The rising of an Empire and the future invasion of Europe!

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gladius said:
TBA_PAKI said:
Hey gladius, some good points based on common ground scenarios there!

But personally many muslims take Europeans as good people due to there more friendly guestures (although Britons have to stop invading muslim countries along side USA). And the mentioned IMAM MEHDI would be a very good person. Indeed he will have very strong personality and also will be blessed with some natural traits (like prophets), according to the Islamic prophecies.

His skills will be used to end corruption in muslim nations and unite them once again in to a Islamic Super-state and turn them in to path of prosperity but that will happen through some serious dealings with traitors.

And it will be possible to do so, since IMAM MEHDI has a very strong Psychological impact in minds of most muslims.

So chill out MAN! there is no such war coming, I believe (but Britons should re-consider there policy).

NOTE: I can give you great details about his prophecies in personal ;) !

Isn't one of the prophecies that the The Muslim armies will battle those under the Christian armies, and also that the Mahdi will conquer Jerusalem and destroy Rome.

So for him to be the true Mahdi doesn't he have to fullfill this, if doesn't then he is not the true Mahdi then is he?

So you can see where he will be stuck into starting a war whether he likes it or not.

Besides the whole world is supposed to convert into Islam after all this there are alot of people out there who are not willing to do this unless you threaten their lives even then alot of them would rather choose death.

So if he doesn't do all that the he would be a false Mahdi, not only that it also would prove those writings to be false.

gladius, I can understand your concern but I know better about the roles that real MEHDI will perform. I have got a documentary on 4 CD's ("The Hidden Truth") as an additional knowledge.

Believe me those are lies purported by some fanatics and it is not going to be like as you mentioned. And I already mentioned that muslims usually have good opinions for most Europeans (but British need more polishing)!

About the battle you speak off will be fought in "Middle East regions of Syria, Northern parts of SA and Turkey" at the same time as predicted by our last Prophet (P.B.U.H), whether you believe it or not. It would be a very big war between Romans (USA and Allies probably) and forces of IMAM MEHDI (that would also involve allies from East of Arabia). This war will be fought in 6 years period and would be in 3 Phases.

Both sides will commit massive forces (unlike the current wars we have seen) and Romans sole goal would be saving Modern Turkey (which will have a role in causing trouble for some muslim communities in future). And in the end of this great battle, Constantinople (Istanbul) will be captured by muslims.
The biggest reason that a Conventional War isn't an effective option is that both sides have at least one country with nuclear weapons. The threat of mutual annihilation is sufficient deterence to any aspirations of old fashioned conquest. Until anti-ICBM and anti-missile systems become MUCH more effective, a conventional war would lead to nuclear exchange. "Okay, we're losing. Screw you then, we all get to die! You first."
godofthunder9010 said:
The biggest reason that a Conventional War isn't an effective option is that both sides have at least one country with nuclear weapons. The threat of mutual annihilation is sufficient deterence to any aspirations of old fashioned conquest. Until anti-ICBM and anti-missile systems become MUCH more effective, a conventional war would lead to nuclear exchange. "Okay, we're losing. Screw you then, we all get to die! You first."

At least the Islamic side might ignite MAD, probably from Iranian grounds..
godofthunder9010 said:
The biggest reason that a Conventional War isn't an effective option is that both sides have at least one country with nuclear weapons. The threat of mutual annihilation is sufficient deterence to any aspirations of old fashioned conquest. Until anti-ICBM and anti-missile systems become MUCH more effective, a conventional war would lead to nuclear exchange. "Okay, we're losing. Screw you then, we all get to die! You first."
Yes! this can be understood and as I mentioned that (the mystery of involvement of allies from East of Arabia on muslims side). So there will be Nuclear powers involved from both sides (Muslims and Romans). But that would serve as the deterent to keep the war conventional and the so-called big war will be fought in middle eastern regions. But the end will be shocking for even the best of generals; since Modern Turkey, Jerusalem and a few parts of current Europe will fall in to muslims hands.

