Russia developing a carrier strike group


Active member


Russia is developing not only carriers, but carrier strike groups that will be linked to each other. The new system is called MAC(MAS), it is being developed for the Pacific and Northern fleets. Vysotkiy stated they will be radically different from todays carriers, since they will be working hand and hand with satellites. They want 5 or 6 strike groups, probably only 2-3 will ever come about. Right now the development is under way for the first carrier group.
Do you think there will be a war between the EU and Russia? I'm not saying a us vs. them who wins thing, but do you think such war will ever take place?
Well, Earth's resources are scarce and slowly depleting, but the overall population of the planet is on a steep rise. We're already witnessing energy related conflicts. Unless we discover another habitable planet nearby (which is very unlikely), I think it is inevitable that humanity will reach a point in time where the civilization will have to decide who'll have to be sacrificed in order to assure the survival/comfort of the rest. I believe a nuclear war WILL happen. Who'll initiate it, who will be on what side, when will it happen, what will be the consequences... I don't think anyone can really answer these yet.

From the global picture we see today though, a US + EU (versus) Russia + China scenario as the main actors is likely to happen.
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