School drill portrays killers as Christians

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Milforum Mac Daddy
More anti-Christian nonsense.

© 2007

School officials in Burlington, N.J., who wanted to stage a "hostage situation" drill have portrayed the attackers as Christians, including one who was upset that his daughter was expelled for praying before class.
Supt. Chris Manno praised the exercise to test the response of the school and police, explaining, "You perform as you practice. We need to practice under conditions as real as possible in order to evaluate our procedures and plans so that they're as effective as possible."
Lifesite News reported that the Christian students in the school were offended when the student body was told the alleged gunmen were "members of a right-wing fundamentalist group called the 'New Crusaders' who don't believe in separation of church and state."
(Story continues below)
The Burlington County Times said the mock gunmen pretended to shoot several students in the hallways before taking 10 students hostage in the district's media center.
Organizers of the drill said the "Christian" gunmen had gone to the school "seeking justice because the daughter of one had been expelled for praying before class."
But there's not much of reality to that scenario, according to Bob Pawson, spokesman for the Scriptures in School Project. Instead, it was just an excuse to denigrate Christians, he said.
"So what allegedly real condition was imagineered? A grotesque scenario saturated with Christian-bashing prejudice and bigotry; a scenario which could never possibly occur," he said.
It doesn't even meet the logic test, he said. "As all Burlington school officials know full well: It is perfectly legal for any student or staff member to pray in a public school. They know that no student can ever be expelled for praying before class. Hence, the contrived reason for the mock attack is bogus."
County officials said the drill was the first live test of its sort in their area, but Pawson said it was more a test of New Jersey Christians, trying to determine their response "to such a blatant example of anti-Christian animosity."
In a belated statement released on the school's website, officials said there were "concerns" that had been shared regarding the test.
"Any perceived insensitivities to our religious community as a result of the emergency exercise are regrettable," the school said.
"Our schools have respected and supported staff members' and students' right to pray. Students and staff have held morning prayer vigils. There are various prayer groups within the High School as well as an established Bible club," the school said.
The U.S. Supreme Court nearly 40 years ago concluded that students do not give up their constitutional rights "to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate," and the U.S. Department of Education explicitly supports that freedom, penalizing any school that disallows constitutionally protected religious speech.
"A public apology is in order," Pawson said. "The citizens of Burlington County could rightly demand the resignation or termination of school officials who dreamed up and approved this reprehensible scenario."
In a commentary on, a writer lamented the situation.
"This is the root of liberal bias. It starts in the schools and spreads throughout from the children to the town councils and eventually to local newspapers such as the Burlington County Times where staff writer David Levinsky blends the fantasy of the mock scenario with the reality of school shootings through America," the writer said.
"The real story is that it has become acceptable to discriminate against Christians with bigoted characterizations that portray them as gun wielding psycho killers," the writer said.
The local newspaper had reported the drill was that of a situation that has "played out" numerous times across America. "Two Burlington Township police detectives portrayed the gunmen. Investigators described them as members of a right-wing fundamentalist group…"
Said Terry Trippany, editor at Webloggin, on a personal blog, "If the police had portrayed the real life scenario of gay terrorists or abortion rights activists upset for any contrived reason you would read about it in every major paper across the United States; and rightfully so because IT WOULD BE RIDICULOUSLY STUPID."
An author at said, "This is the stupid local bureaucrat version of the Sum of All Fears. What would have made the 'drill more realistic' would have been to cut the crap and portray the child-killing terrorists as Islamists." The local newspaper reported that, "Burlington Township Public Safety Director William Corter said the drill was the first live exercise testing the police and school response plans to a hostage crisis. 'This should really show how well we work together and respond,' Corter said. 'If mistakes are made, we want to know how they should be corrected. The things we do right, we still want to see how we can make them better.'"
I want to know why they would have to state who the persons were? All they need to know is there are gunmen holding children hostages after killing some of them.

That would set the picture pretty well. Political affiliations/beliefs would be irrelevant if they have already proven they would kill children to meet their goals.

So I would have to side with the Christians in this by stating the scenario, while valid on the whole, is rediculous in the details.
I agree with Marinerhodes on this one, there was no need to label the OPFOR in this scenario for it to be effective. This was someone's chance to grind an axe. I guess this is what happens to people after decades of being America's toxic waste dump... garbage in, garbage out.
Did anyone stop to think that until recent times virtually all of our hostage situations, snipers etc., were perpetrated by persons allegedly of the Christian faith.

In this exercise they would have to use far different strategies in dealing with someone other than a Muslim. I have no doubt that the Muslim scenario has been done to death in recent times and the organisers of the exercise decided that perhaps it was time we got back to a more likely scenario.