But there is no probability of massive invasion of Europe by any foreign party!

The above mentioned big war (note: points to the war I described in my 2nd last post) is confirmed by Nostradamus, Bible and Islamic Hadith. But the ferosity of the battle differs to some extent in each case of prophecy. And also there are different visions of probably the same prophecy, so people analysis also changes (just like we have different opinions of any particular event that occurs in our times).

And note that emergence of Gog and Magog, is a different story and is more related to Isreal.

And also note that current world political situation involves Middle East as an important region to focus on and any major moves in this region invites world attention.
Islam would soon die out instead of spreading in Europe.There's too much hatred against the religion especially after all these terrorist attacks around the world.The ppl are fed up of orthodox extremist Islamic policies and teachings.
An invasion of Europe by Islamic nations sounds like a joke to me , the european powers combined can crush the islamic nations in a matter of days.
Someone talked about Indonesia, Bangladesh and Pakistan grouping up...thats geographically impossible........and except Pakistan no other Islamic country has a military to be reckoned with except Turkey maybe.
Xion said:
Islam would soon die out instead of spreading in Europe.There's too much hatred against the religion especially after all these terrorist attacks around the world.The ppl are fed up of orthodox extremist Islamic policies and teachings.
An invasion of Europe by Islamic nations sounds like a joke to me , the european powers combined can crush the islamic nations in a matter of days.
Someone talked about Indonesia, Bangladesh and Pakistan grouping up...thats geographically impossible........and except Pakistan no other Islamic country has a military to be reckoned with except Turkey maybe.
Any crises paves way to new political enlightment rather then elimination. Islam has survived for decades and will continue to do so in the future. And the world is not fed up with muslims and instead the muslim population is growing with rapid pace (even increasing in Europe).

And you need to read a couple of posts back in this thread to check what points here were razed before coming towards the conclusion about any war.

And Iran, Pakistan and Turkey are three nations that have a force to be taken seriously. Apart from this many arab nations are arming themselves with latest western weaponry and that rings some bells as well.

And we are talking about a future scenario (rather then current world situation, which will change very quickly with muslims becoming stronger and you will see that too!)
Why will islam rise ? ...let me tell you if you are thinking how come theres such a huge number of muslims around the world , islam spread due to its aggressive nature.....i'm assuming you were born in would have been a hindu if the arabs did not invade India and convert you forcibly to one accpeted Islam because they liked was forced upon them...Jammu and Kashmir was a hindu region until the arabs from west asia invaded it long ago slaughtering many a men , raping their women and converting the rest to Islam.
Islam is the youngest religion in the world ... compare Islam with Hinduism, Taoism , buddhism , Shintoism....all these date back at least 3000 years before Islam...
And the slaughtering hasn't stopped yet , just look around the world, and you'll notice whats the major cause of terrorism.
Islam in itself is not bad but the preachers of islam are fanatic.
But then there's another reason to wonder...why did these some religious leaders become fanatic....why has islam been so aggressive since its birth...i don't have an answer do you ?

Now regarding Pakistan , Turkey and Iran as powers to be reckoned with ..these nations would influence only other small nations and cannot intimidate major nations like USA, EU , Russia , China and India.And I don't think the ppl of these nations would sit still and just watch other Islamic countries group and plan an invasion.
Xion said:
Why will islam rise ? ...let me tell you if you are thinking how come theres such a huge number of muslims around the world , islam spread due to its aggressive nature.....i'm assuming you were born in would have been a hindu if the arabs did not invade India and convert you forcibly to one accpeted Islam because they liked was forced upon them...Jammu and Kashmir was a hindu region until the arabs from west asia invaded it long ago slaughtering many a men , raping their women and converting the rest to Islam.
Islam is the youngest religion in the world ... compare Islam with Hinduism, Taoism , buddhism , Shintoism....all these date back at least 3000 years before Islam...
And the slaughtering hasn't stopped yet , just look around the world, and you'll notice whats the major cause of terrorism.
Islam in itself is not bad but the preachers of islam are fanatic.
But then there's another reason to wonder...why did these some religious leaders become fanatic....why has islam been so aggressive since its birth...i don't have an answer do you ?

