The rising of an Empire and the future invasion of Europe!

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AlexKall said:
Looks more as if the west will unite against the east, i see a trend there. The fear of the east seems to be high :?

The trend points more to a disunited West. The war in Iraq just proved that. During the cold war the West was totaly united, compared to now the West has drifted appart, if you were maping a trend then it would point to a drifting apart.

Also the emerging EU will start to try and rival the USA if not politically, then ecomically, another indication of the trend of drifting apart.

Not only that, but also ideologically you can see the EU and the US is drifting apart. With the US going to a conservative to moderate policy and the EU going to an ever increasing liberal policy. Again the drifting apart. With this drifitng apart of policies, should the EU continue its ultra liberal stance, within a 100 years the EU will lose its democracy due the influx of Muslim migration even without an armed invasion.

The trend points that the West won't unite until something drastic happen that will cause them to do so, say like massive terrorist attacks or the threat of armed invasion.
And EU will find itself in another problematic situation if the New so called Constitution fails to get through in France (But it will go through regardless what ppl may vote). Still I would liked to have the same opportunity/right as the French and the British people togheter with Germany. But I don´t have any vote to put, because of my hyper EU friendly absolute heavy duty liberal Government that is running this country in real Joseph Stalin style.

All real opposition is banned in sweden since many years back, so there is nothing that threatens our Government or recognized political partys position of power. I wonder what this "socialist" governments next step is in this plot to sell out our country and sovereignty? Perhaps a classic Stalin type of executed democracy from the people. Why not prepare them already today with this? Whatever will happen with this place I don´t give a crap, because our country and culture is already dead anyway. Soon I guess there are Welcome Mr Mhadi Signs all over this place. 8)


Don´t worry it wont be the last pile you will see I can promise you that.... However I`m awaiting the result from France with great interest. This is truly a day where the future of all you have known about Europe is settled. Question is Mr Mhadi or freedom? Whatever they who are allowed to vote may vote, they will be the ones that will set the destiny for the rest of Europe. Note: All this is if the elections is fair play that is. Something I will question whatever the result may be. "Europe is so democratic that you don´t need any election observers. Even with election observers they would only follow the liberal agenda so why even bother to have them around when the big brother above our heads can choose it for us. Heil EU" ;)

Aguy201 said:
That is the biggest pile of bullsh*t Ive ever seen

Doesn't really matter what your oppinion is. There are about a billion Muslims who believe this, first chance they get you can bet they will try to make it happen, regardless of what you think.

Or maybe perhaps you can go some of those Muslim countries and tell them this is one big pile of bullshit, that will save us alot of trouble, good luck, okay.
And that you can take to the bank..... ;)

I did ask and I did get an answer I tell you see previous posts.

Ds: If I seem to Act strange? WELL MY Chief`s wife WILL HAVE TWINS ANY SECOND now! (And I have time off from work) And the EU constitution did not take any more sovereign from my country, thanks to 55% of the French people G.B.T French, didn´t know they still had it in them. Having myself a Old Scottish Smuggler (Whisky) at the moment. Sorry about all this moderators and all sceptical Mhadi people. This is a great event!

Leaves the forum whistling on case La Marseillaise :lol:

That vote definately said something.

Maybe theres a good amout of people in Europe who still have some voice and don't fall in line with all those liberals (unless there was a split in the ranks, the liberals instigated this). The problem is that in Europe they have such a stranglehold of the press and government that those people ave their views expressed on a day to day basis other than in a general election (but I can't say for sure). Maybe a good amount of the common people may see the danger of an Islamic Empire if it were to arise in the future, although they may not get to express themselves enough due to the stranglehold of the liberal press over there. But I don't know I could be wrong about this, the opposition to the vote may have come from the left itself. But it still says alot that people have at least some sort of say so, and don't go with everything the government over there does, which is a good thing.
Ds: If I seem to Act strange? WELL MY Chief`s wife WILL HAVE TWINS ANY SECOND now! (And I have time off from work) And the EU constitution did not take any more sovereign from my country, thanks to 55% of the French people G.B.T French, didn´t know they still had it in them. Having myself a Old Scottish Smuggler (Whisky) at the moment. Sorry about all this moderators and all sceptical Mhadi people. This is a great event!

I am happy because of the french negative, this way Turkey will never be a member of UE. I am also happy because Spain has more political power with the Niza Conveny.

