Should military spending be reduced?

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I tried to say to reduce next point was to be that the money used from cut back military spending could be filtered to much more needed things HERE. Say we dont give the starving people of the world a penny of our money, then we filter it to the education system, internal improvements, better roads, cheaper gas, more housing for our own poor...Numerous things could be done with that money, more important than the points Ace listed above...and Ace..Ill just say this to number 9:bravo:and :hide:. Both apply here.
C/1Lt Henderson said:
...and Ace..Ill just say this to number 9:bravo:and :hide:. Both apply here.

I have the US embassie just down the street from my house, maybe i`ll just go lock my door now... :m1:
C/1Lt Henderson said:
You're right, I don't know every single thing thats being bought with that money.I suppose it's my concience telling me that it's right to save starving people...Damn the human guilt.

You are an arogant little brat!

How can you claim to be in a military prep organization and say that you would sacrifice national security to feed the world? The two concepts are not linked in any way or form.

If your conscience is telling you to save starving people I suggest that you join the Peace Corps and not the U.S. Military!
I said we could cut back on it. I did not say to blow our whole military funding, I simply said we could lower the budget. We don't need all those billions upon trillions of dollars spent on, as Ace said, "huge military only projects with no meaning."Just because of my military plans doesn't mean I can't say we could cut back on our spending...Sheesh.

EDIT: Its spelt arrogant...just thought you ought to know.
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Senior Chief said:
You are an arogant little brat!

How can you claim to be in a military prep organization and say that you would sacrifice national security to feed the world?

Are you afraid of life? Do you think someone is comming to get you and your family?? Well if someone comes its not foreign enemies (who?), its your neighbour on drugs or something. Why not use some of the money helping him with food, education, social services, healthcare and such....
Did you see how (partial of) society in New Orleans broke down during katrina... some of those people need help... for many years to come.

The biggest threat to the american life is (my opinion)
1. The lack of freedom (security control in friggin museums and such, unbeliveable)
2. Drugs
3. Too much weapons (to liberal legeslation)
4. lack of educated people (maybe thats the reason you need the drugs so they wont riot...?)
5. The rise of a class-society
6. The collapse of your economy
I have (whitout giving it too much evaluation) some suggestions of what US can do to reduce cost, and put some were its needed (like force protection materials, non-lethal weaponry, armed vehicles etc)
I cant think of a better force protection strategy then to kill all the bad guys before they can kill you.

Non-lethal is a civilian venture police forces need that, not the military. (maybe the MPs)

I dont even know what you mean by armed vechiles, our vechiles are armed?

1. 1 multirolle aircraft (scrap the rest) this has allready been initiated with JSF. About friggin time
No damit, we need an air to air fighter like the F-22 yes its expensive and yes its quite literally worth its weight in gold. I dont wanna be the guy that has to tell pilots they have to go up and fight in planes that arent quite as good as they could be. Youll have trouble finding a pilot that doesnt want to go up in the best aircraft his country can produce.

3. Reduce numbers of aircraft carriers (you do realize that one air craft carrier is almost the same size regarding the number of airplanes with most of you allies total air-force....)
I think we are drawing back our carriers by 2 down to 11. Carriers are the ultimate form of force projection and what you just said is right they do have more capable air forces on board than most of our allys, thats why 5 of them and their escort ships sitting off your coast are big deterent to do soemthing stupid.

6. Retreat all US army standing forces from Germany
Why? Its easier to deply with forces that are already closure to the scene.

7. Reduce ambitions in air and speace programs. Nobody can come close to the level you are today anyway.
Oh hell no, lets weaponize the hell out of space so no one else can full-spectrem dominance baby.

10. Reduce (and reduce ALOT) number of bases on US soil.
Again, I agree fewer bases are easier to protect and you have more assets in one place and therefore easier to move. Problem with that is its not very popular cause bases provides lots of jobs.

8. Reduce the national guard. Who do you are afraid of will march over your borders.... (Keep enough to controll your own citizens in case of riots and natural disasters etc)
Well patrolling the borders and dealing with more frequent natural disasters and 2 conflics is a toll on the national guard, if anything they need to be expanded.

11. Stop wasting money on huge "military only projects" with no meaning. If you keep the US military as its is today you will still be number one in the world for the next 20-30 years...
Like what?

The biggest threat to the american life is (my opinion)
1. The lack of freedom (security control in friggin museums and such, unbeliveable)
2. Drugs
3. Too much weapons (to liberal legeslation)
4. lack of educated people (maybe thats the reason you need the drugs so they wont riot...?)
5. The rise of a class-society
6. The collapse of your economy
1. We have more freedom than any other country on earth.
2. I agree
3. Dont want to get into it.
4. We need a working class and obviously were not too stupid considering the amount of patents we put out each year.
5. Um I think thats a good thing, its been proven tiem and tiem again if you work hard enough you can move up. We need a working class.
6. Doesnt appear to be happening anytime soon.
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Rabs said:
1. We have more freedom than any other country on earth.

I find you somewhat narrowminded and to sertain degree childish so I wont take you serious. I dont think you do either.

But I quoting on of your responses with the following comment.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you really crack me up!!!! Wait a minute I just gotta lay down on the floor.... hahahahahahahahahahahaha

puh, that really trained my stomac muscles.... Thanks.
C/1Lt Henderson said:
Uhh Ace...he agreed with some of your points...Guess you find em funny to eh?