Now regarding Pakistan , Turkey and Iran as powers to be reckoned with ..these nations would influence only other small nations and cannot intimidate major nations like USA, EU , Russia , China and India.And I don't think the ppl of these nations would sit still and just watch other Islamic countries group and plan an invasion.
Now I understand your point, but Islam spread through PEACE in some cases and then through Military Adventures in some cases as well. It all comes down to the type of muslim leader and also the behaviour of foreign parties. But I was pointing to population growth of muslims rather then spread of Islam.

But believe me it was fastest spreading religion in USA it-self (before 9/11) and situation changed later on but that does not effect muslim population growth in any way.

The age of religion does not indicate its success. Only christianity managed to become the largest religion but Islam is quickly gaining momentum (already the 2nd largest in the world).

Only USA and India pose strategic challenges for muslims. On the other hand Europe, Russia and China enjoy very good relations with most of the muslim nations today and are contributing to there military strengths as well.

As far as the strongest nations are concerned, they are focusing on making there countries un-conquerable by anyone rather then enforcing strategic challenges.

And muslims around the world are waiting for a charismatic leader to come and unite them. This leader would be the 12th caliph according to Islamic calender. And no force would be able to stop him on earth (whether anyone believes it or not because muslims will be not be the same again once he arrives)!
I don't think a well established religion with devoted followers like Islam will fade away... not any time in the forseeable future anyways.
I don't know if Islam will change much because Christianity is changing even faster. In fact, sometimes a bit too fast it seems. Christianity in general is in a bit of a rough patch right now. The place that Christianity really took off, Europe, is looking to shed it. It's been dealt a severe blow in America with the child molestation cases. Despite what the world thinks of Islam, I think Islam right now is going stronger than Christianity because of what's going on within the two religions themselves.
The ultimate clash in terms of ideologies may actually be secularism vs Islam.

I don't know if Russia has good relations with Islamic countries. After all, there is a conflict with the Muslim Chechnyans that seems to have no end.
Now I understand your point, but Islam spread through PEACE

Please give me some examples, believe me i'll be happy to know.

Only USA and India pose strategic challenges for muslims. On the other hand Europe, Russia and China enjoy very good relations with most of the muslim nations today and are contributing to there military strengths as well.

India enjoys a very good relationship with middle east muslim nations which include Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey.In fact there's a steady shift of Iran towards India.India doesn't do this for nothing, it needs oil and the M.E. countries know this well.Same applies to China.India also has excellent relations with islamic CIS countries which include Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan , Tajikistan etc. and also Afghanistan.You yourself know well who will these countries opt for in case of a India / Pakistan stand off.The only somewhat good friends Pakistan has in this region are China and Saudi Arabia.Anyway lets not convert this into an India/Pakistan debate.

But believe me it was fastest spreading religion in USA it-self (before 9/11) and situation changed later on but that does not effect muslim population growth in any way.
You think ppl converted to Islam ? , please don't tell me that, i won't buy that.One thing Islam spread fast is because a man can have any number of wives and as many children as allah wanted off these wives.Second reason is the forcible conversions by Mughals and other Islamic tyrants all around the world through all these centuries.

The age of religion does not indicate its success. Only christianity managed to become the largest religion but Islam is quickly gaining momentum (already the 2nd largest in the world).
my reason for my comment was to let you know what religion the ppl who were forcibly converted to Islam belonged to originally.

And muslims around the world are waiting for a charismatic leader to come and unite them. This leader would be the 12th caliph according to Islamic calender. And no force would be able to stop him on earth (whether anyone believes it or not because muslims will be not be the same again once he arrives)!
I hope he arrives soon and teaches muslims not to kill innocent children and ppl in the name of allah and educate them on how to co-exist with ppl of other religions peacefully.
TBA_PAKI said:
Now I understand your point, but Islam spread through PEACE in some cases and then through Military Adventures in some cases as well. It all comes down to the type of muslim leader and also the behaviour of foreign parties. But I was pointing to population growth of muslims rather then spread of Islam.