Doc, french goverment says that they might repeat the lections, they are not happy with the result!! it is incredible, they ask for the opinion of the people....they do not like....So let`s repeat it, next time we will have election rigging??!!!! :evil: This is the european way!!! :cen:

By the way, I am not sure wich is the best solution for our continent, be politically unite(UE) or keep all the countries their soberanity. With the firs option we could give a unite answer to our problem, but with the second one we will never agree. Dilemma??
I know what you are saying.... The European way is to re-vote as fast as something doesn´t please the politicians. It is a great number of "pat eachothers backs" in that EU building. Infact they pat each others backs so much that they forget the people who elected them. EU is not runned by peoples interest in the first place, far from, this is the world banks, the great mega corporations and the top of the line businessman super club. All paid by taxpayers and they don`t give a damn about the people.

EU is profit and profit even more if you can. Its lack of internal security and foreign security, and the future problematic security issues I noticed before the Afghan attack, and even more, before the second Iraqi conflict. It is perfectly clear to me that this EU dream is something of a great airship as with the IT-bubble. It can manage itself in peaceful times when the stockmarket goes well.

But at the first challenge with what so ever threat, you get cracks as in the Tsunami areas of the Indonesian sea bed. EU seems calm on the surface but behind the smoke screens far more complicated issues are discussed outside the public eyes insight. And I don´t even think the public elected politicians are the ones at control of this huge U.S.S.R/Socialist European Empire style form of government to be honest. They are just there for the public eye. I am as far from the left as from the right wing, I am not even in the middle. But I can see where this airship is going.

Towards something that the leftist themselves seems to fight and on the otherhand seems to want in a sick twisted way so to speak. This is something of a Left-Right neo EU configuration that is an impossible experiment with few chances of survival I`m afraid. Something that the International Business corporations will notice in a time-frame of 25-30 years or so, when this part of the world get a majority population of Muslim imigrants that probably will be nursed into power by several Liberal left and socialist governments. Finaly Rome and the Vatican state will be challenged by a force that wont be as easy to bribe of as Atilla the Hun and his barbaric armys 400+ A.C. This Mahdi you simply don´t bribe with gold or all morels in France.

As we say in sweden "Now they have taken a shit in the blue closet" and it is really nothing more to do then to do as the French public have done. Say no and try to delay this unavoidable defeat of western culture once and for all. It is too liberal today, and even worse it will become as the years passes by, just wait and see - I`m not out here to convince anyone. I just follow the best intuition the human being has been equiped with, an uncomfortable feeling in the stomach region. And that feeling is not based on any lack of knowledge or fear of the unknown. It is common sence that everyone has or can get if they just open their eyes for one bloody second.

I think that the last remnants of western culture you will find among emigrant familys in Canada, North USA and on other remote places. But for what Europe goes, there will be a slaughter to save anything, and even then it will be pointless, because you have allredy killed democray and a society ruled by law and order when you fire the first bullet to try saving what we have managed to build up since the last great world war.

This is 25-30 years in the future, but as long as this mad journey of taking the rights from the public giving it in to the hands of corrupt politicians and governments without the public looking for more realistic and democratic ways to govern this world, they who know how to make use of it`s lack of vision (European) will be the true winners in the end. The Mhadi prophecy is in my humble opinion a self fulfilling way straight back to middle ages when it comes to the European civilisation. However there is a chance, as some of you say.

Even if the ods are about 100 to 1 you may still win in the end, if people in the future even will have the will power or strength to fight this future. A strim of hope did touch Europe two days ago. That hope came from the majority of the French people. Whatever party they may have been serving this was only good for the common people living in Europe at the moment.

Against all odds there may still be a chance of survival if the people of Europe takes of their invisible muzzles and start to question the politicians that have put us in this situation in the first place, out of control from the common citizen that is, or we can just lean back and look our so called politicians clap each others backs untill the fireworks really goes of all in the name of Mhadi and all in the name of Islam.

After all - Islam means peace (submission), even if I may look at the true meaning of the word in a different way, it is really a question of interprenting the word and meaning from out what you have experianced and seen without any doubt from the knowledge of the history, the past and modern history.

Let me just say that I don't think all Muslims have this type of mentality.