Off course not... I found that needless to say. I will include a comment if it happens again.
Ace said:
Are you afraid of life? Do you think someone is comming to get you and your family?? Well if someone comes its not foreign enemies (who?), its your neighbour on drugs or something. Why not use some of the money helping him with food, education, social services, healthcare and such....
Did you see how (partial of) society in New Orleans broke down during katrina... some of those people need help... for many years to come.

The biggest threat to the american life is (my opinion)
1. The lack of freedom (security control in friggin museums and such, unbeliveable)
2. Drugs
3. Too much weapons (to liberal legeslation)
4. lack of educated people (maybe thats the reason you need the drugs so they wont riot...?)
5. The rise of a class-society
6. The collapse of your economy

Your points have been noted and then disregarded. We know what our internal problems are.

As a career military person I know what the current threats are to our country, inside and out.

How do you determine that I'm afraid of life? Because I want to keep the strongest military machine in a state of readiness?

I have a severe problem with the notion that New Orleans was a powder keg waiting to happen. As far as the hurricane and floods go, the city was built in a hole and has been sinking since it was first founded. What kind of idiot builds his home and business in a hole that has so many negatives?

It has been documented that a majority of the crime committed in the days and weeks following the hurricane was not from residents but from outside looters and thieves that came to town with just that in mind.

The government failures in New Orleans was not federal government failures, it was their idiot mayor and idiot govenor that failed the people. I for one do not think anyone outside of Louisiana should pay one penney for rebuilding the city. It should be made a landfill and the people assisted in relocating elsewhere.

If my neighbor was using/selling drugs I would know and he/she would be arrested and put away. I have no compulsion of turning in criminals.
Rabs said:
Na, some people are just jackasses, typical european ********.
jeez rabs...many of our respected members (FREAKIN REDLEG) are from Europe or its neighboring countries...Just because he doesnt agree with your point of view doesnt mean he is a yer jets man.

Edit...Senior chief, how would you know your neighbor was selling drugs? Snowmen are often very very cautious about their business...considering it is illegal...Good friends of mine were drug dealers and used them...I didnt know untill he tried to sell some to me...i didnt turn him in but i made him get rid of all the drugs.
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C/1Lt Henderson said:
I said we could cut back on it. I did not say to blow our whole military funding, I simply said we could lower the budget. We don't need all those billions upon trillions of dollars spent on, as Ace said, "huge military only projects with no meaning."Just because of my military plans doesn't mean I can't say we could cut back on our spending...Sheesh.

EDIT: Its spelt arrogant...just thought you ought to know.

Gee, you are good at finding mistakes in spelling, too bad you can't see the errors of your ways.

Yeah, if you dont agree with uncle sam you`re stupid....
Thats the american freedom for you... :shoothea:

No you could of disagreed with my points and that would of been perfectly fine, it was the sarcastic laughter that pissed me off.
Ace said:
Yeah, if you dont agree with uncle sam you`re stupid....
Thats the american freedom for you... :shoothea:

Rest my case!

You don't have to agree with Uncle Sam, you have that freedom. What happens to you if you comment on your government in a like manner?

But then, you speak of things that you know nothing about.

Most people that do not live in the U.S. have little clue as to what our society is like. You see only what you want to see and show blatant disrespect for what you disagree with. It's a shame that those that scream the most about what we do and say don't have the balls to do the same when it comes to their own country.
I say what I said before, I did not say we should blow our entire fortune on feeding the Ethiopians...I said we could give a few million, maybe even a few hundred thousand, to the starving people, and still be on top militarily.
C/1Lt Henderson said:
jeez rabs...many of our respected members (FREAKIN REDLEG) are from Europe or its neighboring countries...Just because he doesnt agree with your point of view doesnt mean he is a yer jets man.

Edit...Senior chief, how would you know your neighbor was selling drugs? Snowmen are often very very cautious about their business...considering it is illegal...Good friends of mine were drug dealers and used them...I didnt know untill he tried to sell some to me...i didnt turn him in but i made him get rid of all the drugs.

Because of the involvement with the local police we often have the drug puppy at our house training. If the neighbors were selling they would not be very happy about that weekly event.

I guess that if you knew who I was and what my background was you might not ask such a question.
Well, given that my mother is skeptical of on-line forums such as these, it would have been near impossible for me to know...(Dont worry men, I stick up for ya!)

People can use drugs anywhere; how do you know he knows you have the dog over and take it to a friends house?...My point is, how can you be 100% certain? Even police dogs can make mistakes....
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Senior Chief said:
Because I want to keep the strongest military machine in a state of readiness?

The question is why?? And at what cost?? This thread is actually based on is our priorities right...

I belive it was G.Orwell who wrote "Ask not what you are walling out, but what you are walling in"

I totally agree with you as a servicemember that more money to military is positive, we get better at what we do, get bether equipment and so on.... but as a responsible member of my society I also feel an reponsebility that my nation is run in a best way possible for ALL its inhabitants.

And if I were an American citizen before "war on terror" I would have said " hey look, right now we got more serious internal issues to adress. Lets get the men responsible (of course) then let international politics wait a minute...
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