But believe me it was fastest spreading religion in USA it-self (before 9/11) and situation changed later on but that does not effect muslim population growth in any way.

The age of religion does not indicate its success. Only christianity managed to become the largest religion but Islam is quickly gaining momentum (already the 2nd largest in the world).

Only USA and India pose strategic challenges for muslims. On the other hand Europe, Russia and China enjoy very good relations with most of the muslim nations today and are contributing to there military strengths as well.

As far as the strongest nations are concerned, they are focusing on making there countries un-conquerable by anyone rather then enforcing strategic challenges.

And muslims around the world are waiting for a charismatic leader to come and unite them. This leader would be the 12th caliph according to Islamic calender. And no force would be able to stop him on earth (whether anyone believes it or not because muslims will be not be the same again once he arrives)!

The problem is that human nature in most cases cannot deal with power and remain unchanged. There is as much corruption in Islam as there is in any other religion. Many of the Mullahs, who should be holy men and use their influence to promote Islam peaceably, instead become corrupted by the power they have and use it to their own ends.

And regarding the 12th caliph I do not believe such a man will ever come. The world is different from the way it has been in the past. It's impossible for any man to gain such influence unless he had sole control over the press, television and other information channels, which is just not going to happen. And even if he could and he chose, to forcibly, introduce Islam to the rest of the world the forces arrayed against him would make that impossible.
Doppleganger said:
TBA_PAKI said:
Now I understand your point, but Islam spread through PEACE in some cases and then through Military Adventures in some cases as well. It all comes down to the type of muslim leader and also the behaviour of foreign parties. But I was pointing to population growth of muslims rather then spread of Islam.

But believe me it was fastest spreading religion in USA it-self (before 9/11) and situation changed later on but that does not effect muslim population growth in any way.

The age of religion does not indicate its success. Only christianity managed to become the largest religion but Islam is quickly gaining momentum (already the 2nd largest in the world).

Only USA and India pose strategic challenges for muslims. On the other hand Europe, Russia and China enjoy very good relations with most of the muslim nations today and are contributing to there military strengths as well.

As far as the strongest nations are concerned, they are focusing on making there countries un-conquerable by anyone rather then enforcing strategic challenges.

And muslims around the world are waiting for a charismatic leader to come and unite them. This leader would be the 12th caliph according to Islamic calender. And no force would be able to stop him on earth (whether anyone believes it or not because muslims will be not be the same again once he arrives)!

The problem is that human nature in most cases cannot deal with power and remain unchanged. There is as much corruption in Islam as there is in any other religion. Many of the Mullahs, who should be holy men and use their influence to promote Islam peaceably, instead become corrupted by the power they have and use it to their own ends.

And regarding the 12th caliph I do not believe such a man will ever come. The world is different from the way it has been in the past. It's impossible for any man to gain such influence unless he had sole control over the press, television and other information channels, which is just not going to happen. And even if he could and he chose, to forcibly, introduce Islam to the rest of the world the forces arrayed against him would make that impossible.
I agree with your first part of the post. Yes many leaders became corrupted due to access to massive powers and liberty to control masses and believe me that this has happened from centuries. But the ultimate test of faith is who is the best and honest.

As far as your second point is concerned, I have to disagree. Muslims and christians believe in the second arrival of Jesus and before him the mysterious Anti-christ will come to rule the world with Iron Fist. But Islamic Hadith (1400+ years old) also talks about the arrival of 12th Caliph in the time of Anti-christ (11 have already arrived in different times). This man would be most powerful of all and he will believe in principles of honesty, Peace and Unity and only he will be able to end corruption among muslims.