But I put this here to show that there is among them a global dominace mentality. They have a mandate to do so. Since some who read this thread think that there is no such thing, its there and it exist, if it ends up engulfing the majority of the Muslim world, then there is going to be major trouble.

U.S. Muslims desecrate American flag,
Video shows group on street corner declaring Islamic dominance

A group of American Muslims produced a video that shows its members on a New York City street corner declaring Islam's dominance over America as they tread on a U.S. flag and then rip it apart.

Another speaker refers to the mandate for "Islam to dominate over all other religions, to dominate the world, even though the non-Muslims may hate it."

Yousuf said, "We reject the U.N., reject America, reject all law and order. Don't lobby Congress or protest because we don't recognize Congress! The only relationship you should have with America is to topple it!"

The speaker continued, "The so-called terrorists are the only people who truly fear Allah. ... They are the only worthy causes, and the mighty superpower only fears them."
Well, the link of the video appears to be missing.

Either than that, this is very disturbing for the Americans living in New York City.
Yeah I can't get the video either, anymore.

I suppose this is disturbing to New York residents, unless of course they don't see the big picture implications of this, then they might just shrug it off. As for me I live in California and they just recently caught an Al Qaeda supect over here. Link :shock:

The event in NY however is not isolated, the group is linked to another group in Britian who have the same agenda. And of all things celebrate 9-11 as a great victory, a reason NY residents should be really upset.

London convention celebrates 9-11

'Either you're with the Muslims or with the infidels'

Bakri called 9-11 "a cry of Jihad against unbelief and oppression" and said the aim of remembering it is to "revive the commandment of Jihad among the youth of the [Muslim] nation."

Bakri said the convention also will feature a lecture about the Islamic religious roots of "slaughtering the infidels," referring in part to the beheading of foreigners in Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

Group celebrates 'Magnificent 19' hijackers
British Islamists bent on global conquest plan 9-11 conference

A group operating openly in Britain that regards itself as a front line for global Islamic conquest, is planning a conference to celebrate the anniversary of America's "comeuppance" on Sept. 11, 2001.

The group fashions itself in the UK as a pressure group seeking to uphold the rights of Muslim citizens. But its website clearly details its stated aim to re-establish the "Khilafa," or world Islamic state, which it contends was destroyed by imperialist Europe.

..."to continue until the eradication of all man-made law and the implementation of divine law in the form of the Khilafah -- carrying the message of Islam to the world and striving for Izhar ud-Deen, i.e. the total domination of the world by Islam."

If you click the link you'll see that these people even have a poster glorifying those 19 evil bastards who high-jacked the planes on 9-11.

This is not an Isolated incident, the group has offices all over the world including France.

The dream of every Muslim radical is world domination. This is simply one group who doesn't mind speaking what they think. Other Muslims who know that this is offensive to non-Muslims are hush-hush about it, not these guys.

Like I said there is a tug of war going on right now for control of the Muslim religion, who ever wins will determin the course of future events. This could be likened to the Nazi party during the 1920's.
I don't have too much time to stop by anymore but I'll do updates everyone in a while.

We discussed the effects of EMP on this thread.

For those of you who don't know, EMP is main the threat that could cripple the West technological advantage in case of a war against this coming empire. (Read a few pages back if you want to know more)

If you want to see the effects of an EMP attack watch the new movie "War Of The Worlds" with Tom Cruise. The begining segments gives you an idea of what an EMP attack would be like---No electricity, no machines working, lines and lines of cars stuck and out of commision on the freeway.

Its a good look at what may happen, the rest of course is science fiction. The long convoys of troop trucks, moving towards the battle front which later come, may also be accurate after an EMP attack. The movie itself is really good, I recomend it highly.

Here also is another Congressional report on EMP, its about a month old:

New Congress warning
on nuclear EMP threat

"Iran has conducted tests with its Shahab-3 missile that have been described as failures by the Western media because the missiles did not complete their ballistic trajectories, but were deliberately exploded at high altitude," he said. "This, of course, would be exactly what you would want to do if you were going to use an EMP weapon. Iran described these tests as successful. We said they were a failure because they blew up in flight. They described them as successful. Of course, they would be, if Iran's intent was practicing for an EMP attack."

An EMP attack is far more dangerous to the West than it is to other less technologically developed countries,...

Ninety-nine percent of Americans may not know very much about EMP, but I will assure you ... that 100 percent of our potential enemies know all about EMP.