"It ain't pretty but them's the facts"
I have nothing against the training... I am against the portrayal of chirsitans. America has become Anti-Christian. If they just cut out the whole religon parts of the training I's be happy. It is an insult to those that are Christian. (ME)

Right now we are fighting a war against Islamic Terrorism. Do Christian Terrorist exist. Yes they do, but why is it that when anything about Islam is spoken the left jumps and says that we're racist? What about when they jump against Christianity? Nothing is done.
I think that a lot of people with far too little to do, are reading things into this situation that just don't exist. The organisers of these exercises have no "second agenda" and it is as simple as the fact that all probable scenarios must be taken into consideration.

As simple as the solution seems to many on here, the truth is always somewhat different. Negotiation is always a large part of any hostage situation, and as I posted earlier, the persons involved would use far different strategies with a Christian group than a Muslim, Calathumpian, Green Rights or Lesbian Whales support group.
Making fun of yourself is different. People who are christian are allowed to make fun of other christians or themselves, no harm done.
Negotiation is always a large part of any hostage situation, and as I posted earlier, the persons involved would use far different strategies with a Christian group than a Muslim, Calathumpian, Green Rights or Lesbian Whales support group.

I think that a lot of people with far too little to do, are reading things into this situation that just don't exist. The organisers of these exercises have no "second agenda" and it is as simple as the fact that all probable scenarios must be taken into consideration.

As simple as the solution seems to many on here, the truth is always somewhat different. Negotiation is always a large part of any hostage situation, and as I posted earlier, the persons involved would use far different strategies with a Christian group than a Muslim, Calathumpian, Green Rights or Lesbian Whales support group.

Probable scenario should read:

"Gunmen enter the building and shoot children. They now hold children hostage in the media center. Our job is to rescue the children with no fatalities and apprehend the gunmen if possible".

End of story. The LEOs can work off that. It is the negotiators and other people that would need to know the psychological mindset and political affiliations of the perpetators.

Not the dang SWAT team or LEO. This was supposed to be training for a Quick Reaction Force, not for a hostage negotiation team.

"Burlington Township Public Safety Director William Corter said the drill was the first live exercise testing the police and school response plans to a hostage crisis.'This should really show how well we work together and respond,' Corter said. 'If mistakes are made, we want to know how they should be corrected. The things we do right, we still want to see how we can make them better.'"
Muslim are not the only terrorists ...

I seem to remember a 'non-Muslim' attack against a building in Oklahoma City ... the attackers were a couple of Anti-Government 'Christian' wackos (Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building) ... I also remember a bunch of religious nuts that tried to blow away a bunch of agents when they tried to serve a warrant at a religious enclave where they were forted up (David Koresh - Branch Davidians) ... the explosions when the building went up in flame had explosions going off from the stored ammunition like a bunch of firecrackers for many hours until the site cooled down (not one person involved was Muslim). I also don't remember any little Muslim twits taking a gun to school and blowing away their friends and enemies.

Muslim ARE NOT the ONLY terrorists that have hit sites in various areas of the United States ... they are JUST the last ones to have done so. So why was this scenario so far off the mark?

Understanding an attackers mindset is invaluable when judging plans designed to counter them when they have taken hostages (personal experience). Without this info, lives can and have been lost when a situation begins to sour, where there has been NO understanding of the attackers beliefs, etc. Real life situations are not always Muslim based nor Muslim backed.
^^^ I'm with the Chief ^^^

A storm in a teacup, to discredit men who are trying to cover all of the angles. let me get this straight. . .

Someone calls 911 from the school or neighboring area and automatically knows it is christian radicals/muslim radicals/buddist monks/chinese immigrants/russian paratroopers (pick your flavor) that have attacked and killed students in the school and are holding more hostage? They are going to be able to give a good SALUTE report for the 911 operators? They are going to be thinking rationally enough to talk to these people to find out what they want, who they are with, why they are doing this, etc etc and these people are going to let them?

IMO All the LEO and Support are going to be responding to is a 911 call that the school has been taken over by gunmen that have killed students.

Go with the basic scenario and let the details come into play concerning the terrorists affiliations if/when that ever happens.

It is understood that terrorists come in many shapes and sizes and affiliations. But to portray the single religious affiliation that is probably the majority religion in that school is a bit rediculous.
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All I ask is, would any of this have ever made the news if the same report was released about an exercise against suspected "Muslim" terrorists?

The silence would have been absolutely deafening......

The point I'm making is that this only seems to upset peoples sensitivities because the word "Christian" was used.

Are we getting as thin skinned about our religion as the Muslims? At this rate we'll be issuing Fatwahs next.
All I ask is, would any of this have ever made the news if the same report was released about an exercise against suspected "Muslim" terrorists?

The silence would have been absolutely deafening......

The point I'm making is that this only seems to upset peoples sensitivities because the word "Christian" was used.

Are we getting as thin skinned about our religion as the Muslims? At this rate we'll be issuing Fatwahs next.

If the major religion at that school had been Muslim I have no doubt it would have screamed across the headlines as well. . . .
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