, and serious chronic infections like Lyme disease.
The time for denial and piecemeal approaches are over. Integrative Medicine provides the template for the comprehensive approaches that are and will increasingly be necessary to help people heal from the effects of depleted uranium poisoning and the many other cumulative assaults on the human body and all life.
It is in developing a greater clarity in our thinking, and by entering into the sorrow and compassion of the world in our feelings, that we develop the will to do the work that needs to be done.
This we will need to counter the forces of destruction and the fear of annihilation that have grown stronger in the last century, especially since the unleashing of atomic and subatomic forces, and which now increasingly permeate our world militarily, socially, and economically.
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I have to tell you that you guys scare me as it would seem that you have no respect for the sacredness of life necessary to have a healthy society. I am scared to death that you guys will be the ones coming to my house whem martial law is declared.
I have to tell you that you guys scare me as it would seem that you have no respect for the sacredness of life necessary to have a healthy society. I am scared to death that you guys will be the ones coming to my house whem martial law is declared.
Well, I have to say I never considered depleted uranium to be a harmless substance, but then again I've never really come into contact with any great quantity of it.

Secondly, I'm not exactly sure going out against Fluorine and Vaccines is helping your argument any. It seems the real medical establishment isn't in the least bit worried about this, save for the doctor quoted in this article, who seems to be completely out of his mind as near as I can tell.

Thirdly, what the heck are you talking about? Martial Law? Me coming to your house? I'm not sure what planet you're on, much less what city you're in. And I'm not exactly planning on having a government job any time soon, so you don't have to worry about me.
I have to tell you that you guys scare me as it would seem that you have no respect for the sacredness of life necessary to have a healthy society. I am scared to death that you guys will be the ones coming to my house whem martial law is declared.

You don't think it is a rather large jump from Depleted Uranium rounds to martial law?

I certainly think that the health risks from exposure to DU need to be monitored but I just can't draw a link from it to the "sacredness" of life and martial law.
rebutal about martial law

Well, basicly it is stuff like this that bothers me. Since bush have been in office he has dimantled our constituion and take our civil liberties via executive orders(most people do not know this)checkout Rex 84 and the FEMA camps. Obama is no better he will bring down our economy(as the U.S. dollar has one foot in the grave and the other on a bananna peel). Is it possible to print anymore money? So you really don't think I have to worry? How come we have so many NATO troops in our country. I thought we were a soveigern country.

. Executive Summary

The United States Federal Emergency Management Agency has numerous detainment camps throughout the United States. Some camps have been recently constructed and / or renovated and are fully staffed. The existence of the camps coupled with Presidential Executive Orders giving the President and Department of Homeland Security (of which FEMA is now part) control over ‘national essential functions’ in the event of ‘catastrophic emergency’ have resulted in concerns that the camps will be used to forcefully detain American citizens for unconstitutional purposes.

2. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)


FEMA was created on April 1, 1979 pursuant to President Jimmy Carter’s Executive Order 12127. It amalgamated the Federal Insurance Administration, the National Fire Prevention and Control Administration, the National Weather Service Community Preparedness Program, the Federal Preparedness Agency and the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration activities formerly carried out by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. It also took over Civil Defense from the Department of Defense, which was in charge of preparing citizens for military attack. [1]

In 1993 Bill Clinton turned the directorship of FEMA into a Cabinet position. In 2003 FEMA became part of the Department of Homeland Security’s Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate. [2]

Stated Purpose

The stated purpose of FEMA is to “reduce the loss of life and property and protect the Nation from all hazards, including natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other man-made disasters, by leading and supporting the nation in a risk-based, comprehensive emergency management system of preparedness, protection, response, recovery, and mitigation.” [3]

Recent Operations

FEMA’s most notable large-scale operation in recent times was in the aftermath of August 2005 hurricane Katrina, which occurred along the north-central Gulf Coast, particularly affecting New Orleans, Louisiana. FEMA’s response to the disaster was widely criticized due to a slow and inadequate response, blocking external private and public assistance from individuals and groups including the Red Cross, [4] banning photographs of the dead [5] and confiscating reporter’s equipment [6] and homeowner’s registered firearms. [7]