It is part of our faith and Islamic prophecies haven't failed yet. But it is not important for non-muslims to believe in it. And you know what! there are certain signs mentioned before his arrival and among them is "the creation of Israel in the lands of arabia" - which became truth after WWII.
Xion said:
Please give me some examples, believe me i'll be happy to know.
NOTE: Better avoid turning this thread in to religious pin-pointing!

Well thats a good question but also lengthy one. Take account of how Islam spread in Arabia (Although you might say that Prophet (P.B.U.H) fought wars with many but those were not of his choosing, instead he had no option but to fight like a man with those who wanted to eliminate him and his companions and he won). But take a look at his life-time from Islamic sources and you will know about his wonderful personality.

And also read about the "4 rightly guided Caliphs" and you will know about there preferences as well.

Also the example of Daata Ganj Baksh in Sub-continent!

Xion said:
India enjoys a very good relationship with middle east muslim nations which include Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey.In fact there's a steady shift of Iran towards India.India doesn't do this for nothing, it needs oil and the M.E. countries know this well.Same applies to China.India also has excellent relations with islamic CIS countries which include Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan , Tajikistan etc. and also Afghanistan.You yourself know well who will these countries opt for in case of a India / Pakistan stand off.The only somewhat good friends Pakistan has in this region are China and Saudi Arabia.Anyway lets not convert this into an India/Pakistan debate.
Of-course I haven't said that India does not enjoy good relations with many muslim countries. But I was talking from Pakistan's perspective, though recent signs in improvement of ties and understanding of core issues between these too nations is good. But India does pose a strategic challenge for Pakistan and is because of this situation that my country's military has started under-going the "15 year Modernnaization plan". And many muslim nations demand Peace among our nations rather then favouring any side (but Pakistan enjoys more support from them in case of hostilities).

Xion said:
You think ppl converted to Islam ? , please don't tell me that, i won't buy that.One thing Islam spread fast is because a man can have any number of wives and as many children as allah wanted off these wives.Second reason is the forcible conversions by Mughals and other Islamic tyrants all around the world through all these centuries.
Ask an american and you would know the answer. Islam supports about marrying up to 4 wives (if one can support them financially but preference is of one).

And I also know the history of sub-continent very well. About what happened in India, does not tell about the situations in other regions. And you know what! Indians had the concept of castes in them (Brahmin, Shudar etc..) and different kinds of behaviour were met to people according to there castes. Muslims arrived and introduced the concept of equality thus many neglected ones embraced Islam. Although there were signs of dis-respect to hindus in some cases (but according to man-made customs, it is justified that victorious side can implement its authority and everyone has been doing that and you know it)

Xion said:
my reason for my comment was to let you know what religion the ppl who were forcibly converted to Islam belonged to originally.
They were not forcibly converted but moral values of muslims encouraged them. And the conditions before the arrival of Islam was pitiful (burning daughters alive was among the non-believers customs).

Xion said:
I hope he arrives soon and teaches muslims not to kill innocent children and ppl in the name of allah and educate them on how to co-exist with ppl of other religions peacefully.
Well thats a positive opinion from your part and believe it or not, the future caliph will stop all corruption among muslims.
Right after Islam started, and excuse my blanks in my history on the subject, there was a ruler who gained much land for the arabs and he let the jews and christians practice their religion free, if they payed taxes, which was reasonable, because EVERYONE payed them, not just jews and christians. Some did convert and others chose not to, but yes Islam, at least in the beginning was spread through PEACE
i do believe mohammad fought over 100 wars in his life time...

also can someone explain how islam... which spawned after judaism and christianity miraculously was able to tie jesus, moses and abraham to them and claim them as their own prophets, imo this is a way to make islam more acceptable for conversion...

also islam seems to work with secular muslims (i dont know if secular is wrong word, but i mean muslims living in western countries who arnt religeos, that is my opinion however and nuthing more.)
gladius wrote goto page 19 see that message:
This is what I see as far as the future political situation of Europe some 10 years ahead.

