Serbia will always consider Kosovo its own: PM

News Manager said:
"The policy of Serbia would be to declare that Kosovo is part of Serbia. That's not empty rhetoric, but a constitutional-legal formula," Kostunica said in an interview with the liberal Serb daily Danas.

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Of course. What sane politician (or any person) would willingly give away good, legally owned, land? I predict that another conflict will erupt over there, it will be similar to Russia and Chechnya. We will see terror attacks in Belgrade and a military response. And the Shiptars will become more and more militant (Islamists). The question is, if this happens, who will the west support?

The #1 reason the West wanted to break apart Yugoslavia, was because it was still a "Communist" state. Now with Slobo dead, and no more Yugo, and the war on terror...........