The 2006 Congressional report on FEMA’s handling of Katrina stated that it was "… a national failure, an abdication of the most solemn obligation to provide for the common welfare," [8]


Some have criticized FEMA’s failure as being due to is focus on ‘civil defense’ continuity of government and terrorism response programs to the detriment of its natural disaster response readiness. It is further alleged that hurricane Katrina was used to test run of a continuity of government program, allowing FEMA to rehearse rounding up and relocating large numbers of people to camps, suspending their constitutional rights and militarizing the region [9] with the help of private military contractors (mercenaries). Black Water USA, a private security company, was used in the aftermath of Katrina. [10]

3. Powers and Preparations for a Declared State of Emergency

REX-84 and Operation Garden Plot

Readiness Exercise 1984 (REX-84) is an emergency response program involving the implementation of martial law, the movement of civilian populations and the arrest and detainment of segments of the population. A rehearsal of the program was carried out April 5-13, 1984. It was led by FEMA and the Department of Defense and involved the coordination of 34 other Federal departments and agencies. [11] REX-84 was mentioned during the Iran-Contra hearings [12] and publicly exposed by the Miami Herald on Sunday July 5th, 1987. [13]

Similar large-scale emergency preparedness drills have taken place regularly since then. The most recently announced, organized by NORTHCOM, are scheduled for October 15-20. [14] Some assert that the drills continue to include preparations for the suspension of the Constitution and the implementation of martial law. [15]

Operation Garden Plot is a United States Army and National Guard program under control of the US Northern Command (NORTHCOM) to provide Federal military support during domestic civil disturbances. One example of the program’s implementation was during the 1992 Los Angeles riots when US Army and Marine forces were used in conjunction with the California National Guard. [16] In Los Angeles an Executive Order was made to permit the use of the Federal army to uphold domestic laws pursuant to the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act, which places restrictions on the domestic use of the military for law enforcement purposes. [17]

Recently, however, Section 1076 Public Law 109-364, or the "John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007" (H.R.5122) has amended Posse Comitatus and The Insurrection Act (which also places limits on domestic military deployment) to allow the Federal government to unilaterally take control of state National Guards and position Federal troops anywhere in the country during a ‘public emergency’. [18]

Executive Orders

Throughout the 1960s numerous Presidential Executive Orders were issued authorizing Federal agencies to take over essential functions in the case of a declared emergency. The powers include, among many others, the authority of the Federal government to take over transportation infrastructure including highways and seaports (10990), food resources and farms (10998) and mobilize citizens into government supervised work brigades (11000). [19]

On May 9, 2007 President George Bush reasserted the role of the Federal government during a declared emergency by issuing Executive Order NSPD 51/ HSPD-20. The Order states that in the event of a ‘catastrophic emergency’ all ‘national essential functions’ may be taken over by the Executive branch of government and the Department of Homeland Security (including FEMA). [20]

4. Detainment Camps

Developments and Construction

In August 2002, then Attorney General John Ashcroft called for American citizens who are deemed ‘enemy combatants’ to be detained indefinitely without charge and independently of the judiciary. [21] This legal position was upheld in the case of a US citizen detained abroad by the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in a January 2003 ruling. [22]

In October 2006 the Military Commissions Act was passed by Congress. [23] The legislation applies to non-US citizens and permits individuals labeled as ‘enemy combatants’ to be imprisoned indefinitely and without charge. It also denies non-military tribunal judicial review of detainment (Section 7), disregards international treaties such as the Geneva Convention, and states that it is the President who defines what constitutes torture (Sections 5 & 6).