EMP, he warned, can cause catastrophic damage to the nation by destroying the electric power infrastructure, causing cascading failures in the infrastructure for everything: telecommunications, energy, transportation, finance, food, and water.

Note: When I use the term Liberal, i mean Left Wing. Since I have used it alot in this whole thread and it may confuse some of you, especially those from Europe.

In the USA the word liberal is use to describe those leaning to the left, pacifist, socialist, politicaly correct.

These are the types of people who are and will let this scenario come to pass, because of thie policies and attitudes, and the fact that they seem to live in somekind of fantasy land and refuse to see reality until its too late.
Has anyone been paying attention to the rioting going on in France right now?

by Amir Taheri
New York Post
November 4, 2005

The above article pointed to alot of important aspects dealing with this.

The riots will probably be quelled eventually. But the root cause will still be there, that wont go away anytime soon.

The reason I brought this up, is if you have been reading this scenario, I had mention before that the in-country populous will be factor in this future armed of invasion of Europe.

Think about those riots near Paris for a moment. Now imagine every single city in Europe will be like or worse than what is going on near Paris at the moment.

Under the urging of the Mahdi the large Muslim populous will strike in an attempt for a final jihad against the West. They will burn cities inside Europe in coordination with the invading forces crossing the border in an armed attempt at conquering Europe.

This of course will be coupled by an EMP strike meaning no power and communications for at least several days or weeks. Leaving ordinary European citizen isolated or at the mercy of jihadist rioters making the problem infinitely worse.

There were some who doubted that ordinary Muslims will rise and follow the Mahdi. Well if you still want to doubt, the cause of the riots near paris were about two young men being accidentaly electricuted. This isn't even much compared to the order of importance in the average Muslims life, yet they are willing to riot. The Mahdi you can bet holds one of the greatest importance to the average Muslim, much greater importance than those two young men. You can guess how much more fervent they will be in their riots when the Mahdi himself tell them to do exactly that.

For those of you who doubted the Muslim citizenery in Europe will rise up against their European host, the example right now shows that you couldn't have been more wrong.

Make no mistake they will rise up, when the time comes.

Not to mention in about 15 to 20 years when this does take place the Muslim citizenry will have a much larger population (perhaps double what it is now).

When I started this thread I knew the posibility that this invasion may someday happen, but I was still of the belief that if an invasion was attempted it would be readily thrown back, although at great cost. But as time went on, and with all the new information, especially with the EMP weapon, and now the riots giving us only a small picture of what may happen, I now know it won't be that easy. All I can say is; We are in for it.
The problem is that here in Europe the integration policy for inmigrants have failed. France was the country with better integration. I do not want to know what´s gonna happen in Spain in a decade.
Most of the problem is not the policies of integration themselves. The problem is these type of immigrants do not want to integrate at all.

They are completely at odds with Western culture. They see it as an evil influence that they will someday overcome through counquest.
gladius said:
Most of the problem is not the policies of integration themselves. The problem is these type of immigrants do not want to integrate at all.

They are completely at odds with Western culture. They see it as an evil influence that they will someday overcome through counquest.

Of course there are people that think that way, but we can not generalize. I study with some muslims that do not agree with this fanatics. In the french riots not only muslims were involucrated, there were many people from central Africa.

But I agree with you in something we have been discussing in this bord for a long time: Europe is gonna have trouble with his inmigrants, I do not know if it will take place as an invasion...we´ll see.
U see..the problem is, why are they accepting these type of immigrants!? and why are those immigrants coming if they dont like it..and dont the original country of the immigrants do anything about it?
Well, I think is impossible to know the belifs of a person. You can not ask them when they arrive: Hey, are you a radical muslim? (well, you can, but obviously they will say no). However this people are european citizens, they are not foreings.

The inmigrants come to europe for different reasons: they think they are going to have a better live here (but many times they end in ghettos and the fustration begins). The integration policy of the european goverments have failed. They also scape from the violence, starvation... in Africa

The original country of this inmigrants do nothing because they are governed by corrupt people that give a s**t to the problems of their own citizens.

We have a good example with the events that took place in Spain lasto month. Every single night during 2 weeks thousands of inmigrants coming from Africa tried (and many achieved) to jump the spanish border. Morocco did nothing.
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