I think gladius is the true prophet on this subject. I can read and see it take place before my own eyes, and for that reason I must congratulate gladius for his excisting no lack-of-vision ability. If you are an European and read that post you can see it is not only a scenario. It is something that is building up right before your eyes. Maby this is only something a Scandinavian Sweed may see today? Maybe it is so that it is`nt as obvious for other neighbouring countrys? Maby I am as gladius wrote fairly alone about this critical voice? What do I know? A Tora Bora complex would not be a good solution in an armed conflict scenario.

But their are plenty of underwater caves in our different lakes around my strategic defence sector. You dont have to digg, you can dive and swim and make it pretty good for a while. The winters is what is the main problem over here I think as you say the_13th_redneck. ;) Regardless of who this attacker is and regardless of what type of attack - conventional - over the borders - non-conventional- from the inside out, and regardless of who this profet of European Empire that leads this attack on this country and all the liberal political parties that sell our freedom away for temporary security- They will have a hard time to smoke the resistance out throughout this country I think. :D

Whatever happens, it'll be interesting, and one for the history books.
I have a track record of "interesting" things happening wherever I go. Maybe it's not a coincidence that I might be going to Europe in a few years' time.
_redneck I hope you have fun in Europe. I myself hope to go back there in a few years, hopefully...

TBA_PAKI said:
Believe me those are lies purported by some fanatics and it is not going to be like as you mentioned. And I already mentioned that muslims usually have good opinions for most Europeans (but British need more polishing)!

About the battle you speak off will be fought in "Middle East regions of Syria, Northern parts of SA and Turkey" at the same time as predicted by our last Prophet (P.B.U.H), whether you believe it or not. It would be a very big war between Romans (USA and Allies probably) and forces of IMAM MEHDI (that would also involve allies from East of Arabia). This war will be fought in 6 years period and would be in 3 Phases.

Both sides will commit massive forces (unlike the current wars we have seen) and Romans sole goal would be saving Modern Turkey (which will have a role in causing trouble for some muslim communities in future). And in the end of this great battle, Constantinople (Istanbul) will be captured by muslims.

I might be as you say. However Islam's track record for being peaceful is not really that good in the past as well as in the present.

I think the writtings are clear that the Mahdi will have to invade Rome.

"You will fight the Romans, and Believers from the Hijaz will fight them after you, until Allah enables them to conquer Constantinople and Rome with Tasbih and Takirr (saying "Subhdn Allah" and "Allahu Akbar"). Its fortifications will collapse, and they will obtain booty the like of which has never been seen, so that they will share it out by scooping it up with their shields. Then someone will cry, 'O Muslims! the Dajjal is in your country, with your families', and the people will leave the wealth. Anyone who takes notice will regret it and anyone who ignores it will regret it.

Secondly, the Muslims will have the Mahdi with them, so they will think they are invincible. If they think are invincible and nothing can defeat them, it would then be so easy for them to to say, "lets go invade Europe". Any radical influence towards this invasion would be easily agreed to.

And no force would be able to stop him on earth (whether anyone believes it or not because muslims will be not be the same again once he arrives)!
Hey you, yourself said it. C'mon I think anyone with any insight can see that this will lead to a war.

Not to metion this is another prophecy that has to be fullfilled too;

A jamaat of Muslims wages Jihaad on India and be successful.

So the coming of the Mahdi will bring forth war all over.

There are too many Muslim radicals out there that want this war to happen, unless the Mulsim world can stamp them out completely, or is even willing to do so, this will happen.

Doppleganger said:
And regarding the 12th caliph I do not believe such a man will ever come. The world is different from the way it has been in the past. It's impossible for any man to gain such influence unless he had sole control over the press, television and other information channels, which is just not going to happen. And even if he could and he chose, to forcibly, introduce Islam to the rest of the world the forces arrayed against him would make that impossible.

You may not believe it but a billion other people do.

Look at TBA_PAKI, he is only one out of a billion who believes in this ernestly. There are those that control information networks who believe in this as well.

With a billion people believing in something this badly, believe me they will try hard to make this happen, whether it suceeds or not they will try. ....but thats what I have been saying all along.
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