In January of 2007 the American Civil Liberties Union released a report based on documents obtained by a Freedom of Information Act suit showing that the Pentagon had monitored at least “186 anti-military protests in the United States and collected more than 2,800 reports involving Americans in an anti-terrorist threat database.” [24]

For some time FEMA has been renovating and constructing new detention camps throughout the country. In January 2006 Haliburton subsidiary KBR announced that it had been awarded an “indefinite delivery / indefinite quantity contract to construct detention facilities for the Department of Homeland Security worth a maximum of $385 million over 5 years. [25]

Stated Purpose

Little has been said about the purpose of the detainment camps but when official comment has been made it has stated that the camps are for the temporary detainment of illegal immigrants. [26]

Quantity and Locations

Citizens who are concerned about the purpose and potential use of the detainment camps have documented and, when possible, filmed the detainment facilities. A current estimate of the number of detainment camps is over 800 located in all regions of the United States with varying maximum capacities. [27] If one includes government buildings currently used for other purposes the number is far greater. Video of renovated but empty detainment camps has also been released. [28]

5. End Notes

[1] Executive Order 12127--Federal Emergency Management Agency
[2] Federal Emergency Management Agency. “About FEMA” April 1, 2007 <
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What amazes me is how these "patriots" can come up with all this profound "classified" information, yet they can never seem to point at any examples. Last couple of times I asked for examples one guy sent me pics of a site that he said was a prison internment camp being made. Turned out it was a feed lot that had stripped down because of some "bug" the cattle had. The other example was a "prison camp" in....Topaz Utah. Ok, maybe there's something there. I doubt it though. I used to live 12 miles away. Topaz *used to be* a WW2 internment camp for Japanese POWs.

I'm still waiting.....
I have to tell you that you guys scare me as it would seem that you have no respect for the sacredness of life necessary to have a healthy society. I am scared to death that you guys will be the ones coming to my house whem martial law is declared.
All soldiers are scaring, that is part of their job. They have enlisted to divide/diffrentiate between lives to be protected by taking others lives, not an easy ethical spagat by any means (which comes with a certain self protection reflex that might seem ghastly to civilians).

War in the end is about killing, and even knowing that you are killing for a decision some politician took, and the same kind of people like you, just on the side of another´s politician´s decision.

This partially explains the seemingly superficial attitude of soldiers towards life in general, and also the bonds between soldiers of each side.

You (and I respect your article and your concern) have the ability to discuss such stuff and the possibility to worry about such risks because there are those other type of guys out there (like their attitude or not), and it would harm their functionallity if they started thinking like you.

It is stupid? A waste of our best resources (the youth)? Unethical from all religious POVs? Agreed.

But, it is reality, on all sides, and I do not yet see how we can do without it as long as we keep investing more into armies than into ethical education of our future social mass. The latter is a political decision, and you are free to throw in your weight to influence that balance, that is the way things work.

You clearly state your concerns about civil rights et. al., and I am following your way of thought regarding the Bush administration, yet it is *you* people that have it in your hands to mark the pace, not the soldiers *as a group*.

Edit again: And forget about the "so many" NATO troops in your sovereign country... they are in all foreseeable probability the last threat you will have to worry about...

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You don't think it is a rather large jump from Depleted Uranium rounds to martial law?

I certainly think that the health risks from exposure to DU need to be monitored but I just can't draw a link from it to the "sacredness" of life and martial law.

Not anymore than the rest of the topics open for political discussions.:cool:
It seems to be the most effective substance for a penetration weapon, due to its high density and flammability. It's toxicity is magnified by the way it is distributed and ingested on ignition. This means that there could be a lot of collateral damage amongst both civilians and the soldiers who are firing it. This one seems to have got under the safety net.

Perhaps an extreme view is expressed here, not sure how much of this can be attributed purely to DU though

To me, the most sickening chapter was the one on depleted uranium or DU. He explains, "Depleted uranium is essentially U-238, the isotope after the fissionable isotope, U-235, has been extracted from uranium ore." DU has a half-life of 4.7 billion years. He continues:

"... a good deal of the country of Iraq, both its deserts and cities, hums with radioactivity. For since 1991, the US has been manufacturing ‘just about all [of its] bullets, tank shells, missiles, dumb bombs, smart bombs, and 500- and 2000-pound bombs, and everything else engineered to help our side in the war of Us against Them, [with] depleted uranium in it. Lots of depleted uranium. A single cruise missile, which weighs 3,000 pounds, carries within its casing 800 pounds of depleted uranium.' Recall that the Air Force dropped 800 of these bombs in just the first two days of the war. The math: 800 bombs multiplied by 800 pounds of depleted uranium equal 640,000 pounds, or 320 tons of radioactive waste dumped on that country in just the first two days of devastation" (83).

The impact is devastating. When DU hits something, it ignites, reaching temperatures between 3,000-5,000 degrees Celsius (5,432-9,032 degrees F). It goes through metal like a hot knife through butter, making it a superb military weapon. But is also releases radiation upon impact, poisoning all around it. Its tiny particles can be inhaled—people don't have to touch irradiated materials. Thus, Iraqis are being poisoned by simply breathing the air! And, once inhaled, DU hardens, turning into insoluble pellets than cannot be excreted. DU poisoning is a literal death sentence. It not only kills, however, but it can damage human DNA—it's the gift that keeps on giving, to generations and generations.

Yet, radiation is an equal opportunity destroyer: it also poisons those in occupying armies. Evidence from the Gulf War I ("Desert Storm") shows the impact on American troops. Sanders quotes Arthur Bernklau, who has extensively studied the problem: "Of the 580,400 soldiers who served in Gulf War I, 11,000 are now dead. By the year 2000, there were 325,000 on permanent medical disability. More than a decade later, more than half (56 percent) who served in Gulf War I have permanent medical problems." Bernklau then points out that the disability rate for soldiers in Vietnam was 10 percent (87).

Yet the impact is not just on Iraqis, or the soldiers who fought there. Sanders points out that, according to the London Sunday Times, radiation sensors in Britain reported a four-fold increase in airborne uranium just a few days after George W. Bush launched the March 19, 2003 attack on Iraq. That sounds bad enough, that the uranium can travel the approximately 2500 miles from Baghdad to London. But what Sanders does not note is that global weather does not travel east to west: it travels west to east. In other words, this uranium had to cross North America to get from Iraq to Britain!

There is much more detailed information included in this small, highly accessible book. AK Press deserves our respect and support for publishing such a worthy volume: and this is one we each should purchase and urge others to do so as well.

The biggest strength of this book is Sanders' clarity: this man is, if you will permit, "on target." He sees the problem being not just the illegal and immoral wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. He sees the US military as being an essential part of the US Empire, along with the major multinational corporations. He sees the military as an institution as a threat to global environmental survival. He recognizes that politicians won't address the problem; they are too incorporated in the US Empire. It says it is up to us, individually and collectively, in the US (primarily) and together with people around the world.

Basically, his argument is this: the US military can continue to launch wars and continue killing people (including Americans) around the world, or we can end war, and devote resources to the well-being of people in this country and others around the world. The choice is our's. But we also need to realize that if we let the US military continue on its path of continual war with its on-going quest for global domination, it will destroy all the humans, animals and vegetation on the planet. Your move, good people.

Kim Scipes, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Purdue University North Central in Westville, Indiana. Among other courses, he teaches Sociology of the Environment. His web site is
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If it works we are going to use it, period. You forget that the guys who are dropping these rounds want to inflict serious harm. You guys should spread this useful information to our Middle-eastern friends. Maybe they will stop engaging us after they see the "side effects".
"Since bush have been in office "

This might come as a surprise to you, but Bush isn't in office any more.:wink: I realize that many people hated George Bush so blindly that they want to blame every bad thing on him, but he's been out of office for a while now, so you might want to start paying attention to the new guy in the job. If you want to see some disrespect for the Constitution I think he'll be able to show you what it REALLY means.:read:
I guess the problems could be exaggerated, but perhaps the sites should be cleared up at least

Depleted uranium - The threat to civilians
What threat does DU pose to civilians?

The Royal Society concluded that the soil around the impact sites of depleted uranium penetrators may be heavily contaminated, and could be harmful if swallowed by children for example. In addition, large numbers of corroding depleted uranium penetrators embedded in the ground might pose a long-term threat if the uranium leaches into water supplies.
Localised areas of DU contamination provide a risk, particularly to young children who may for example put soil in their mouths, and areas should be cleared of visible penetrators and DU contamination should be removed from areas around known penetrator impact sites.

Long-term environmental sampling, particularly of water and milk, is required and provides a cost-effective method of monitoring sensitive components of the environment, and of providing information about uranium levels to concerned local populations. Monitoring may need to be enhanced in some areas, by site-specific risk assessment, if the situation warrants further consideration.

Interesting that the original press release was almost identical but included this bit

In response to media reports quoting representatives of the Anglo-American forces, citing Royal Society reports in connection with the long-term threat to civilians from depleted uranium munitions, the Royal Society is issuing the following statement of clarification.

Professor Brian Spratt, chair of the Royal Society working group on depleted uranium, said:

"The Royal Society’s recent study found that the majority of soldiers are unlikely to be exposed to dangerous levels of depleted uranium during and after its use on the battlefield. However, a small number of soldiers might suffer kidney damage and an increased risk of lung cancer if substantial amounts of depleted uranium are breathed in, for instance inside an armoured vehicle hit by a depleted uranium penetrator.
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If it works we are going to use it, period. You forget that the guys who are dropping these rounds want to inflict serious harm. You guys should spread this useful information to our Middle-eastern friends. Maybe they will stop engaging us after they see the "side effects".

I think the OP is trying to point out that DU rounds are fairly harmful to those using them as well as those receiving them, in fact I am prepared to bet that the DU part has caused relatively few injuries to those on the receiving end by comparison to the explosives and metal chunks said rounds produce.
Should we take a valuable tool away from combat troops to apease tree huggers and hippies? Civilian losses are bad, nobody wants to shoot a boy or woman but life isn't fair. Troops lifes come above all civilians inluding your own nations. The mission comes first and if your all dead that mission is failed. Even under the strictest of ROEs you can always defend yourself and your buddies. These weapons work and we won't stop using them until ordered to. If your son/brother/dad was a tanker and said these weapons made him more likely to survive would this even be a conversation?

I don't know, maybe I'm just blinded by my own bias.
Should we take a valuable tool away from combat troops to apease tree huggers and hippies? Civilian losses are bad, nobody wants to shoot a boy or woman but life isn't fair. Troops lifes come above all civilians inluding your own nations. The mission comes first and if your all dead that mission is failed. Even under the strictest of ROEs you can always defend yourself and your buddies. These weapons work and we won't stop using them until ordered to. If your son/brother/dad was a tanker and said these weapons made him more likely to survive would this even be a conversation?

I don't know, maybe I'm just blinded by my own bias.

Not at all but that isn't the point, the point is should you be using a combat system that is linked to long term health issues in your own troops.

As I understand it the actual discharge of the round is what produces much of the toxicity.
I think Babsvet has a point. DU has been proven to be deadly.

Just don't stand in front of the cannon when it's fired....
I have been briefed as a infantryman and a scout on the dangers of DU. If we are doing a bomb assessment we will be protected. I have seen tankers in action. They don't toss rounds around like garbage, they are pros. I have worked for 2 tank commanders. I would not be surprised if they worshiped every night to their diety SABOT.
DU rounds are dangerous, yes.
All weapons are.
As with all weapons, if the right precautions are taken the risks are minimized.

Theraputic clays? Not hardly.
If you are going to put your faith in that you are screwed.

As for the civilians living in the areas.
It is regretable that civilians are subjected to the aftermath of what their leader/troops started.
Civilians can also minimize their exposure by NOT climbing ontop of knocked out tanks as they did in former Yugoslavia.
This was when the hazards of these rounds were not as well known to the public.
Since the first gulfwar alot of securitymeasures have changed and new ones have been developed.
All to keep both own troops and civilians as safe as possible.
But as Big Z said, the weapon is working. It saves lives of our own troops.
Unless something less dangerous that are as effective down range are developed these weapons will be in continued use.
